Hardware Flashcards
Very simple. Metal or plastic container for the other parts of the computer. The only moving part is the fans. Computers make a lot of heat, so the fans are used to get rid of the heat. The faster your computer the hotter it gets.
Place where the actual power cord that goes into the wall will plug into this piece. All the cords coming out the other side connect the different pieces inside the computer. Each piece is designed to plug into different things.
Power Supply
Plugs are only certain shapes so you can only plug it into the right thing. This makes putting computers together easier.
Power Supply
Disk drives: 3 and 1/2 inch floppy drive is a lot less common today, but some people still use them. True or False
CD Rom drives and DVD Rom drives are a lot more common. True or False
Disk drives from a computer cybercrime perspective are not important but the disk that goes in them is. True or false
Video cards today are essentially minicomputers themselves. True or False
What has their own fan, processor, and ram. It is it’s own minicomputer and all it does is calculate graphics.
Video Cards
Video cards are for video gaming or cryptocurrencies. Dedicated to pumping out good graphics. If you like to play video games, you need a good video card. True or False
Very important piece of any computer. A lot of things that are built into the mother board. It is the piece that all things are built into. Central Nervous System of the computer.
Where you plug in land cable if you don’t have wireless
Most motherboards have built in sound. True or False
Built in video cards are not as good as other video cards. True or False
Keyboards, mouse, and video cameras are all what?
Input-Output devices
Basic Input Output System
the first data, software that turns on when your computer turns on. The most basic how do I work and what do I do. “Ok, I am a computer here is my motherboard and I can make these pieces work, etc.”
Important part of a computer.
The part that does the math.
The thing that does the most of the actual thinking in a computer.
The heat sink is designed to be sucked into the metal piece and it radiates heat out quickly. A fan will help to blow the heat away.
Stores all the ones and zeros and then lets the processor do the math. It is stored here before and after the math happens in the processor.
Random Access Memory
Lots of different kinds of each of these parts. Once you get the parts things only fit where they go so it is easy to put together. The hard part is that each piece has to be compatible with the others. It gets complicated fast.
RAM processor
Easy to damage or easy to lose. With RAM every time you turn your computer off all the ones and zeros stored in RAM are gone. Every time you turn it on you have to type all the ones and zeros into the processor to start the program.
Volatile Memory
Way to permanently store data so it won’t go away when you turn the computer off it stores it permanently.
Hard Drive
When the computer is working you’re doing something the RAM and the processor are talking back and forth very quickly.
Hard Drive
We still need RAM because the process of the hard drive talking to the processor would be way too slow. RAM to processor is very quick. Because of Speed concerns we have RAM and processor. True or False
Permanent storage, temporary storage and processor.
Simple Computer
Is binary a simple process?
Platters spin when you turn the hard drive on. True or False
What is responsible for Writing and reading one’s and zeros.?
Seeker Head
The seeker head doesn’t touch the platter but the distance between the seeker head and the platter are really close. IF you accidentally bump your computer you could cause it to touch the platter and if it scratches that section of the data will be messed up. True or False
What is a glorified USB drive?
Solid State Drive
Housed inside the computer and there are no moving parts, it doesn’t break down and it is much faster then platter hard drives. 1. They are much move expensive and
2. They hold much less data than a platter drive.
Solid State Drive
What is a one or a zero; on or off; it is either magnetized or it is not?
What is a powerful enough magnet gets close to the hard drive it can mess it up?
Magnetic Storage
You have to tell it which set of rules to follow. What piece?
Multiple Partitions are a what?
Which is newer IDE or SATA?
The newer version SATA is much smaller and it transfers data much more quickly. True or False
What is the software that runs all the other software on the computer?
Operating System
What is the most popular operating system right now?
_______ takes all the data and starts putting it into RAM and now the operating system can talk back and forth with the processor and here you get the startup noise and the window to log in.
_______ on the motherboard lets the computer know what to do.