First AICP Review Flashcards
Sierra Club -
Year and City of Founding
1892, in San Francisco
Define Budget (4 parts)
a means of:
- allocating resources
- creating priorities
- defining competing interests
- making choices between competing interests
Define Roadway type: Urban Collectors (3 parts)
- traffic circulation
- land access with all land uses
- by collecting and distributing traffic to these geographic areas
Define isohyet
A line on a map that connects places that have the same amount of rain
Give a well-known example of an isohyet
the 100th Meridian
Change from the 1990 census questions to the 2000 census questions
- No longer asks about source of water
Joliet, IL auto racing track - economic development effects
In Joliet, Illinois, what was completed in 2001, and has produced over 2,000 construction jobs, 1,500 jobs, $35 million in annual wages, $300,000 in new tax revenue, and an estimated total impact of approximately $32 million?
Define Zero Discharge
When the amount of stormwater runoff after the development of a site is equal to before development.
Dolan v. City of Tigard, 512 U.S. 374 (1994)
- issue
- outcome
- precedent
Issue: the city required a private commercial developer to add a public greenway for stormwater runoff mitigation and a bicycle/ped way to offset increased transportation demand.
Outcome: Dolan won; the city’s demands were found to be unconstitutional.
Precedent: ROUGH PROPORTIONALITY. The city must make some sort of individualized determination that the required dedication is related both in nature and extent to the impact of the proposed development.
Define Special Districts
Special purpose districts are generally created through the county legislative authority to meet a specific need / provide a single service for the local community.
On July 20, 2002, “Listening to the City” was….
- located where?
- was what form of event?
- how many people involved?
- An event that took place in Manhattan
- A modern town meeting
- An event that involved around 5,000 people
Define arterial roads
a major thoroughfare of both local and regional significance that is designed to provide perimeter access to smaller local street
In Planning and Budgeting systems, Project Management (PM) can be described as…
focused on evaluating and ranking outputs,
program-orientated with long-range projections that emphasizes planning not budgeting
Munn v. Illinois (1876)
- Issue
- Outcome
- Precedent
Issue: State gov tried to limit the amount of money private grain silo company in Illinois could charge for storage and transport of agricultural products.
—Public-Private Property/Free Enterprise v. State Rights
Outcome: State regulations were upheld. Illinois won.
Precedent: state power to regulate extends to private industries that affect the public interest
Tahoe Sierra Preservation Council v. TRPA (2002)
- Issue
- Outcome
- Precedent
Issue: Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) imposed moratoria on development in the Lake Tahoe Basin while formulating a comprehensive land-use plan. Petitioners filed suits claiming that TRPA’s actions constituted a taking of their property without just compensation.
Outcome: TRPA won.
Precedent: a TEMPORARY moratorium on land development does not constitute a taking of property.
Which level of service is “free flow, high operating speed with no delays” in the Highway Capacity Manual (1994)?
Which level of service is “Reasonably unimpeded operations with slightly restricted maneuverability. Stopped delays are not bothersome. “ in the Highway Capacity Manual (1994)?
Which level of service is “Stable operations with somewhat more restrictions in making mid-block lane changes. Motorists will experience appreciable tension while driving” in the Highway Capacity Manual (1994)?
Which level of service is “Approaching unstable operations where small increases in volume produce substantial increases in delay and decreases in speed” in the Highway Capacity Manual (1994)?
Which level of service is “Operations with significant intersection approach delays and low average speeds. “ in the Highway Capacity Manual (1994)?
Which level of service is “flows are unstable, vehicle delay is high” in the Highway Capacity Manual (1994)?
When and where was the first Regional Planning Commission created?
1922, Los Angeles
In January 2003, approximately how many miles of interconnected trails did Metro Denver have?
400 miles of greenways
Define Transportation Management Area (TMA)
An urban area of over 200,000 people in which a MPO has a stronger voice in setting priorities for implementing projects listed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and are responsible for additional planning products
Define MPO
Metropolitan Planning Organization: an org designated and required to carry out transportation planning processes in all urbanized areas (UZAs) with populations over 50,000. MPOs have “effective control” over transportation improvements within their service area since a project must be a part of its adopted plan in order to receive federal funding.
Role of the Federal Housing Administration
authority to insure long-term mortgage loans made by private lending institutions on homes and rental housing, and to insure lenders against loss.
1934 National Housing Act:
- Creates the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
- Establishes the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)
Housing Act of 1937
- -Established public housing program
- -provided federal subsidies to local housing authorities around the country, “for the elimination of unsafe and unsanitary housing conditions, for the eradication of slums, for the provision of decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings for families of low income.”
