Section 3 Exercise 3.3.2 Nominative and Accusative Singular Flashcards
Choose the correct form of the noun in the nominative or the accusative
_________ pastorem timebat
(lupa, lupam)
Fill in the blanks
The she-wolf feared the shepherd
pastor _______ non timebat
(lupa, lupam)
Fill in the blanks
The shepherd did not fear the she-wolf
milites _______ amabant
(Roma, Romam)
Fill in the blanks
The soldiers loved Rome
pueri ________ desiderabant
(mater, matrem)
Fill in the blanks
The boys were missing their mother
Antonius ________ amabat
(regina, reginam)
Fill in the blanks
Antony loved the queen
Antonium _______ amabat
(regina, reginam)
Fill in the blanks
The queen loved Antony
miles _______ et _________ portavit
(Romulus, Romulum / Remus/Remum)
Fill in the blanks
Romulum, Remum
The soldier carried Romulus and Remus
militem _______ audivit
(femina, feminam)
Fill in the blanks
The woman heard the soldier
uxor pastoris ________ curabat
(casa parva, casam parvam)
Fill in the blanks
casam parvam
The shepherd’s wife looked after the little cottage
pastor _________ et __________ invenit
(puer, puerem / frater, fratrem)
Fill in the blanks
puerem, fratrem
The shepherd found the boy and his brother