Section 2 - DEFINITION OF TERMS Flashcards
act/s by any person, natural or juridical, or any optometrist, or his/her agent thereof, who conducts eye examination, carries optical merchandise for concurrent sale and delivery, and who goes from one place to another selling them to potential costumers
refers to a document signed by the chairperson of the PRC and by the chairman and all the members of the Board of Optometry and bearing its seal
Certificate of registration
issued to an applicant who has satisfied the requirements for the practice of optometry
it shall serve as proof that the registrant is qualified to practice the profession in the Philippines
Certificate of Registration
a clinical competency examination developed, prepared, and scored/graded by the Board as the clinical examination component of the licensure examination
Clinical skills Assessment/Examination
a set of standards relating to the conduct, integrity, and moral duties of optometrists,
as prescribed by the duly integrated and accredited national organization of optometrists and adopted and promulgated by the Board of Optometry upon the approval of the Commission
Code of Professional Ethics
refers to the PRC created under R.A. 8981
to the inculcation of advanced knowledge, skills and ethical
values in a post-licensure specialization or in an inter- or
m ultidisciplinary field of study, for assim ilation into
professional practice, self-directed research and/or lifelong
Continuing Professional Development or CPD
refers to a body created to promote and
ensure the continuous improvement of professionals, in
accordance with national, regional and international standards
of practice;
CPD Council
refers to the value of an amount of
learning that can be transferred to a qualification achieved
from formal, informal or nonformal learning setting, wherein
credits can be accumulated to predetermined levels for the
award of a qualification;
CPD credit unit
refers to a set of learning activities
accredited by the CPD Council such as seminars, workshops,
technical lectures or subject matter meetings, nondegree
training lectures and scientific meetings, modules, tours and
visits, which equip the professionals with advanced
knowledge, skills and values in specialized or in an inter- or
multidisciplinary field of study, self-directed research and/or
lifelong learning;
CPD program
refers to a natural or juridical person
accredited by the CPD Council to conduct CPD Programs;
CPD provider
specific topical drugs that aid optometrists in their examination of the human eye.
upon approval by the Secretary of the Department of Health (DOH) and upon recommendation of the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)
Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agents
the act of filling, translating, or fitting of spectacles or eyeglasses, contact lenses with their accessories and solutions, visual aids, prosthetics, low vision aids, and other preventive and corrective optical or ophthalmic devices for the aid, correction, rehabilitation or relief of the human eye, or for the attainment of maximum vision and comfort
a degree obtained from a school, college, university or institution an whose course of study have been duly accredited by the Board and the government after passing an optometry course.
Doctor of Optometry
a natural person who has been registered and certified by the Board of Optometry upon approval by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as being qualified to practice optometry in the Philippines.
- a registered certified, and licensed optometrist who is authorized to practice the profession in the Philippines by virtue of a valid certificate of registration and a valid profession identification card issued by the Board and PRC for the purpose.
Optometrist in good standing
- the science and art of examining the human eye and, analyzing the ocular function; prescribing and dispensing ophthalmic lenses, prisms, contact lenses and their accessories and solutions, low vision aids, and similar appliances and devices; conducting ocular exercises, vision training and orthoptics; installing prosthetics; and using authorized diagnostic pharmaceutical agents (DPA); and other preventive or corrective measures or procedures for the aid, correction, rehabilitation or relief of the human eye, or to attain maximum vision and comfort.
- a renewable card, issued by the Commission to registered, certified and licensed optometrist, indicating that he is competent and authorized to practice optometry in the Philippines until the lapse of its validity or its expiration. Such card shall serve as evidence that its bearer is an optometrist in good standing.
Professional Identification card
refers to educational arrangements
such as curricular qualifications and teaching-learning
requirements that take place in education and training
institutions recognized by relevant national authorities, and
which lead to diplomas and qualifications;
Formal Learning
refers to learning that occurs in
daily life assessed, through the recognition, validation and
accreditation process, and which can contribute to a
Informal Learning
refer to what a learner can be
expected to know, understand and/or demonstrate as a result
of a learning experience;
Learning Outcomes
refers to learning activities
undertaken throughout fife for the development of competencies
and qualifications of the professional;
Lifelong Learning
refers to learning that has been
acquired in addition or alternatively to formal learning, which may be structured and made more flexible according to
educational and training arrangements;
Non-formal Learning
refer to structured or
unstructured learning initiatives, which make use of the
internet and other web-based Information and Communications
Technology solutions;
Online learning activities