#33 Flashcards
What uses many layers of varying security mechanisms to frustrate attackers?
Defense in depth
One of the most common forms of computer security?
The word cryptography comes from roots ‘crypto’ and ‘graphy’ roughly translating to what?
Secret writing
In order to make information a secret you use what?
What is an algorithm that converts plain text into cipher text, which is gibberish unless you have a key that lets you undo the cipher?
The process of making text secret
the reverse process of encryption
Encryption and decryption are the same thing you just have to make sure the _________ and ________ machines have the same initial configuration.
sending and receiving
Julius Caesar used what is now called a _______ _______, to encrypt private correspondence. He would shift the letters in a message forward by three places. To decipher the message, recipients had to know both the ________ and the _______ to shift by, which acted as the key.
Caesar Cipher
algorithm and number
The Caesar Cipher is one example of a larger class of techniques called substitution ciphers. These replace every letter in a message with something else according to a translation.
A skilled cryptanalyst can work backwards from these kinds of statistics to figure out the message.
Here we take a message and fill the letters into a grid. To encrypt the message you read out the characters in a different order. Example from the bottom left working upwards one column at a time. This is known as what?
Columnar transposition Cipher
New letter ordering is the encrypted message. This is what?
The ordering direction, as well as the 5 by 5 grid size serves as the what?
What was used by the nazis to encrypt their wartime communications?
German Enigma