Second AICP Deck Flashcards
Adverse Possession
Squatter’s Rights - gaining legal title to real property through active/hostile possession of it to the exclusion of its true owner. There is a statutory time limit that needs to be met, various by state ranging from 5 - 21 years.
4 impediments to housing construction (State of the Nation’s Housing 2018)
- supply of skilled workers
- cost of building materials
- depletion of developable lots
- density and residential uses limited by land-use regs and zoning
Percentage of US households that are cost burdened (>30% income on housing costs) in ~2018
Range of average costs per square foot of construction, residential in the US (~2018)
$150/300 / sq ft
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- metropolitan populations
- metro populations grew by 9% for a total of 86%
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- percentage of US counties with declining population
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- Percent of US metro areas that experienced population growth
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- fastest growing US metro area
The Villages, FL
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- race and ethnicity
US is more multiracial - (most likely not a real change, but a new awareness allowed by the new question formats)
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- states with the highest diversity, as measured through the DI (diversity index)
- Hawaii, CA, NV
- Maryland, TX, DC
- NY, NJ
2010 to 2020 US Census trends:
- percentage and changes in the adult population
78% total, 10% growth
2010 to 2020 US Census, Housing trends:
-states that lost housing units
WV and Puerto Rico
2010 to 2020 US Census, Housing trends:
- state with most absolute housing growth
2010 to 2020 US Census, Housing trends:
- # of housing units
~140 mill
2010 to 2020 US Census, Housing trends:
- vacancy rate for US households
4 Agricultural Preservation Planning Tools
- Urban growth boundaries,
- purchase of development rights,
- exclusive ag zoning
- right to farm provisions
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
- ~$800bill
- create and save jobs,
- spur long-term investment and economic growth
- increased accountability in gov spending
Antiquities Act
President Theodore Roosevelt
mandates the protection of archeological sites and artifacts found on public land; authorizes president to establish National Monuments
Biophilic Design
Premier city
architectural style that both decreases environmental impacts and connects us to the natural world in the pursuit of health and productivity
Singapore - “city in a garden”
Blue Roof
Relation to Green Roof
- stores water on the roof of a structure to reduce stormwater impacts
- cheaper and more effective than a green roof at stormwater management (though lacks other benefits of energy use reduction, habitat, aesthetic, life cycle costs)
- ex: collecting roof water into rain barrels
Low-Impact Development
managing stormwater as close to the source as possible to reduce runoff and pollutant loadings
Economic Base Theory
Basic vs. Non-Basic Sectors
Goal: have exports - have a strong Basic Sector
Economic Theory: another name for ‘invisible hand’ theory
Supply and Demand Theory
Location Quotient (LQ)
measures relative significance of a sector’s employment - specialization; commonly calculated for economic development purposes within a city/region; ratio between local economy and benchmark economy for a given job base
Basic sector jobs
Employment that produces export economy, and so are dependent on external demand
What is the status of the basic sector if the location quotient is greater than 1?
Some of the jobs are basic sector jobs.
Economic Theory: Shift-Share Analysis
understanding the balance between national economic effects, industrial mix component, and specific economic specialization/competitiveness.
Agglomeration benefits and issues
crowding, traffic, etc.
Ideal Jobs-to-Housing ratio
1 - 1.6
Fiscal Impact Analysis
Revenues &
to figure out if your municipal taxes need to go up
Major Fiscal Impact Analysis models (2)
Average cost
Marginal cost
Structural Unemployment
unemployment that occurs because of specific economic structural shifts (as opposed to general cyclical trends)
planner associated with mt. Laurel doctrine
Paul Davidoff
3 Cs of participatory planning
Coalition building
consensus building
conflict resolution
Broadacre City
Frank Lloyd Wright
-Democratic city using technology and AUTOMOBILES to decentralize
-intermingled farms and houses
-private ownership of house, farm, and workplace - public ownership of utilities, transportation, etc.
Model city toured the US and Europe
Common examples of businesses that can turn into brownfield sites
Gas stations, hair dresser, dry cleaners
Build-to Lines
A line to which a building must be expanded/contracted to. Like a setback, but the opposite.
Capitalization Rate
estimated rate of return generated from real estate investments
calculated by dividing a property’s net operating income by the current market value
Cities in Transition
cities facing major regeneration challenges
resulting from fundamental
short- or long-term economic, demographic, or physical changes.
Boom Bust City
Typically Sun Belt cities, with economies driven by construction and real estate, fell with the Great Recession and the collapse of the housing bubble. Not shrinking, but not growing anymore.
Clawback Clause
Allows states to get money back/be protected from economic development incentives they bestow on private companies when job growth goals are not met. Not a thing in all states.
