Section 2 - Matters Of Life And Death Flashcards
When is ensoulment supposed to happen in Islam?
- when the soul has entered the foetus at 120 days
- some claim this happens earlier after 40 days
When is abortion allowed in Islam? 3
- in some cases
- the foetus would not exist if it was not for the mother
- the mothers life is established and she has responsibilities to carry out
Why do some Christians disagree with abortion? 12
- abortion can be viewed as murder
- the Ten Commandments say that taking a life is wrong
- life begins at conception, abortion is therefore taking a life
- life is sacred and a gift from God, only God has the right to end a pregnancy
- God has a plan for every human
- all life has value and every person has a right to life including a foetus
Why do some Christians agree with euthanasia? 3
- quality of life is important
- it may be the lesser of two evils
- Jesus taught Christians to love thy neighbour and gentle death may be the most loving thing
Why do some Christians not agree to euthanasia? 5
- God created humans in his image so only he has the power to take away life
- life is sacred and should be valued
- there are alternatives such as hospices so it is not necessary
- it is taking away a person’s life, which is nursed. The bible says that people must not commit murder in the Ten Commandments
- God has a plan for every human and it is not for us to intervene
Why might a Muslim disagree with euthanasia? 5
- the Qur’an says that suicide is wrong and so assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia is wrong
- the Shari’ah bans euthanasia
- Muslims believe in sanctity of life and so non-voluntary euthanasia would be murder which is banned in the Qur’an
- Muslims regard life as a test and ending life early would be like cheating a test and would lead to hell on the last day
- only Allah has the right to take a life so euthanasia would be a sin
What is a near death experience?
When someone is about to die and has an out of body experience
Reasons for legalising euthanasia in the UK? 3
- lesser of two evils
- people should have control over wether they live or die
- most loving thing to do
Why shouldn’t the UK legalise euthanasia? 3
- life is sacred
- if legal people would abuse it
- only God has the right to end someone’s life
Why do Muslims disagree with abortion? (5)
- The Qur’an says murder is wrong
- many Muslim scholars are against abortion
- they believe in sanctity of life
- goes against all ah’s plan
- life is sacred and a gift
Why is life after death impossible? 4
- there is no evidence of the afterlife
- the idea is just there to comfort people
- there is nowhere for life after death to take place
- logically impossible
Why is life after death possible? Refer to Religons 4
- it is stated as part of the Christian creeds
- it is stated as part of the Muslim six articles of faith
- there is evidence in the bible in jesus’s resurrection
- the Quran gives clear descriptions of heaven and hell
Why is euthanasia a controversial issue?6
- can be the most loving thing to do
- people THJNK it’s the persons right to choose
- the person might change their mind when it is too late for them to say so
- doctors might face ethnical dilemmas
- people may misuse it for their own gain
- some people regard it as murder
Why should the media be allowed to criticise what religons say about life after death? 3
- media had the right to freedom of speech
- they can educate people by critiquing what religions say
- the media should point out contradictions in whatt religons say
Why should the media not be allowed to criticise what religons say about life after death? 3
- the media may be biased
- it is only for the benefit of religous followers
- could cause conflict eg Charlie hebdo