Section 3 Flashcards
2 week history of gradually increasing PAIN no numbness in the medial posterior aspect of the lower leg. The pain is present first thing in morning then gets better worse again at night.
Posterior tib tendinitis
Spondylolisthesis is a defect in the ?
Pars interarticularis
What ligament is the primary restraint against anterior and posterior dislocations and is the most important stabilizing structure in overhead motions?
Inferior glenohumeral ligament
Insufficient socket flexion will cause what during ipsilateral terminal stance
Lumbar lordosis
PVC every other beat
2 PVC together
More than one PVC and look different
Multi focal
Triceps muscle action ?
Ext elbow
Ext and adduct shoulder
Groin pain, antalgic gait, and limited hip range in peds associated with?
What muscle prevent scapular winging by pulling medial border of scapula anterior against the thoracic wall?
Serratus anterior
Triceps, wrist extensors, and finger extensors innervation
Radial nerve
Lower trap muscle action
Scapular adduction, upward rotation, and depression
What two measurements enables the pt to estimate the myocardial oxygen demand at onset of symptoms best?
HR and SBP are very reflective of myocardial oxygen demand and these two are termed rate pressure product
Stoppage gait pattern due to ?
Weak df- stim the df will improve foot clearance
An increase in bp would activate the baroreceptor reflex resulting in?
Reflexive dilation of peripheral vasculature and bradycardia, and decreased cardiac output
What meds can lead to increased risk of infection
Corticosteroids for 3 months
Stress incontinence is treated with ?
Pelvic floor exercises
Arterial/ ischemic ulcers have what kind of borders?
Sharply demarcated borders
What kind of drainage is typical and indicative that the wound is healing
Serosanguineous drainage
Pain redness tenderness edema and at time fever chills tachycardia headache and hypotension are signs and symptoms of what skin disorder?
Presence of apples vesicles blisters and ulcers are signs of
Systolic bp increase over _____ are considered abnormal?
220 mm hg
True or false - following a split thickness skin graft 1 week ago for a partial thickness burn to the upper extremity it is important to do aarom to achieve full range if the pt isn’t able to on their own , in order to prevent contracture .
Increase erythrocyte sedimentation rate and decreased red blood cell count are indicative of ?
Rheumatoid arthritis