2 Other names for Climate Action Plans
Hazard Mitigation Plans
Post-Disaster Plans
Date and Location of first municipal Climate Action Plan (CAP) in the US
Portland, OR
def, situation
Community/neighborhood, in Spanish. Mostly located in TX, but also in NM, AZ, and CA. informal settlements of mostly immigrant children (US Citizens), often lacking basic infrastructure and necessities.
Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council (1992)
Issue: Lucas owned beachfront property, which became a conservation zone and prohibited further development.
Winner: Lucas
Precedent: Defined a regulatory taking and required that compensation is still required for a regulatory taking of all economic use
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
5 key elements in planning for diverse communities (APA PAS Report 2019)
Economic Opportunity Transportation Access Housing Affordability Health and Safety Placemaking
Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)
Date content
- coastal resource management, including the great lakes
- includes three programs:
- National Coastal Zone Management Program
- National Estuarine Research Reserve System
- Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program
Bay Area Rapid Transit System (BART) started in…
4 general components of a comprehensive plan
- existing conditions (eg, demographics)
- goals and objectives
- implementation strategies (eg, implementation schedule)
- future land-use map
Penn Central Transportation Co. v The City of New York (1978)
Issue: Owner of Penn Central Station wanted to build offices above the station, but was prevented from using the airspace above the station IN THIS MANNER because of the Landmarks Preservation Commission and their designation of Penn Central as a historic landmark
Winner: City of NY
Outcome: No taking had occurred, especially b/c the Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) allowed owner to profit from airspace above the station
Transactive Planning
Norman Krumholz and John Friedmann - alternative to rational planning, based on community rationality - human dialogue and mutual learning b/w planners and people affected
4 theories of urban development (DESIGN)
name - person - city
concentric circle - Ernest Burgess (Chicago)
sector - Homer Hoyt (Chicago)
central place - Walter Christaller
multiple nuclei - Harris and Ullman
7 theories of planning practice
Rational Incremental Mixed Scanning Advocacy Transactive Radical Communicative
Planning Practice Type: Applying the scientific method to city planning
Rational Planning
Planning Practice Type: dominant planning practice theory through 1950s, and persisting in transportation planning today
Rational Planning
“The Science of Muddling Through”
Associated planning practice theory
Charles Lindblom
incremental planning
Planning Practice Type: Person associated with Incremental Planning
Charles Lindblom
Planning Practice Type: views planning decisions at two levels - the big picture and the small picture; compromise b/w rational and incremental planning theories
Mixed Scanning
Planning Practice Type: Which planning theory is Amitai Etzioni associated with?
Mixed Scanning
Planning Practice Type: improved upon incrementalism by recognizing difference b/w policy-changing decisions and implementation decisions
Mixed Scanning
Advocacy Planning
Paul Davidoff
Planning Practice Type: plans should represent various interests, resulting in plural plans for public consideration
Advocacy Planning
Planning Practice Type: Person associated with equity planning / transactive planning in Cleveland, OH during the 1970s
Norman Krumholz
Planning Practice Type: planners should work to redistribute power, resources, or participation (type and person)
Transactive Planning, Norman Krumholz
“Retracking America: A theory of Transactive Planning”
John Friedmann
Planning Practice Type: developed in the 1970s to get the public involved in the planning process
Transactive planning
What other book and planning theory is John Fridman associated with?
radical planning , “Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action” (1987)
Planning Practice Type: puts planning power in the people’s hands - citizens get together and develop their own plans
Radical Planning
Planning Practice Type: current planning theory of choice, which involves a more open process with intensive citizen participation
Communicative Planning
“Rules for Radicals”
Planning Practice Type
Saul Alinksy
Advocacy Planning
Planning Practice Type and planner associated with the Back of the Yards movement
Saul Alinsky
Advocacy Planning
“Ladder of Participation”
Sherry Arnstein
Who authored the 1916 NYC Zoning code?
What is special about this legislation?
Edward Bassett and George McAneny
first comprehensive zoning ordinance in the US
considered to be the “father of zoning”
Edward Bassett
Transportation demand management (TDM)
- strategies aimed at maximizing traveler choices
- focuses on reducing single occupancy vehicle (SOV) trips
Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) program
provides commuters w/ a number of free on-demand car rides home if emergencies arise. This allows commuters who do not drive person vehicles to have peace of mind.
first urban plan
Daniel Burnham
Who founded the Congress for New Urbanism?
Peter Calthorpe
Father of regional planning
Patrick Geddes
father of city planning
Daniel Burnham
father of modern ecology
Ian McHarg
Father of the modern housing code
Lawrence Veiller
Economic assumption about behavior in which actors pick on outcome that achieves an acceptable level among multiple goals (as opposed to the optimal level) - “making do”
Herbert Simon
Associated Person w/ Planning Theory:
concentric circle
Ernest Burgess
Associated Person w/ Planning Theory:
Homer Hoyt
Associated Person w/ Planning Theory:
central place
Walter Christaller
Associated Person w/ Planning Theory:
multiple nuclei
Harris and Ullman
First president of ACPI
Frederick Law Olmstead Jr.
