Section 1: Performance and Dispatch Knowledge Learning Objectives Flashcards
Flight Path Management
Flight Path Management
Clearance: Know where to put the aircraft
Control: Put it there
Monitor: Keep it there
PERF_100 FOM 14.2
Recall what information is listed in the FMS Data Block of the Flight Plan
Recall what information is listed in the FMS Data Block of the Flight Plan:
The block beginnig with Planned FL and Ending with Cost Index
Planned flight level
Top of climb winds
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) temperature deviation
Estimated time enroute
Trip distance (nm)
True airspeed
Planned arrival gate
Planned passenger count
Planned cargo weight
Planned zero fuel weight (ZFWT)
Block fuel
Minimum fuel for takeoff
Planned ramp weight
Planned takeoff gross weight
FMS Reserve Fuel - The sum of:
o ALTN FUEL with highest burn, and
Planned landing weight
Initial Cost Index
PERF_105 V1 NP.3.4
Recall when the ZFW and ZFWCG must be manually entered on the FUEL PRED page:
If the _____ ____ ____ / ____ is received after engine start.
PERF_105 V1 NP.3.4
Recall when the ZFW and ZFWCG must be manually entered on the FUEL PRED page:
If the Takeoff Data Uplink / WDR is received after engine start.
PERF_110 FOM 14.2
Recall what information is listed in the Wind Data Block of the Flight Plan.
The Wind Data Block depicts wind and temperature information for all fixes past ____ ___ _____ and prior to ___ ____ ____. The first column always depicts data for the______ _____ ______ at each fix.
PERF_110 FOM 14.2
Recall what information is listed in the Wind Data Block of the Flight Plan.
The Wind Data Block depicts wind and temperature information for all fixes past top of climb and prior to top of descent. The first column always depicts data for the planned cruise altitude at each fix. Subsequent columns display winds/temperatures aloft forecast data for FL240, FL300, FL340, and FL390
• Enroute Forecast Winds.
Enroute Forecast Winds
▪ The first line of data at each fix depicts:
o The planned flight level at that fix, and
o Wind data at that fix in each altitude column. Winds are read as a two-digit direction (True) and three-digit velocity (Knots).
• The second line of data for each column depicts:
o TROP = forecast top flight level altitude of the troposphere at the fix,
o SAT = forecast static air temperature (C) for each altitude column, and
o TAT = forecast total air temperature (C) for each altitude column.
Descent Forecast Winds
▪ Flight Levels/altitudes across the top line and the corresponding wind values on the second line.
PERF_115 FOM 14.1
Recall significant changes that require dispatcher notification.
PERF_115 FOM 14.1
Recall significant changes that require dispatcher notification.
Lateral deviations of more than 100 nm from planned route
Altitude deviations of more than 4,000 feet from the planned cruise altitude for more than 30 minutes
Any condition which will affect ETA by more than 15 minutes
Any change which will cause the flight to arrive at the destination or designated alternate airport with less than minimum FAR fuel reserves
Greater than planned fuel consumption.
Any diversion to an alternate airport, unless previously discussed with the dispatcher.
Any change in the intended destination or designated alternate airport
If ATC issues a supplementary route or CDR
Any pre-dispatch EFB failure resulting in the use of a Go File
In-flight EFB failure resulting in less than two fully operational EFBs.
Recall where takeoff and landing visibility requirements are located.
Recall where takeoff and landing visibility requirements are located.
Refer to the ‘Ops Specs Section’ of the Airway Manual.
Select Takeoff Minima or Approach minima as applicable.
Airway Manual OS
PERF_125 FOM 14.1
Recall when a takeoff alternate is required.
Any time a flight is unable to return to the departure airport with ____ __ _____ minimums or better.
Recall when a takeoff alternate is required.
Any time a flight is unable to return to the departure airport with CAT 1 approach minimums or better.
FOM 14.1
PERF_200. FOM 14.7
Recall the information listed in the Header Block of the WDR.
PERF_200. FOM 14.7
Recall the information listed in the Header Block of the WDR.
Flight, date, ship, city pair, and release number. Data should match FDRA and flight plan.
WDR date/time stamp indicates when the WDR was generated. Do not confuse the WDR time stamp with the print time generated at the bottom of each page by some aircraft printers.
