second week embryology Flashcards
what is implantation?
It is the process by which the blastocyst embeds itself in the decidua. →day7
at what time does implantation occur?
This process begins at the end of the 1st week & is completed by the end of 2nd week of the human development.
at which site does implantation occur?
commonly attached to the junction of the fundus and posterior wall of the uterus or anywhere in the upper part of uterine cavity
when does the zona pellucida disappear during fertilization?
5th day
what is syncytiotrophoblast?
covering the embryonic pole of the blastocyst
has finger-like processes which invade & erode the glands &the blood
vessels of the decidua through the release of proteolytic enzymes.
The decidua is the specialized layer of endometrium that forms the base of the placental bed.
what is the embryonic disc?
it is when the embryoblast changes into a
flattened, circular, bilaminar disc
what are the 2 layers that the embryonic disc consist of?
The epiblast (ectoderm),the thicker
layer, consists of high, columnar cells.
The hypoblast (endoderm), the thinner
layer, consists of small, cuboidal cells.
( Bilaminar germ disc gives rise to embryo
what are the formation of extra embryonic structures?
Amnion & amniotic cavity
what are the peripheral cells of epiblast
(ectoderm) called?
why do aminioblasts migrate dorsally to form what?
to form a thin membrane known as amniotic
the membrane encloses an amniotic cavity which is called ?
amniotic cavity
what forms the floor of the
amniotic cavity ?
the epiblast
what is the chorionic sac?
The extra-embryonic mesoderm
develops between trophoblast
externally and amnion and primary
yolk sac internally. It enlarges &
isolated extra-embryonic spaces
appear within it.
The extra - embryonic coelom splits
the extra - embryonic mesoderm into
2 layers which are?
Extra – embryonic somatic
mesoderm which lines the
trophoblast & covers the amnion.
Extra -embryonic splanchnic
mesoderm which surrounds the
primary umbilical vesicle so it
become, secondary umbilical vesicle.
chorionic membrane consists of?
synciotrophoblasts t + Cyto- trophoblast + Extra-embryonic somatic mesoderm lining the trophoblast.
What is connecting stalk ?
it is one place at which the extra
-embryonic mesoderm doesn’t split,
the dorso -caudal end of the
embryonic disc where the disc is
attached to the trophoblast
what are the isolated cavities?
Isolated cavities called lacunae
appear in the syncytio-trophoblast.
By the 12th day, the lacunae fuse
together to form what?
to form lacunar networks
that are prominent around the
embryonic pole.
They are the primordia of the
intervillous spaces of the
by the end of the 2nd week what appears?
The primary chorionic villi appears
The cells of the anterior part of endoderm of the embryonic disc, became
columnar, forming a thick circular area which is called?
the prochordal plate
the prochordal plate indicates what?
This plate indicates the future site of the mouth