What case did Alfred Bettman argue?
Village of Euclid v Ambler Realty Co.
authors of first comprehensive plan (Cincinnati 1925)
Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe
When and how was APA formed?
American Institute of Planners (AIP) + American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO)
first president of American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO)
Alfred Bettman
Person who designed the citizen-led planning commission process to disrupt municipal corruption
Alfred Bettman
Who drafted the Standard Enabling Acts?
Alfred Bettman
Transportation Network Companies
Uber, Lyft
city with first electric street car
Richmond, VA
city with first elevated train
Chicago, IL
Intermodal centers, 2 different types
- facilitates transfers b/w different transportation modes for individuals
- facilitates freight transfers for cargo
Tenants of Vision Zero
- traffic deaths are preventable
- integrate human failing
- prevent fatal and severe crashes
- systems approach
- saving lives in not expensive
Central Business District
Federal Transportation Policy Trends Pre- 1950
Moving commuters into CBD
Federal Transportation Policy Trends 1950 - 1990
Focused on roadways and moving vehicles - increase VMT
ISTEA 1991 - 1997 focuses on
focuses on federal funding for multimodal transportation
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
- Federally mandated by 1962 Highway Act
- exist for urban (>200,000) and rural (50,000) areas
With roadway Level of Service (LoS), what is slowest acceptable rating?
What are the three Cs that are the priorities for federal transportation funding?
1st amendment key points
freedom of:
- religion
- speech (press)
- assembly
- petition for redress of grievances
5th amendment key points:
- Due process - procedural justice
- just compensation for eminent domain
14th amendment key points
- citizenship
- due process protections for life, liberty, and property
- equal protection of laws
3 Planning movements of the 19th century (1800s)
Public Health
Garden City
City Beautiful
6 planning movements in the 1800s and 1900s, in order
Public Health Garden City City Beautiful City Efficient City Humane City Functional
Which planning movement focused on
- industrial safety requirements
- maximum work hours
- minimum housing standards
- public recreation amenities
- ensuring the provision of light and air in cities
Public Health Movement (late 1800s)
Which planning movement was a reaction to industrialization and poor living conditions in cities, and was predicated on the inherent immorality of the city, a return to the country
village, and the sacredness of nature.
Garden City Movement, started in 1898/1902 with Ebenezer Howard’s book
Which planning movement proposed public greenbelts and agricultural areas surrounding self-supporting, satellite communities ringing a central city with maximum populations to prevent sprawl.
Garden City Movement
Which planning movement revived city planning as part of municipal government, established quasi-independent citizen planning commissions, and emphasized physical site planning?
City Beautiful Movement
Which planning movement emerged from the 1893 Columbian Exposition @ the Chicago World Fair?
City Beautiful Movement
Which planning movement focused on the passage of new laws and court cases relative to land use, zoning, subdivision control, and administrative planning regulation?
City Efficient Movement
Which planning movement focused on public services and infrastructure (eg, highways and sewers)?
City Efficient Movement
Which planning movement developed as a result of the 1930s Great Depression?
City Humane Movement
Which planning movement focused on social and economic issues and ways of alleviating the problems of unemployment, poverty, and urban plight?
City Humane Movement
Which planning movement emerged in the 1940s with the growing military and renewed US industrialization?
City Functional Movement
Which planning movement emphasized administrative efficiency and increased federal gov role in local planning?
City Functional Movement
Significance of Section 701 of the 1954 Housing Act
Section 701 spurred local and regional comprehensive planning by providing federal funding. First targeted at small towns (pop <25,000), then spread to all towns and states.
Which Housing Act expanded federal funding eligibility to regional councils (aka councils of government)?
1965 Housing Act
Designer of Letchworth
Sir Raymond Unwin
Letchworth and Welwyn are examples of…
Garden City Movement in Britain
Who designed Welwyn?
Louis deSoissons
City Planning Expert of the 1920s
Robert Moses
Tennessee Valley Authority
When was the TVA created?
1933 - soon in the Great Depression
Tennessee Valley Authority
Who designed Radburn, NJ?
Henry Wright and Stein
Where were the three greenbelt towns, associated with the Resettlement Act of 1935?
Greenbelt, MD
Greenhills, OH
Greendale, WI
Who was the first leader of the Resettlement Administration?
Rexford Guy Tugwell
The greenbelt towns built by the Resettlement Administration were inspired by which city planning movement?
Garden City Movement
What is the urbanized northeastern US seaboard called, and who called it this?
Megalopolis, Jean Gottmann, 1961
Who designed Riverside, IL, and what was the significance of this city?
