Section 2 Exercise 2.2.8 Translation Latin-English Flashcards
Translate the sentences into English
erant in urbe Roma multi viri, multae feminae
In the city of Rome there were many men and many women
Cleopatra non erat femina Romana, sed Aegyptia
Cleopatra was not a Roman woman, but an Egyptian one
Caesar et Antonius erant Romani praeclari er milites optimi
Caesar and Antony were famous Romans and excellent soldiers
Calpurnia et Fulvia erant feminae Romanae et uxores optimae
Calpurnia and Fulvia were Roman women and excellent wives
Cleopatra res domesticas non curabat, nam Regina erat
Cleopatra did not attend to household affairs for she was a queen
Caesar dum in urbe Roma erat, res publicas administrabat
While Caesar was in the city of Rome he managed public business