Section 2 - Memory - Models Flashcards
multistore model
Atkinson and Shiffrin
- sensory register
- short-term memory
- long-term memory
sensory register
- stimuli from environment pass via SR
- SR contains one store for each sense
- coding varies, eg store coding for visual=iconic memory, acoustic infor= echoic memory
-duration, <0.5 seconds (unless pay attention) - capacity, high
What is the short term memory
- coding is usually acoustic (sound)
- capacity 5-9 pieces of information (concluded by Miller), Cowan suggested more likely to be lower end eg 5
- duration 18s
-maintenance rehersal, keeps in STM
-if reherse enough, passes into LTM
What is long term memory
- permanent memory store
- coding is usually semantic
-unlimited capacity
-unlimited duration - Bahdrick
What is long term memory
- permanent memory store
- coding is usually semantic
-unlimited capacity and duration
-retrieval, recalling info from LTM back into STM
What are the three types of long term memory
- Episodic memory
- semantic memory
- procedural memory
Evaluate MSM
Research Support
Eg Baddeley - mix up similar sound in STM, similar meaning in LTM, therefore different types of encoding
also different capacity and duration as concluded by research
Shows the two are separate processes
studies used digits and letters - Jacobs, consonany syllables - Peterson and Peterson, lack relevance to real life where we remember more meaningful memories, memories are formed aorund names, places, facts
Evaluate MSM
More than one STM
Shallice and Warrington - studied KF, amnesia, his STM for digits was poor when read aloud but better when he read, MSM is wrong, there is more than one STM processing different types of infor eg visual and auditoty
Working Memory Model
Explanation of how STM is organised + its functions
Central Executive
-Has a supervisory role
-Moniters data
-Allocates sub-systems to tasks
-Limited capacity
-Does not store info
WMM - Phonological Loop
-Deals with auditory information
-Consists of:
1. Phonological store, stors words we hear
2. Articulatory process, allows maintenance rehersal, leeps words in the WMM, while they are needed
-capacity is 2 seconds worth of words
WMM - Visuo-spatial sketchpad
-stores visual and spatial information
-limited capacity, Baddeley said 3to4 objects
-consists of:
1. Visual cache, stores visual data
2. Inner scribe, records arrangement of objects in the visual field
WMM - Episodic buffer
-temporary store of info
-intergrates visual, spatial and verbal information processed by other stores
-seen as storage component of central executive
-limited capacity, Baddeley said 4 chunks
-links working memory to LTM and wider cognitive processes eg perception
Evaluating WMM
Clinical Evidence
-Support from Shallice and Warringtons study of KF
-KF, poor STM ability for auditory info, process visual info normally
-immediate recall of letters and digits was better when he read (visual), compared to when her heard (acoustic)
-Kfs phonological loop was damaged but VSS intact
KF, may have had other cognitive impairments other than phonological loop, which may have affected his performance of memory tasks
-Challenges evidence from clinical studies of people with brain injuries
Evaluating WMM
Dual Task Performance
Evaluating WMM
Nature of Central Executive
Evaluating WMM
Validity of the Model