Secondary Data Flashcards
Durkheim (OS)
Gov collects stats for own purposes
. In his study of suicide found there were no statistics specifically on the religion of suicide victims
Atkinson (OS)
Regard them as lacking validity - don’t represent real things that exist in the world, they are social constructed
Irvine (OS)
Marxists regard them as serving interests of capitalism
Thomas and Zhaniecki (Doc)
Used personal documents in their study of migration and social change
Aries (Doc)
Historical Documents
^ used child - rearing manuals and paintings of children in his study of the rise of modern notion of childhood
Scott (Doc)
When assessing documents, sociologists should follow this criteria:
- Authentically
- Credibility
- Representativeness
- Meaning
Thomas and Zhaniecki (Cred)
Polish immigrants may have lied in their letters home about how good life in the USA was to justify their decision to emigrate
Gill (Content Analysis)
Content works as follows:
1. Decide what categories we are going to use
2. Study the source and place the characters in it into the categories we have decided upon
3. Then count up the number in each category
Lobban (Content Analysis)
Used it to analyse gender roles in childrens reading schemes
In his study of racism and schooling, was able to access a wide range of school documents - gave the ‘official picture’
Hey (prac)
Made use of notes girls passed to eachother in class to understand friendship patterns
Hey (ethical)
Collected some of the notes from desks at the end of the lesson
^ no informed consent