Second Test 151210 Flashcards
Surface ectoderm, outcome and emryology:
Skin, mucous, membranes, glands
1) lens
2) epithelium of cornea
3) lacrimal gland
4) eyelid skin, lashes, glands
Neural ectoderm, outcome and embryology
CNS, retina
1) optical nerve
2) retina, pigment epithelium
3) pigmented and unpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body and the iris
Mesoderm develop into:
Muscle, bone, connective tissue
- vascular tissue: choroid, retinal vessels, vessels of EOM, lids, etc., hyaloid embryonic vessels
- connective tissues: sclera, corneal stroma (primarily), supporting ligaments, tendons etc.
- muscle tissue: ciliary, EOM, Levator, orbicularis oculi
Endoderm develop into
Lining of digestive system
The neural crest cells - outcome:
- corneal endothelium
- trabecular meshwork
- keratocytes of corneal stroma
- pupillary membrane (embryonic)
- stroma of the iris
The neural crest cells - outline the first migration wave (week 6)
Migration to the front of the eye cup, corneal epithelium and trabecular meshwork
The neural crest cells - outline the second migration wave (week 7)
- Between corneal endothelium and epithelium keratocytes
- In front of embryonic lens-pupillary membrane
The neural crest cells - outline the third migration wave (week 8-10)
Iris stroma
Outline the development of the sensory retina
1) early differentiation into zones - week 5
2) formation of temporary layers - week 6-11
- begins at central retina; outer-, inner neuroblastic and marginal layer
3) cell differentiation and migration - week 12-24
4) final organisation of layers - month 7-13
Foveal development:
Outline what happens during the 6th month
The ganglion cell layer thickens in the future macula
Foveal development:
Outline what happens during the 8th month
Differentiation proceeds rapidly in the retina, but not at the foveal region - causing a depression to appear
- rods do not develop here
Post natal maturation:
During what time does rapid development occur?
Birth -> 6 months after birth
Post natal maturation:
During what time does gradual development occur?
Until 3-4 years of age
Define bilaminar disc
towards the end of the 2nd week of gestation the embryo has 2 cell layers - an epiblast and a hypoblast (these are together called the bilaminar disc)
Hypoblast becomes:
the embryo
Epiblast becomes:
the extra-embryonic membranes (e.g. yolk sac)
What is the purpose of gastrulation?
To produce the 3 layers from which embryonic structures will develop (ectodem, endoderm and mesoderm)
From what day does eye development start
approx day 22
Define somites
- Paired segments along neural tube of a vertebrate embryo, next to the midplane
- Develop into vertebral column and muscles
- Good indicator of precise embryonic age
Embryology of the anterior segment:
Outline what happens in week 8
1) eye extends forward to form the iris
2) tunica lentis vessels surround the lens, major arterial circle of the iris is formed
3) anterior chamber forms and deepens
4) corneal stroma forms and develops backwards to form sclera
5) lid fold begins
Embryology of the anterior segment:
Outline what happens in week 10
1) anterior chamber deepens
2) continuing iris growth
3) eyelids fuse, conjunctiva enlarges
Embryology of the anterior segment:
Outline what happens in week 14
1) ciliary processes and zonules develop
2) ciliary muscle develops
Embryology of the anterior segment:
Outline what happens in month 4
Iris sphinctor develops
Embryology of the anterior segment:
Outline what happens in month 5
Iris dilator muscle forms