Second Position Flashcards
What is the footwork Second Position in order?
- Parallel
- Laterally Rotated
- Medially Rotated
How many spring in Second Position?
3-4 spring
How many repetitions in Seçond Position?
10-12 repetitions
What is the Second Position breathing pattern?
Inhale - to prepare
Exhale - to press the carriage out
Inhale - to return
Starting Position
- Heels on footbar, ankle dorsiflexed.
- Legs parallel and abducted, hip distance apart
Starting Position:
- heels as wide as possible on footbar, ankles dorsiflexed.
- legs laterally rotated.
- knees flexed and pointing over center of feet.
Laterally Rotated
Starting Position :
- heels on bar, abducted slightly wider than hip-distance apart.
- legs medially rotated, knees flexed and touching.
Medially Rotated
Second Position Modification
- Alternate Breath - inhale to press/exhale to return
- Small Range Pulse
- End Range Pulse - press all the way out and return slightly.
- Flex Band Exercise (1&3 exercise) - tied around thigh to maintain activation of hip abductors
ESSSENCE : Second Position
*Transverse Abdominis - to compress abdomen & stabilize limbo-pelvic region.
*Deep Pelvic Floor - to aid firing transversus
*Obliques - to prevent spinal extension
*Obliques and Multifidus - to prevent rotation
- Vastus Medialis & Lateralis - working to tract patella properly
Target Muscle : Second Position
Concentric - Quadraceps & Hip Extensors
Eccentric (return)
Vastus Medialis & Lateralis
Second Position Stability
Leg Alignment
Knees pouting over center of feet
Ankle not rolling in or out
Second Position Mobility
Knee extension & flexion