Section 2: Autoflight Learning Objectives Flashcards
AUTO_005 V2 22_30.20
Recall what modes are engaged when FDs are initially turned on in flight (assuming the AP is OFF).
FDs engage in the _____ and ____ modes.
AUTO_005 V2 22_30.20
Recall what modes are engaged when FDs are initially turned on in flight (assuming the AP is OFF).
FDs engage in the HDG and V/S modes.
V2 22_30.20
AUTO_015 FCTM 1.10
Recall the scenario in which it is desirable or acceptable to have only one FD engaged.
AUTO_015 FCTM 1.10
Recall the scenario in which it is desirable or acceptable to have only one FD engaged.
There is no scenario in which it is desirable or acceptable to have only one FD engaged.
FCTM 1.10
AUTO_020 FCTM 1.10
Recall what should be done with the FDs if they are not to be followed.
AUTO_020 FCTM 1.10
Recall what should be done with the FDs if they are not to be followed.
If the flight director commands are not to be followed, both flight directors should be turned off.
FCTM 1.10
AUTO_025 FCTM 1.10
Recall the autothrust mode when both FDs and the AP are selected off.
AUTO_025 FCTM 1.10
Recall the autothrust mode when both FDs and the AP are selected off.
Speed mode (green SPEED or MACH indicated in column 1 of the FMA).
FCTM 1.10
AUTO_030 FCTM 1.10
Recall the recommended method for disconnecting the autothrust.
AUTO_030 FCTM 1.10
Recall the recommended method for disconnecting the autothrust.
Match the thrust levers to the actual thrust value (use the TLA “donuts”) then press either red instinctive disconnect push button on the thrust levers.
FCTM 1.10
AUTO_035. V2 22_40.10
Recall what is displayed in FMA column 3 when the FCU HDG/TRK knob is pulled during flight.
AUTO_035. V2 22_40.10
Recall what is displayed in FMA column 3 when the FCU HDG/TRK knob is pulled during flight.
HDG in green (TRK in green if TRK/FPA mode is selected on FCU).
V2 22_40.10
AUTO_040 V2 22_40.10
Recall what is displayed in FMA column 3 when the FCU HDG/TRK knob is pushed during flight.
If the aircraft is on the FMS flight plan course, column 3 will indicate _____ in green.
If the aircraft is on a heading that will intercept the flight plan course, column 3 will indicate ___ (color) with ____ _____ (color).
AUTO_040 V2 22_40.10
Recall what is displayed in FMA column 3 when the FCU HDG/TRK knob is pushed during flight.
If the aircraft is on the FMS flight plan course, column 3 will indicate NAV in green.
If the aircraft is on a heading that will intercept the flight plan course, column 3 will indicate HDG (green) with NAV armed (blue).
V2 22_40.10
AUTO_045 V2 22_30.40
Recall the difference between a blue and magenta target airspeed symbol (triangle) on the airspeed tape.
Blue triangle: ______ ________
Magenta triangle: ______ _______
AUTO_045 V2 22_30.40
Recall the difference between a blue and magenta target airspeed symbol (triangle) on the airspeed tape.
Blue triangle: Selected Speed
Magenta triangle: Managed Speed
V2 22_30.40
AUTO_050 V2 22_30.20
Recall the normal FMA indications in column 5 after the preflight is complete.
______ if both FDs are ON and both ______ are functioning.
AUTO_050 V2 22_30.20
Recall the normal FMA indications in column 5 after the preflight is complete.
1FD2 if both FDs are ON and both FMGCs are functioning.
V2 22_30.20
AUTO_055 V2 22_10.40
Recall the basic color conventions used in the MCDU regarding pilot data entry.
_____: Data that is modifiable by the pilot
_____: Data that is not modifiable by the pilot
_____: Data that must be entered by the pilot
AUTO_055 V2 22_10.40
Recall the basic color conventions used in the MCDU regarding pilot data entry.
Blue: Data that is modifiable by the pilot
Green: Data that is not modifiable by the pilot
Amber: Data that must be entered by the pilot
V2 22_10.40
AUTO_060 VOL 1 NP.3.4
Recall the value to be manually entered in the FINAL field on the INIT page B.
The _______ fuel value from the FLIGHT PLAN ______ block of the flight paperwork.
AUTO_060 VOL 1 NP.3.4
Recall the value to be manually entered in the FINAL field on the INIT page B.
