First Test 151102 Flashcards
Parietal bones (2)
Form side/roof of cranial cavity
Temporal bones (2)
Form the lateral aspects/ floor of cranium
Occipital bone
Forms posterior part and most of base of cranium
Sphenoid bone
Wedge-shaped, lies at the middle part of the base of skull
Ethmoid bone
Anterior part of cranial floor, medial to orbits
- major superior supporting structure of the nasal cavity
- contains projections (conchae), lined by mucous membranes
- increased surface area in nasal cavity, humidifies inhaled air, traps inhaled particles
Define suture
Immovable joints that fuse most of skull bones together
What are the paranasal sinuses?
- 4 pairs of air filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavity
- secretions produced by the mucous membranes (which line the sinuses), drain into the nasal cavity
- serve as resonating chambers that intensify and prolong sounds
How many bones does the skull consist of?
22 bones
- 8 cranial bones
- 14 facial bones
Define foramen
Openings that allow veins, ligaments and nerves to pass
Define fissures
Narrow groove/division/furrow between adjacent bones through which blood vessels or nerves pass (eg superior orbital fissure)
Define fossa
Shallow depression (for glands etc. lacrimal fossa for lacrimal gland
Nasal bones
form the bridge of the nose
- form the upper jawbone
- forms most of the hard palate
- separates the nasal cavity from the oral cavity
zygomatic bones
commonly called cheekbones, form the prominences of the cheeks
lacrimal bones
form a part of the medial wall of each orbit, smallest in face
palatine bones
form the posterior portion of the hard palate
inferior nasal conchae
scroll-like bones, form a part of the inferior lateral wall of the nasal cavity and help filter air before reaching lungs
inferior portion of nasal septum, triangular
jawbone, largest, strongest facial bone. The only movable skull bone
nasal septum
divides the interior of the nasal cavity into right and left sides
define orbits
eye sockets