Section 1 - Understanding Business Activity Flashcards
Define Need and Want
Need: good/service essential for living
Want: good/service people would like to have, but isn’t essential for living
Factors of production (4)
Land: raw materials extracted from earth/sea
Labour: number of people available to work
Capital: machinery, equipment and finance required for production of product
Enterprise: people prepared to take risk of opening new business venture + bring factors of production together, called entrepreneurs
Define Economic Problem
unlimited wants & limited resources
Define Scarcity
not enough goods/services to meet all wants
Define Opportunity Cost
benefit that could’ve been gained from alternative use of same resource
Define Specialization
people & business focus on their specialty
Define Division of Labour
production process divided into separate tasks and each employee has to complete one
Benefits of Specialization (7)
its machinery is widely available higher competition = lower costs leads to higher living standards less time wasted switching jobs each employee works on only one task = more efficient = higher output lower costs of production
Types of goods/services (3)
consumer goods: physical/tangible products sold to public (durable/non-durable)
consumer services: virtual/tangible products sold to public
capital goods: products sold to other businesses to help them in their production process
Define Added Value
selling a product for more than it cost to produce it
added value = selling price - material costs
How to increase Added Value (8)
branding excellent service quality product features convenience packaging decoration increasing selling price buy cheaper ingredients/materials (=low quality)
Classification of businesses (3)
primary sector: extract natural resources from land/sea
secondary sector: takes resources from primary sector = turns into manufactured finished goods
tertiary sector: providing services to consumers/businesses
chain of production: the production and supply of goods to final consumer, involving activities from 3 sector businesses
Reasons for change in the importance of business classifications (4)
industrialisation: more secondary, less primary
deindustrialisation: more tertiary, less secondary
change in consumer behavior:
- higher incomes = demand better quality and wider market
- better education: expect better products and can compare
- more leisure time = more activities
change in business behavior:
- need for finance for expansion
- need communication, internal/external
- need to provide better services for employees
Define Mixed Economy
economy where resources are owned/controlled by both private/public sectors
Private Sector
- owned by citizens
- own decisions, prices & produce
- aim to make a profit
Public Sector
- owned by state/government
- some products/services are free
- money comes from taxes
- don’t aim for profit, but providing service to community
Define Entrepreneur
an individual that organises, manages, operates and takes the financial risk for a new business venture
Characteristics of an entrepreneur (10)
- innovative
- initiative
- self motivated, determined & confident
- multi skilled
- strong leadership qualities
- results driven
- risk taker
- good at networking/communicating
- hard working
- experienced
Define Business Plan
detailed written document outlining purpose and aims of business
Advantages of Business Plans (7)
- persuade lenders/investors to provide finance
- gives sense of purpose & direction
- financial forecasts help control profits & expenses
- gives targets for business’s workers to aim at
- helps allow the business to monitor its progress
- measure of success
- helps in decision making / planning / budgeting
Why governments support small businesses (6)
- job creation
- wider choice in market
- greater competition = lower prices & better quality
- produce capital goods
- if they grow = help economy
- cheaper prices than large businesses
How governments help small businesses (5)
- grants & low interest or interest free loans
- lower taxation on profits in early years
- rent free premises for certain period of time
- free or subsided training schemes for employees
- info, advice & support from specialist agencies
Methods of measuring the size of a business (5)
- Number of employees:
- easy to calculate & compare
- few employees = high output (automation) - Value of output:
- value of products produced
- compare in same industry, esp manufacturing
- automation - higher output than labor - Value of sales:
- value of products sold
- less than value of output
- misleading in different industries - Value of capital employed:
- value of all long term finance invested in business
- cant compare different industries
- small businesses invest less capital - Market share:
- percentage of share from business from total market
- misleading if comparing different markets
Why businesses want to grow (5)
- increase in profits
- increase in market share
- economies of scale
- greater domination over market
- protection of risk from takeover
Internal Growth (3)
- produce greater number of goods
- developing new products
- finding new markets for products
External Growth (4)
- horizontal integration: same sector merge
- forward vertical integration: manufacturer w retailer
- backward vertical integration: retailer w producer
- conglomerate integration: different industries
Problems linked to business growth (5)
- internal growth is slow
- in integration, workers fear loss of job/status
- if firm = too large = diseconomies of scale
- different objectives, pay, etc. = conflict
- loss of control may occur
Reasons why some businesses remain small (4)
- owner’s choice
- market size
- access & availability of capital
- market domination`
Causes of business failure (9)
- poor planning & lack of objectives
- liquidity problems
- poor choice of location
- poor management
- failure to invest in new technologies
- poor marketing
- lack of finance
- competition
- economic influences
Define sole trader
business owned/managed by 1 person
Advantages of sole traders (4)
- easy to set up + small start up capital
- makes all decisions
- complete control
- keeps all profit
Disadvantages of sole traders (5)
- unlimited liability
- difficult to raise funds for expansion
- may have to work long hours
- difficult to compete with large firms
- may not have skills to run business
Advantages of partnerships (4)
- easy to setup deed of partnership
- greater access to funds = shared investments & expenses
- shared decision making
- shared management
Disadvantages of partnerships (5)
- unlimited liability
- shared profits
- if one partner leaves = businesses ceases to exist
- frequent disagreements
- difficult to raise finance
Define incorporated
separate legal identity from owners
Define shareholders
people who buy shares of an LLC which represents part ownership of the company