What is a Course Identification Number (CIN) and its purpose?
A CIN is a unique number identifying a formal Navy Course. Format: X-999-9999 or X-9X-9999. CIN consists of
three pieces of data. The first piece of data is the Functional Commander and identifies the organization having
functional control of a course. The second piece consists of two or three characters, representing the Skill
Defense Group. The third segment consists of four numbers assigned by a cognizant responsible Command and
is the Sequence Identifier.
What is a Course Data Processing (CDP) code?
The code assigned to uniquely identify each Course of instruction and its location. Courses with the same Course Identification Number (CIN) taught at more than one location will have individual system-assigned CDPs. Also used to identify different categories of personnel taught the same course at the same location.
Who is responsible for ensuring accuracy of data with CeTARS?
Course Supervisor has responsibility to ensure data within CeTARS is accurate.
Describe the “A”, “C”, and “F” type courses of instruction.
“A” - Provides basic knowledge and skills required to prepare for rating entry level performance. This includes
initial skill training (i.e., Apprentice Training “A” Schools), rating conversion training (i.e., Master at Arms
Training), initial skill Remedial Training, and entry level officer training. A NEC will not normally be awarded. May
award a MOS.
“C” - Provides advanced specialized skill/knowledge/aptitude/qualification training required to fill a
particular billet (e.g., one which requires a specific skill code is NEC/officer Billet Specialty Training (BST) coded.
Course completion awards an NEC or officer BST. May also be awarded a MOS.
“F” - Provides individual functional skill or rating specific training as required by Fleet or Type Commander. No
NEC awarded. (Primary funding source: Fleet. Alternate funding: BUPERS on a CNP approved case-by-case basis).
What is a Person Event Code (PEVT) and where it is found and entered?
PEVT code indicates student status in CeTARS. Because CeTARS data is used daily by higher-level headquarters to
make decisions, it is imperative that all student data be entered as it is received by the servicing Training Support
organization. A complete list of PEVT codes and the explanation for each can be found at the CeTARS Web Site.
When may an Academic Review Board (ARB) be convened?
ARBs will be convened when all other means of academic counseling, remediation, and an initial academic
setback have failed to improve student performance. The initial academic setback may result from an academic
counseling session and be directed by the course supervisor. Additional academic setbacks must be directed by
the ARB.
What is the required periodicity for conducting FCRs per current NETC guidance?
FCR will be conducted on an annual, biennial, or triennial cycle as determined by the CCA. In no case shall the
formal course review cycle exceed three years. The CCMM will schedule, monitor, and regulate the FCR.
Regardless of the cycle, a FCR should always be conducted shortly before and in preparation for an TRR.