The RESERVE fuel value from the FLIGHT PLAN FUEL block of the flight paperwork.
VOL 1 NP.3.4
AUTO_065 VOL 1 NP.3.4
Recall the value to be manually entered in the ALTN field on the INIT page B.
The _______ fuel value from the FLIGHT PLAN _____ ______ of the flight paperwork.
If ____ ______ are specified, the value from the most ______ alternate.
AUTO_065 VOL 1 NP.3.4
Recall the value to be manually entered in the ALTN field on the INIT page B.
The ALTN fuel value from the FLIGHT PLAN FUEL block of the flight paperwork.
If two alternates are specified, the value from the most distant alternate.
VOL 1 NP.3.4
AUTO_070 FCTM 3.1
Recall whether CLB or ALT should be armed in column 2 of the FMA before takeoff.
AUTO_070 FCTM 3.1
Recall whether CLB or ALT should be armed in column 2 of the FMA before takeoff.
FCTM 3.1
AUTO_075 V2 22_30.100
Recall what is displayed in column 3 of the FMA before takeoff.
With no heading preselected, ___ is armed (color). With a heading preselected, column 3 is ______.
AUTO_075 V2 22_30.100
Recall what is displayed in column 3 of the FMA before takeoff.
With no heading preselected, NAV is armed (blue). With a heading preselected, column 3 is blank.
V2 22_30.100
AUTO_090 V2 31.40
Recall which V-speeds are visible on the PFD during taxi out.
V__ (_____) and
V___ (______).
AUTO_090 V2 31.40
Recall which V-speeds are visible on the PFD during taxi out.
V1 (blue) and
V2 (magenta).
V2 31.40
AUTO_100 V2 22_30.90
Recall the FMA column 1 indications during takeoff when the thrust levers are placed in the CL, FLX/MCT, or TOGA detents:
CL detent: Column 1 is _____ and an ____ ___ _____ NOT SET ECAM message appears
FLX/MCT detent:
o MAN FLX ___\_ assuming a ____ ____ is entered on the ____ ____ ____ page.
o With no ___ _____ entered, Column 1 is _____ and an ____ ___ _____ NOT SET ECAM message appears.
• TOGA detent: _____ ______.
AUTO_100 V2 22_30.90
Recall the FMA column 1 indications during takeoff when the thrust levers are placed in the CL, FLX/MCT, or TOGA detents:
CL detent: Column 1 is blank and an ENG THR LEVERS NOT SET ECAM message appears
FLX/MCT detent:
o MAN FLX (Temp)assuming a FLEX TEMP is entered on the PERF TAKE OFF page.
o With no FLEX TEMP entered, Column 1 is blank and an ENG THR LEVERS NOT SET ECAM message appears.
• TOGA detent: MAN TOGA.
V2 22_30.90
AUTO_105 V2 22_30.100 FCTM 3.1
Takeoff & Initial Climb
Recall the FMA column 5 indication when the thrust levers are placed in FLX/MCT or TOGA.
_/___ (_____)
AUTO_105 V2 22_30.100 FCTM 3.1
Takeoff & Initial Climb
Recall the FMA column 5 indication when the thrust levers are placed in FLX/MCT or TOGA.
A/THR (blue)
V2 22_30.100 FCTM 3.1
AUTO_110 V2 22_20.20
Recall the actions required to tune the localizer signal for takeoff.
AUTO_110 V2 22_20.20
Recall the actions required to tune the localizer signal for takeoff.
None. Tuning is automatic when the takeoff runway has an associated ILS.
V2 22_20.20
AUTO_115 V2 22_30.80
Recall the indications in FMA column 3 after FLX/MCT or TOGA is selected during takeoff.
If there is no localizer signal, column 3 is ______.
If there is a localizer signal, ____ (color) appears.
AUTO_115 V2 22_30.80
Recall the indications in FMA column 3 after FLX/MCT or TOGA is selected during takeoff.
If there is no localizer signal, column 3 is blank.
If there is a localizer signal, RWY (green) appears.
V2 22_30.80
AUTO_120 V2 22_30.10
Recall the altitude at which the NAV mode becomes active after takeoff without a pre- selected heading.
AUTO_120 V2 22_30.10
Recall the altitude at which the NAV mode becomes active after takeoff without a pre- selected heading.
