What is the purpose of the Navy Training System? PDE
Preparation to train
Delivery of training
Evaluation of training
What is the most essential, single link in the training chain?
The instructor
What are the three qualities of an efficient and effective instructor? KAP
Define knowledge.
Subject Matter Expert. Know more about the
subject than what you teach.
Define ability.
Professional Ability; Leadership skills
Instructional ability; be efficient and effective. Know
principles, methods, techniques of instruction, and how to apply them.
Define personality.
Adhere to the rules of conduct; also
called Instructor’s code of ethics.
What is the Instructors Code of Ethics? UPPRR
1) unknown,
2) professional
3) patient
4) rapport
5) respect
What are the Instructor’s Responsibility to students?
Remove barriers to learning.
What is the Instructor’s Responsibility to training safety?
An instructor is a role model for his students. Safety is paramount at all times. The instructor’s greatest responsibility is to ensure a safe training environment for his students.
What are the four principles of John Keller’s model of motivational theory? ARCS
What are the key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation? NAVII
Needs and Drives Attitudes Values Interests Incentives
What is the ultimate goal of instruction?
The ultimate goal of instruction is to cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor’s influence and
apply what they have learned on the job and in other areas of their lives
What are the six laws of learning? RIPEER
Law of Readiness Law of Exercise Law of Effect Law of Primacy Law of Intensity Law of Recency
What are the five ways of learning?
Imitation Trial and error Association Insight Transfer
How does motivation affect a student’s learning.
Motivation often has as much or more impact than scholastic ability. Motivation often determines whether or not a student achieves course objectives.
What are the three types of sensory learners? VAK
What are the four basic learning styles? CAAR
What percent of information is retained with the following learning styles:
Abstract Only = 20%
Abstract & reflective = 50%
Abstract, reflective, & concrete = 70%
Abstract, reflective, concrete, & active = 90%
What are the barriers to effective communication? LOFE
Lack of common core experience
Overuse of abstractionisms
Environmental Factors
What does the communication process consist of?
delivery vehicle
What are the six factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery? GRIPF A
Articulation Grammar Rate of Speech Pauses Inflection Force (of delivery)
What are the four purposes of oral questioning? FADS
Focuses attention
Arouses interest
Drills students
Stimulates students to think
What are the characteristics of a good oral question? CLU
Clarity of Meaning
Level of instruction
Use of an interrogative
What are the seven types of oral questions? MY CLIFT
Multiple Answer Yes / No Canvassing Leading Interest Arousing Factual Question Thought Provoking
Why is body movement an important part of successful communication?
Body movement reinforces, emphasizes, and clarifies verbally expressed ideas
What are the five steps of the five-step questioning technique? APPLE
Ask (State the question) Pause Pick (Call on a student by name) Listen (Comment on answer) Emphasize correct answer
What are the different instructional methods?
Lecture Lecture with Audiovisuals Lesson Demonstration Roll-Playing Team Dimensional Training (TDT) Gaming and Simulation
What are the three parts of a learning objective? BCS
What are the two methods of testing and their importance? KP
What are the five learning levels a knowledge test item may test? CAARR
Comprehension Application Analysis Recognition Recall
What are the different types of performance tests? PCP
What are the primary materials used in presenting instruction?
Lesson Plan
Instruction Sheets
Instructional Media Material/Visual Media Material (IMM)
What is the purpose of student feedback/course critiques?
The purpose of the student critique program is to provide feedback to the training and course supervisors on areas such as training and curriculum effectiveness, instructor performance, safety, and quality of life issues. It also provides a source of feedback to the Instructors on their performance.