Secondary amenorrhoea Flashcards
What is secondary amenorrhoea defined as?
secondary amenorrhoea is defined as no menstruation for more than 3 months after previous regular menstruations
When would investigation and assessment be considered for secondary amenorrhoea?
- after 3(-6 months) in women with previous regular menstruations
- after 6(-12 months) in women with previous irregular menstruations
What is the most common cause of secondary amenorrhoea?
What are other causes of secondary amenorrhoea?
- Menopause and premature ovarian failure
- Hormonal contraception eg IUS or POP
- Hypothalamic or pituitary pathology
- Ovarian causes such as POS
- Uterine pathology such as Asherman’s syndrome
- Thyroid pathology
- Hyperprolactinaemia
- stress due to exercise/low weight/chronic disease/psychological stress
How can excessive exercise/low weight/chronic diseases/psychological stress lead to secondary amenorrhoea?
-causes psychological/physiological stress which the hypothalamus responds by reducing the production of GnRH so less oestrogen produced
What are some pituitary causes of secondary amenorrhoea?
- pituitary tumours, like a prolactin secreting prolactinoma
- pituitary failiure due to trauma, radiotherapy, surgery or Sheehan syndrome
How does hyperprolactinaemia cause secondary amenorrhoea?
-the high prolactin levels act on the hypothalamus to prevent the release of GnRH so no release of LH and FSH leading to hypogonadotropic gonadism
What is the most common cause of hyperprolactinaemia?
-a pituitary adenoma secreting prolactin
What investigations should you do for high levels of prolactin?
-CT of MRI scan of brain to assess for pituitary tumour
What treatment can be used for hyperprolactinaemia?
- often no treatment is required
- dopamine agonists such as bromocriptine or cabergolin can be used to reduce prolactin production
What does assessment of secondary amenorrhoea invlove?
- detailed history and examination for potential causes
- hormonal blood tests
- US of pelvis to diagnose POS
What hormonal blood tests are used to investigate secondary amenorrhoea?
- Beta HCG urine/blood tests to rule out pregnancy
- LH and FSH -> high FSH suggests primary ovarian failure, high LH or LH:FSH ratio suggests POS
- Prolactin to assess for hyperprolactinaemia
- TFTs
- testosterone -> when raised indicates POS, androgen insensitivity syndrome or congenital adrenal hyperplasia
What does the management of secondary amenorrhoea involve?
- establishing and treating the underlying cause
- where necessary, replacement hormones can be used to induce menstruation and improve symptoms
What are patients with amenorrhoea at increased risk of?
- osteoporosis
- as low oestrogen levels
- if amenorrhoea lasts > 12 months treatment is indicated for osteoporosis
- treatment includes: ensuring adequate vit D and calcium intake, and HRT or combined OCP