V2 22_30.10
AUTO_125 V2 22_30.10 V2 22_30.60
Recall the initial lateral mode the aircraft will fly after a takeoff with a preselected heading and the action necessary to provide FD heading guidance at 400’.
___ _____ (the aircraft track at the time of engagement - 30 ft).
Pull the ___/_____ knob.
AUTO_125 V2 22_30.10 V2 22_30.60
Recall the initial lateral mode the aircraft will fly after a takeoff with a preselected heading and the action necessary to provide FD heading guidance at 400’.
RWY TRK (the aircraft track at the time of engagement - 30 ft).
Pull the HDG/TRK knob.
V2 22_30.10 V2 22_30.60
AUTO_135 FCTM 3.1 V2 22_30.80
Recall the speed the aircraft will fly in SRS mode during takeoff, assuming both engines are operating.
AUTO_135 FCTM 3.1 V2 22_30.80
Recall the speed the aircraft will fly in SRS mode during takeoff, assuming both engines are operating.
FCTM 3.1 V2 22_30.80
AUTO_145 V1 NP.3.4
Recall how the thrust reduction (THR RED) and acceleration (ACC) altitudes are inserted into the PERF TAKE OFF page.
They are uplinked via the _____ process.
______ entry may be required to comply with Company Page (10-7) information.
AUTO_145 V1 NP.3.4
Recall how the thrust reduction (THR RED) and acceleration (ACC) altitudes are inserted into the PERF TAKE OFF page.
They are uplinked via the TDU process.
Manual entry may be required to comply with Company Page (10-7) information.
V1 NP.3.4
AUTO_150 V2 22_30.80
Takeoff & Initial Climb:
Recall when the SRS (Speed Reference System) vertical mode automatically disengages and what vertical mode replaces SRS.
SRS disengages:
- SRS automatically disengages at _____ _____ and reverts to ____ (or __ ___ if in HDG).
- If the flight crew engages another ______ mode.
AUTO_150 V2 22_30.80
Takeoff & Initial Climb:
Recall when the SRS (Speed Reference System) vertical mode automatically disengages and what vertical mode replaces SRS.
SRS disengages:
- SRS automatically disengages at acceleration altitude and reverts to CLB (or OP CLB if in HDG).
- If the flight crew engages another vertical mode.
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
When thrust levers placed in the ______ detent:
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
When thrust levers placed in the TOGA detent:
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
At 30’ RA
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
At 30’ RA
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
At Thrust Reduction Altitude and Acceleration Altitude (1000’):
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
At Thrust Reduction Altitude and Acceleration Altitude (1000’):
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
After Thrust Reduction (T/Ls placed into CL detent):
AUTO_155 FCTM 3.10
Recall the FMA columns 1, 2, 3, and 5 indications during takeoff and initial climb assuming an NADP2 departure, TOGA thrust, and NAV armed.
After Thrust Reduction (T/Ls placed into CL detent):
AUTO_ 165 FCTM 4.1
Recall the normal target airspeed after passing the acceleration altitude and until passing 10,000’ MSL (assuming no speed constraints in the F-PLN).
The FMS targets the _____ ______ ____ stored in the navigation database for the departure airport (normally _____ knots at or below 10,000 feet MSL).
AUTO_ 165 FCTM 4.1
Recall the normal target airspeed after passing the acceleration altitude and until passing 10,000’ MSL (assuming no speed constraints in the F-PLN).
The FMS targets the transition speed limit stored in the navigation database for the departure airport (normally 250 knots at or below 10,000 feet MSL).
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_170 FCTM 4.1
Recall how to enter a pre-selected climb speed.
A pre-selected speed may be entered on the
____ _____ page prior to entering the ____ phase.
It has the same effect as selecting a speed on the ____ after passing the acceleration altitude.
AUTO_170 FCTM 4.1
Recall how to enter a pre-selected climb speed.
A pre-selected speed may be entered on the PERF CLB page prior to entering the climb phase.
It has the same effect as selecting a speed on the FCU after passing the acceleration altitude.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_175 FCTM 4.1
Recall the suggested method of increasing the rate of climb during an Open Climb or Managed Climb.
Selecting a _______ speed on the FCU.
AUTO_175 FCTM 4.1
Recall the suggested method of increasing the rate of climb during an Open Climb or Managed Climb.