Frederick Law Olmstead (OG) and Calvert Vaux - model for future US suburbs - first planned community (1869)
two railroads that join to form the first transcontinental
Where they join
Union Pacific
Central Pacific
Promontory Point, Utah
Who founded the Sierra Club, and when?
John Muir 1892
two parties who resolve AICP ethics issues
AICP Ethics Officer and the AICP Ethics Committee
Current AICP ethics officer
Jim Peters
What percentage of US HH receive the long form of the US Census?
of subjects in the short form of the US Census
Urbanization trends: percentage of US population in urban areas 2000, 2010, 2020
79%, 81%, 83%
Census classifications: do Urbanized Areas or Urban Clusters have greater population?
Urbanized Areas (>50,000) have greater population than Urban Clusters (2,5000-50,000 people)
Which body delineates Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs)?
US OMB (Office of Management and Budget)
Minimum populations of a metropolitan statistical area (MSA)?
50,000 city + total metro population of 100,000
Which is the smallest level that all census data is released?
census tract
what is a tribal designated statistical area?
a unit drawn by tribes that do not have a recognized area
the American Community Survey replaces which form of the census?
long form
generation born 1928-1945
Silent Generation
generation born 1946 - 1964
Baby Boomers
generation born 1965 - 1980
Generation X
generation born 1981 - 1996
Millennials / Generation Y / Echo Boomers
generation born 1997 - 2012
Generation Z
generation born 2012 - ~2025
Generation A
Generations cohorts in order, 1928 - 2012
Silent Generation Baby Boomers Generation X Millennials Generation Z Generation A
Which two cities in Jean Gottman’s book megalopolis about?
Washington DC and Boston MA (the edges of the urban eastern seaboard)
Grand Coulee Dam
what lake formed purpose construction date epithets (2)
dams Columbia River in PNW; forms Lake Roosevelt; irrigates central Washington state; construction finished 1941; largest concrete structure and largest sources of hydropower in the US
Another name for a Superfund site
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
created a tax on the chemical and petroleum industries; provided broad Federal authority to respond directly to releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances that may endanger public health or the environment; created liability for polluters; created trust fund to clean up pollution when no responsible party could be identified.
marine vegetation (that accumulates on beaches at high water marks)
square feet in an acre
43560 sq ft
acres in a hectacre
When and where was the first urban growth boundary established?
Lexington, KY 1958
full name
Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction
state laws allow a city, town, or other incorporated place to have zoning, land use, and/or development approval jurisdiction for a given distance outside of their territorial boundary.
location of the first historic preservation commission
Vieux Carre, New Orleans, LA
location of the first historic preservation ordinance
Charleston, SC
oldest land trust in the world
MA Trustees of Public Reservations
date of establishment for National Park Service
Census trends: US population in poverty 2000 2010 2020
12%, 15%, 11%
location of first US department store
Salt Lake City, UT
ZIP code
Zone Improvement Plan Code
Urban Service Area
Area of land targeted for new or improved infrastructure over 5-10 years
Council of Governments
another name for a COG
Regional Council
another name for a COG
Regional Council
Tysons Corner, VA is an example of a …
edge city
edgless cities
Robert Lang
suburban office space that lacks density and cohesiveness of edge cities
city with first parking regs
Columbus OH
State with first concurrency resolutions
Florida (adequate public facilities ordinance)
the San Antonio River Walk and the Griffith Observatory are examples of…
Works Progress Administration projects
survey township
historical tool used to designated land ownership. 36 sq miles large
Which is usually a higher number? Net density or gross density
net density
Density calc.
Difference between net density and gross density
total dwelling units / area
net density: area of individual lots
gross density: area of individual lots + street rights-of-way and common areas
Typical density of single-family residential
1-12 dwelling units / acre
Typical density of townhomes
13-24 dwelling units / acre
Typical density of apartments
20 - 30 dwelling units / acre
where was the first planning board established?
Hartford, CT
Which level of government determines annexation requirements?
State Gov
This author’s work formed the basis for GIS analysis
Ian McHarg
The name for places with poor ambient air quality
Non-attainment areas
what is the “shy distance”?
sidewalk area that pedestrians tend to avoid
Laws governing telecommunications:
1934 Communications Act
1996 Telecommunications Act
2012 Spectrum Act
Goals of the 1996 and 2012 telecommunications acts
encourage development of wireless facilities to improve service nationwide; by preserving local zoning yet clarifying that local zoning cannot ban the construction, modification, or placement of telecommunications facilities in any area.
Specifications / content of 2012 Spectrum Act
state / local govs are forbidden to deny requests to modify (ie, collocate new equipment, remove equipment, replace equipment) wireless equipment as long as the modifications do not substantially change the physical dimensions of the tower or facility