Section 2 Exercises 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 Agreement of Nouns and Adjectives - Nominative Flashcards
Choose the correct ending of the adjective in brackets to agree with the noun
femina (praeclar -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
femina praeclara
regina (praeclar -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
regina praeclara
amicus (Roman -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
amicus Romanus
viri (parv -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
viri parvi
amicae (optim -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
amicae optimae
amici (optim -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
amici optimi
(mult -us/a/i/ae) feminae
Give the correct form of the adjective
multae feminae
milites (praeclar -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
milites praeclari
uxor (praeclar -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
uxor praeclara
frater (Roman -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
frater Romanus
mater (Aegypti -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
mater Aegyptia
uxores (optim -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
uxores optimae
matres (optim -us/a/i/ae)
Give the correct form of the adjective
matres optimae
multus -us/a/i/ae) fratres
Give the correct form of the adjective
multi fratres