Selecting a slower speed on the FCU.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_180 V2 31.40
Recall the appropriate action if ATC temporarily assigns a specific speed during the climb and the action required when ATC states “resume normal speed” after a temporary speed assignment.
- Select the assigned speed in the SPD/MACH window and then ____ the SPD/MACH knob.
- ______ the SPD/MACH knob to resume the normal ECON climb speed.
AUTO_180 V2 31.40
Recall the appropriate action if ATC temporarily assigns a specific speed during the climb and the action required when ATC states “resume normal speed” after a temporary speed assignment.
- Select the assigned speed in the SPD/MACH window and then pull the SPD/MACH knob.
- Push the SPD/MACH knob to resume the normal ECON climb speed.
V2 31.40
AUTO_185 FCTM 4.1
Recall what speed to use to achieve the maximum angle of climb.
Green dot equates to the _____ ____ of _____.
Either select ____ ____ in the FCU OR
push the ______ pb.
AUTO_185 FCTM 4.1
Recall what speed to use to achieve the maximum angle of climb.
Green dot equates to the maximum angle of climb.
Either select green dot in the FCU or
push the EXPED pb.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_190 V2 22_30.100 FCTM 4.1
Recall the FMA column 1 and 2 indications when the EXPED pb is pushed during a climb.
Columns 1 and 2 will indicate ____ ____ and
___ ____ , respectively.
AUTO_190 V2 22_30.100 FCTM 4.1
Recall the FMA column 1 and 2 indications when the EXPED pb is pushed during a climb.
Columns 1 and 2 will indicate THR CLB and EXP CLB, respectively.
V2 22_30.100 FCTM 4.1
AUTO_195 FCTM 4.1
Recall the maximum recommended altitude for the EXP CLB mode.
AUTO_195 FCTM 4.1
Recall the maximum recommended altitude for the EXP CLB mode.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_200 FCTM 4.1
Recall the recommended climb mode, and the FMA column 2 indication of that mode, when a departure procedure includes altitude constraints.
______ Climb, indicated by ____ in (color).
AUTO_200 FCTM 4.1
Recall the recommended climb mode, and the FMA column 2 indication of that mode, when a departure procedure includes altitude constraints.
Managed Climb, indicated by CLB in green.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_205 FCTM 4.1
Recall which vertical mode should be used, and what altitude should be set in the FCU, when cleared to climb-via a SID with altitude constraints:
_____ _______ should be used, and the _______ cleared altitude should be set in the FCU.
AUTO_205 FCTM 4.1
Recall which vertical mode should be used, and what altitude should be set in the FCU, when cleared to climb-via a SID with altitude constraints.
Managed Climb should be used, and the highest cleared altitude should be set in the FCU.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_210 FCTM 4.1
Recall what lateral mode must be active for a Managed Climb to be engaged, and the resulting climb mode if assigned a heading while performing a Managed Climb on a SID:
______ ____ (green ____ in FMA column _).
The FMS reverts to __ ___ when the lateral mode is changed to HDG (e.g., ATC assigns a heading for spacing).
AUTO_210 FCTM 4.1
Recall what lateral mode must be active for a Managed Climb to be engaged, and the resulting climb mode if assigned a heading while performing a Managed Climb on a SID.
Managed Nav (green NAV in FMA column 3).
The FMS reverts to OP CLB when the lateral mode is changed to HDG (e.g., ATC assigns a heading for spacing).
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_215 FCTM 4.1
Recall the thrust setting used by the autothrust system and the column 1 indication in the FMA when a Managed Climb is engaged:
_______; ___ ____
AUTO_215 FCTM 4.1
Recall the thrust setting used by the autothrust system and the column 1 indication in the FMA when a Managed Climb is engaged:
Climb thrust; THR CLB
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_220 V2 22_20.30
Recall how to enter an AT, AT OR BELOW, or AT OR ABOVE altitude climb constraint at a waypoint directly on the F-PLN page.
AUTO_220 V2 22_20.30
Recall how to enter an AT, AT OR BELOW, or AT OR ABOVE altitude climb constraint at a waypoint directly on the F-PLN page.
AT: Enter /____ (altitude or flight level) into the scratchpad and then the appropriate R LSK. /250
AT OR BELOW: Enter /-___ (altitude or flight level) into the scratchpad and then the appropriate R LSK.
AT OR ABOVE: Enter /+____ (altitude or flight level) into the scratchpad and then the appropriate R LSK.
