Section 2.2 Flashcards
There is no training or licensing requirements right now. There are certifications you can get but none of them are standard or required before you are considered a what?
Cyber Investigator
Law enforcement is what type of investigation?
Criminal law is a very small part of the law.
In criminal law someone is at risk and with civil law nobody is at risk of going to prison most of the time. Examples of civil law are?
A private group that did cyber investigations. They said they could investigate anonymous and find things. This upset anonymous and anonymous took over all the servers for the HB Gary companies and leaked all their emails and it caused HB Gary a lot of problems. What private group was this?
HB Gary
Don’t Poke the Bear refers to what?
HB Gary
Internet Crime Complaint Center
A non-law enforcement organization. They ask that you report crimes such as credit card and fraud and they do a lot of advertisement and education trying to understand cybercrime and teach it.
Computer Emergency Response teams
If someone is a victim you can pay them to come in and they know how to fix holes and gather evidence, preserve evidence and make sure it doesn’t happen again. They are the responsible for the clean-up.
Working to Halt Online Abuse
Non-Government organizations that is all volunteers. Resource group for harassment or stalking victims. People who will tell you your options and give you help.
Law enforcement will not perform any kind of investigation unless it reaches a certain amount off seriousness.
Damage Requirements
Damage requirements are normally defined by what?
Money loss
United States has to worry about international relations and politics. This is known as
Political Concerns
Damage Requirements
Political Concerns
International Investigations
Each country has to have an individual extradition with each and every country. Each individual extradition treaty is different between each country.
Does the United States have extradition treaties with every country?
For example, Edward Snowden in Russia. The US doesn’t have a treaty with them for extradition.
Very important issue and it impacts the cyber world. Two recent events show this challenge
- San Bernardino - California
2. Snowden
There was a shooting and an act of terrorism and they got a rife and shot a whole bunch of people and died at the end of it. Apple iPhone 5 encrypted and the FBI didn’t want to try different passwords because if you get it wrong tolmany times it will brick the device. The court ordered apple to assist the FBI in unlocking the phone. They ordered to break the encryption and apple wouldn’t do it. The FBI found someone to do it and it was rumored that it was a Israeli company that did it.
San Bernardino
Worked for the National Security Agency and he got upset at what they were doing by warrantless searches of citizens data and warrantless collection of data,, so he decide to tell that the government was violating people’s privacy. He wrote up a big exposure and gathered classified information and leaked it to reporters and fled to Russia to hide out. He showed the world that the US government was doing shady things and violating peoples privacy. The government said if you don’t want another 9-11 this is what we are doing to prevent terrorism, but the other argument is that privacy shouldn’t be violated by the constitution.
Edward Snowden