Section 1 Beliving In God Flashcards
Explain how Christians respond to unanswered prayers? 6
- strengthening their faith and praying more
- God might answer prayers just not in the way you expect
- God allowing us to have free will might mean he can’t interfere with some prayers
- some prayers might conflict with someone else’s prayers
- will not answer selfish prayers
- may cause a loss of faith
Why would the media affect people’s belief in God?3
- may lead them to believe in God
- make a someone realise that belief is a rational idea
- might make someone lose faith in God as TV can be biased
Why should no one be an atheist? 5
- the causation/ design argument prove the existence of God
- some Christians believe atheists will go to hell so allows people to go to heaven
- evidence of religious experience prove the existence of God
- provides hope and comfort
- can lead to belief in other things such as hope and guidance
Why should there be atheists?
- it is someone’s choice to believe in God or not
- there is no scientific proof for gods existance
- evil and suffering suggest God dosent exist
- there are negative aspects of religion eg extremist groups
How can religious experiences prove gods existance?4
- numinous experience provides evidence of God
- an answered prayer provides proof that God exists
- Id someone has a personal experience with God they will believe in him
- form of communication with God
Why are there no solutions to the problem of evil and suffering?
- if there was a solution there would be no evil in the world
- Muslims believe suffering is a test of life and so have no control over it
- humans have no control over natural evil
What is a solution to the problem of evil and suffering? 3
- people can provide solutions such as charity work
- when governments work together suffering can be made better
- religions teach that people should try and relieve suffering
How do unanswered prayers prove that God doesn’t exist? 3
- if God was omniscient he could answer the prayers
- if God was omnibenevolent he would answer the prayers
- if God was omnipotent he would answer prayers
Explain how the causation argument may cause belief in God? 4
- the world must have been caused by an all knowing God
- the world must have been caused by God we only God is eternal
- God is the only being powerful enough to cause the world to come into existence
- God is the only logical cause of the universe and so people believe in him him
How does science prove God did not create the world?4
- the Big Bang is a more popular explanation that makes sense and can be proved with background radiation
- modern science has proven that the creation story is wrong and God did not create the world
- God is not needed i explain the existence of the universe because there is evidence of the Big Bang and evolution
- as rhe told is made of eternal matter there is no need for an eternal god
How does science not disprove god created the world?
- the world is too perfect and complex to have happened by chance
- the design argument proved that God created the world
- many Muslims and some Christians claim God crated the world using science therefore meaning science and religon can work together when explaining the cause of the world
How does evil and suffering prove that God dosent exist?5
- there is so much it seems pointless
- natural evil happens without a reason
- if God was omniscient omnipotent or omnibenevolent he would know about the suffering and have the power to remove it
- people pray for suffering to end and it DOSENT so PEKPLE stop believing in it
- innocent people suffer so why would God allow that
Christian explanations for the problem of evil and suffering?4
- free will explains moral evil
- test from God ( eg believers go through a tuff time to see how they will react - they will become stronger)
- gods plan ( suffering happens for a reason and they should trust in God because he knows why)
- following Jesus’ example as it allows people to follow the example set by jesus in the bible
How would a Christian respond to evil and suffering?4
- praying to get the strength to cope with what they face or to pray with others
- helping others so to help others cope with the suffering
- strengthening their faith
- voulentwrring to support others when they are suffering
Why would miracles not happen today?3
- if you don’t believe in God miracles are impossible
- miracles can’t happen because they can be explained by side ce
- it is impossible to break the laws of science therefore a miracle can’t happen