V2 22_20.30
AUTO_225 V2 22_20.30
Recall how to enter a speed constraint at a waypoint directly on the F-PLN page:
AUTO_225 V2 22_20.30
Recall how to enter a speed constraint at a waypoint directly on the F-PLN page.
Enter the speed (ex. 180) into the scratchpad and insert at the appropriate R LSK.
V2 22_20.30
AUTO_235 V2 22_20.40
Recall the indications if the FMS predicts that an AT or AT OR ABOVE climb constraint can and cannot be met during a Managed Climb:
Can be met: ________ circle around the waypoint symbol on the ___ and an
______ asterisk next to the altitude constraint in the ______.
Cannot be met: ______ circle around the waypoint symbol on the ___ and an
_____ asterisk next to the altitude constraint in the ______.
AUTO_235 V2 22_20.40
Recall the indications if the FMS predicts that an AT or AT OR ABOVE climb constraint can and cannot be met during a Managed Climb.
Can be met: Magenta circle around the waypoint symbol on the ND and anmagenta asterisk next to the altitude constraint in the MCDU.
Cannot be met: Amber circle around the waypoint symbol on the ND and anamber asterisk next to the altitude constraint in the MCDU.
V2 22_20.40
AUTO_240 FCTM 4.1
Recall the suggested pilot action if the FMS predicts that an AT or AT OR ABOVE constraint will not be met during a Managed Climb.
Increase the rate of climb by selecting a _______ speed.
AUTO_240 FCTM 4.1
Recall the suggested pilot action if the FMS predicts that an AT or AT OR ABOVE constraint will not be met during a Managed Climb.
Increase the rate of climb by selecting a slower speed.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_245 FCTM 4.1
Recall the indications in column 2 of the FMA if the aircraft must temporarily level-off in order to satisfy an AT or AT OR BELOW constraint during a Managed Climb:
AUTO_245 FCTM 4.1
Recall the indications in column 2 of the FMA if the aircraft must temporarily level-off in order to satisfy an AT or AT OR BELOW constraint during a Managed Climb.
Magenta ALT
FCTM 4.1
Recall if altitude constraints are honored in an OP CLB.
They are _______, as indicated by a ______ circle around the waypoint.
AUTO_260 V2 22_30.100
Recall if altitude constraints are honored in an OP CLB.
They are ignored, as indicated by a white circle around the waypoint.
V2 22_30.100
AUTO_265 V2 22_10.40
Recall what occurs if the V/S or FPA knob is pushed during a climb.
The autoflight system commands an ______ _____-____
AUTO_265 V2 22_10.40
Recall what occurs if the V/S or FPA knob is pushed during a climb.
The autoflight system commands an immediate level-off.
V2 22_10.40
AUTO_275 FCTM 4.1
Recall what occurs if an excessive V/S is selected during a climb.
AUTO_275 FCTM 4.1
Recall what occurs if an excessive V/S is selected during a climb.
Airspeed decreases below the target airspeed in an attempt to achieve the selected V/S.
FCTM 4.1
AUTO_280 V2 22_3
Recall the effect of changing the FCU altitude while ALT* is active in FMA column 2.
The vertical mode reverts to the current ______ _______.
AUTO_280 V2 22_3
Recall the effect of changing the FCU altitude while ALT* is active in FMA column 2.
The vertical mode reverts to the current vertical speed.
V2 22_3
AUTO_285 V2 22_20.50
Recall the significance of the three altitudes on the FMS PROG page.
CRZ (blue):CRZ Flight level inserted on ____ Pge _ or directly on _____ page. This field shows _____ when the descent or approach phase is active.
OPT: Optimum flight level based on current _____, ____ index, ______ and _____.
REC MAX: Recommended Max Altitude based on current _____ and _____, assuming anti-ice is off, and provides a 0._ g buffet margin.
AUTO_285 V2 22_20.50
Recall the significance of the three altitudes on the FMS PROG page.
CRZ (blue): CRZ Flight level inserted on INIT Page A or directly on PROG page. This field shows dashes when the descent or approach phase is active.
OPT: Optimum flight level based on current weight, cost index, temperature and wind.
REC MAX: Recommended Max Altitude based on current weight and temperature, assuming anti-ice is off, and provides a 0.3g buffet margin.
V2 22_20.50