The Philippine legislature enacted the first regulatory law in optometry known as the _________ through the efforts of Philippine Association of Optometrists.
Optometry Law of 1917
• R.A. _______ was passed, which amended Optometry Law of 1917.
• Code of Ethics for Optometrists which are new set of rules and regulations governing the
practice of optometry was enacted by the Board of Optometry.
RA. 1998
RA 8050
The Chairperson and members of the Commission shall
be entitled to retirement benefits provided under
R.A. 1568
To attain the objective of upgrading optometric education in the Philippines, the CHED, pursuant to Section 12 of ______, shall, within 60 days after the approval of this act, convene and organize a technical panel on optometric Practice
R.A. 7722
putting up a clinic should undergo series of permit procedures in compliance with the requirements of the following acts:
RA - 8050 (optometry)
RA - 8981 (PRC)
RA - 9711 (BFAD)
Compliance in the bureau of food and drugs as a requirement in a clinic is based on:
R.A 9711 (BFAD)
a registered professional shall state or indicate his professional license number with the date of issuance and the period of validity in any documents that he signs/uses
this rule was indicated in the:
P.D 223
______ was enacted creating the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
P.D. 223
An act modernizing the professional regulation commission, repealing for the purpose PD 223,
entitled “creating the professional regulation commission and
prescribing its powers and functions,” and for other purposes.
R.A. 8981 - PRC modernization Act 2000
This act repeals and supersedes R.A. 1998, otherwise known as the Optometry law
All other acts, executive orders, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed or modified accordingly
R.A. 8050
This is pursuant to sections 12 and 35 of R.A. 8050.
promulgates the rules and regulations governing the examination and registration of Optometrists and the regulation of practice of Optometry
Board Resolution Series of 2008
This law created the professional Regulation commission in replacement for the Professional Regulatory Board that governs the repealing the P.D. 223
R.A. 8981
Sec 7 of _____ shall empower the commission to investigate motu proprio or upon the filing of a verified complaint,
R.A. 8981
One of the powers and functions of the board is to promulgate the rules and regulations for the practice of optometry, subject to the approval of the commission and in accordance with the provisions of ________
R.A. 8050
An act mandating and strengthening the continuing professional development Program for all regulated professions.
Creating the Continuing Professional Development Council
and appropriating funds therefore, and for other related purposes
R.A. 10912