Business terms Flashcards
added value
selling price - cost of materials
appreciation of currency
rise in exchange rate / value
managers take decisions without consulting employees
average cost
total cost / total units
balance sheet
shows value of business’s assets/liabilities on a particular date
batch production
made in groups of certain amount
board of directors
senior managers responsible for strategic decisions
unique name/image/symbol that distinguishes a business from its competitors
brand image
reputation of business held by consumers
level of output at which total revenue = total costs, no loss or profit
business cycle
fluctuations in economic activity over time, growth boom recession slump
business objective
statement of a specific target that a business works towards
business partnership
two people jointly agree to own and run a business
capital employed
value of shareholders funds / owner’s equity + noncurrent liabilities
capital intensive
machinery is key resource, not labour
cash flow
amount of cash moving in and out of business over period of time
cash flow forecast
estimate of cash inflows and outflows on a monthly basis
chain of command
structure within a business in which instructions are passed down from senior management to lower levels of management
cost of sales
cost per unit x number of output
cost plus pricing
price is set by adding a fixed percentage of profit to the cost of making a product
large number of people contribute small amounts of money to raise finance for a project
current assets
assets owned by a business that can be quickly converted into cash
customer loyalty
chances of return purchases
giving a subordinates the authority to perform a task / make a decision
termination of employee by employer for either breaking company rules or not meeting requirements
payment of shareholders from profits of a company
buying and selling over the internet
economic boom
period of time when GDP and level of economic activity rising rapidly
economies of scale
reduction in average costs due to a large scale of operations
economy in recession
sustained reduction in GDP
a person that organizes, manages, operates and takes the financial risk of opening a new business venture
exchange rate
value of one currency in terms of another
financial bonus
extra pay provided for performance exceeding the target
fixed costs
costs that do not change with output
flow production
large quantities of a standardised product are produced on a continuous production line
focus group
people who have similar characteristics to the target market give their opinions on a product / service
a business agreement based upon an existing brand name, in which the franchisee purchases a license fro ma franchiser, to sell the franchise’s products under its name
process by which countries are connected due to the movement of goods, services, people and capital
total value of goods and services produced in a country in one year
import quota
limit on the number of goods allowed into a country
import tariff
taxes on goods brought into a country
income statement
a financial document that records the revenue, costs and profit for a given period of time
induction training
introduction given to new employees explaining the methods of the business and introducing them to other workers
input:output ratio is low, not productive
internal communication
messages between employees working in the same organisation
amount of raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods, held by a business intended for sale