Souls on Board (SOB) number accounts for all working pilots and flight attendants, flight deck and cabin jumpseat occupants, all passengers (adults, children, and infants in arms).
PERF_205 FOM 14.7
Recall the information listed in the FMS Block of the WDR:
PERF_205 FOM 14.7
Recall the information listed in the FMS Block of the WDR:
“Everything to do with Fuel, Weight, Flap/Stab settings”:
FUEL - Total fuel load and expected taxi fuel.
TANK - Fuel quantity displayed by individual tank (left-to-right) rounded to the nearest hundred pounds. AWABS calculates performance based upon actual versus rounded fuel values.
RMWT - Planned aircraft weight at the gate. This number should agree with the FMS calculated value prior to pushback.
o ZFWT - Zero Fuel Weight for entry into the FMS.
o ZFWCG - Zero Fuel Weight Center of Gravity.
TOWT - Takeoff weight and TOCG (takeoff CG)
FLAP / STAB - Stabilizer settings for all displayed takeoff flap settings.
PERF_210 FOM 14.7
Recall the information listed in the Performance Block of the WDR.
*26L* - Takeoff runway/intersection data.
o 26L: ______, _______
o 26L- F1200CB:
o 26L-E13
o 26L-CBL
o 26L-BAR
o 26L-BAK
o 26L-SHP
o 26L-OBS
• Performance data for an intersection is valid for that named position, in addition to any point on the same runway ________________intersection.
PERF_210 FOM 14.7
Recall the information listed in the Performance Block of the WDR.
*26L* - Takeoff runway/intersection data.
o 26L – Standard, full length.
o 26L- F1200CB – Runway 26L, first 1200 feet have been cutback, (L1200CB indicates a cutback of the last 1200 feet.)
o 26L-E13 Intersection takeoff from taxiway E13.
o 26L-CBL - Arresting cable is raised at the approach end of the runway.
o 26L-BAR - Arresting cable is raised at the departure end of the runway.
o 26L-BAK - Arresting cables are raised at both ends of the runway.
o 26L-SHP - Ships in the harbor.
o 26L-OBS – Temporary obstacles such as cranes.
• Performance data for an intersection is valid for that named position, in addition to any point on the same runway prior to that intersection.
PERF_215 FOM 14.7 V1 SP.5.16
Recall how to determine the contaminate level of the runway.
•Possible contamination codes:
o D-___
o W-___
o I–___
o Q - ___ ___
o H -___ ___
The WDR will display the ______ _________ level and ____ (_).
If Wet (W) is the primary contaminant, the secondary selection will be ____ (__).
PERF_215 FOM 14.7 V1 SP.5.16
Recall how to determine the contaminate level of the runway.
•Possible contamination codes:
o D-Dry
o W-Wet
o I–Icy
o Q - Quarter Clutter
o H - Half Clutter
The WDR will display the primary contaminant level and Wet (W).
If Wet (W) is the primary contaminant, the secondary selection will be Dry (D).
PERF_220 FOM 14.7
Recall if Dry takeoff performance numbers can be used on a Wet grooved runway.
PERF_220 FOM 14.7
Recall if Dry takeoff performance numbers can be used on a Wet grooved runway.
The 319/320/321 were certificated with Wet takeoff performance numbers. Therefore, this fleet must use wet numbers if the runway surface is not dry, as there is no allowance for using dry numbers with a grooved runway or a porous friction overlay.
FOM 14.7
PERF_225 FOM 14.7
Recall the meaning of 42 when listed in the performance block.
42 is the _______ _________ (____),
(could be another numerical value).
PERF_225 FOM 14.7
Recall the meaning of 42 when listed in the performance block.
42 is the assumed temperature (flex),
(could be another numerical value).
PERF_230 FOM 14.7
Recall the meaning of TO when listed in the performance block.
PERF_230 FOM 14.7
Recall the meaning of TO when listed in the performance block.
TO - Full rated thrust.
PERF_235 FOM 14.7
Recall the meaning of /01 when listed in the performance block.
PERF_235 FOM 14.7
Recall the meaning of /01 when listed in the performance block.
/01 – Flap setting for the given performance set
• There will only be one flap setting per WDR contaminant, though primary and secondary contaminants may use different flap settings. **ATTN MULTI FLAP** will appear if this occurs.