- *first policy to tie public housing to slum clearence
- -drafted by Catherine Bauer Wurster, author of “Modern Housing” (1934)
1949 Housing Act (nickname, purpose, goal)
first comprehensive housing legislation
Nickname: Wagner-Ellender-Taft Bill
Purpose: restructuring financing to address the decline of urban housing following the exodus to the suburbs
- –construct 800,000 residential units
- –reduce housing costs
- –raise housing standards
- –enable the federal government to aid cities in clearing slums and rebuilding blighted areas.
1954 Housing Act
replaced public housing with commercial focus of slum prevention and urban renewal
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
Established rental and homeownership programs for lower-income families and provided for the partition of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) into two separate and distinct corporate entities: (1) Fannie Mae, a private, government-sponsored enterprise; and (2) the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), a wholly owned government corporation whose powers and duties are vested in the Secretary of HUD.
1968 - Fair Housing Act
citizens are protected from discrimination when buying or renting a home, with special provisions for those seeking federally-assisted housing. blockbusting outlawed.
Define blockbusting
where real estate agents encouraged white homeowners to sell their homes to avoid incoming black residents
1974 Housing Act
Created Community Development Block Grants for state and local governments “to promote the development of viable urban communities” and also established Section 8 rent subsidies for low-income families.
Federal Aid Highway Act
authorized the construction of the Interstate Highway System, a 41,000 mile stretch of road designed to connect the country’s network of cities
Bulldozing of blighted areas; displacement or dislocation from resources of low-income communities; proliferation of suburbs
Describe and provide the purpose of the Delphi Method
data collection technique
series of questionnaires sent out to a group of experts
Purpose: designed to elicit individual responses to the problems and to enable the experts to refine their views as the group’s work progresses
Describe the Resettlement Administration
- created in 1935 by President Roosevelt
- Purpose:
- – Welfare + Built Environment: resettle “destitute or low-income families from rural and urban areas”, sometimes in planned greenbelt town models
- – Conservation: administer projects addressing “soil erosion, stream pollution, seacoast erosion, deforestation, and flood control”
- – Ag Finance: make loans available for “the purchase of farm lands and necessary equipment by farmers, farm tenants, croppers or farm laborers”
Define Alluvium
sediments consisting of sand, silt, clay, and gravel in varying proportions that are deposited in marshes or valleys by flowing water
Author and date of Modern Housing
Catherine Bauer Wurster, 1934
1) Signals at freeway on ramps
2) Changeable speed signs
3) Changeable message signs
are sample components of what?
Transportation Systems Management
Define Census Block
the smallest geographic unit for which the Census Bureau tabulates 100-percent data
Between 1990 and 2000, cities in which US regions grew the slowest
Gettysburg Electric Railway Co. v. United States (1896)
Issue: HISTORIC PRESERVATION: Congress wanted to acquire land for historic preservation purposes - the site of the Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsylvania. The railroad company that owned some of this property contested this action.
Winner: US gov
Precedent: the federal government has the power to condemn property “whenever it is necessary or appropriate to use the land in the execution of any of the powers granted to it by the constitution.”
According to the ITE’s “Parking Generation”, based on the ranges of generation factors, an office has a peak space factor of…..
0.5 - 3.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of GLA
Define Metropolitan area
a city plus it’s adjacent communities to which it is linked economically
When was the GI Bill created?
Author and Date of Management by Objective (MBO)
Peter Drucker , 1954
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co., 272 U.S. 365 (1926)
landmark US Supreme Court case, in 1926, ruled that zoning was a constitutional way of controlling land uses
Issue: Amber Realty Company (Appellee) challenged the enforcement of a zoning ordinance on the ground that the enforcement would constitute an unconstitutional taking by devaluing his land.
Outcome: Euclid (gov) won
Precedent: The ordinance must find its justification in some aspect of the police power, which is asserted for the public welfare. The court used the doctrine of nuisance to determine whether the zoning exclusions were proper.
Metromedia v. City of San Diego (1981)
Issue: banning commercial off-site billboards and therefore dealt with the First Amendment of the United States
Winner: Metromedia
Precedent: city law regulating billboards reached “too far into the realm of protected speech.”
Define Census Tract
a small, relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county that is delineated by a local committee of census data users
Agins v. City of Tiburon (1980)
Issue: Resident owning land in newly zoned low-density residential area of Tiburon, CA sued gov for the consequent development restrictions on their land. Takings issue, 5th and 14th amendments.
Outcome: Tiburon gov won.
A gov action IS a taking if the ordinance does not:
–substantially advance legitimate state interests
–denies an owner economically viable use of his land
the public at large, rather than a single owner, must bear the burden of an exercise of state power in the public interest
First state to adopt state-wide land use zoning, Date
Hawaii, 1961
Define stick built housing
Houses that are constructed on-site
Between 1997 and 2001, how did US public transit use change?
Ridership increased by 20%
The City of Los Angeles vs. Taxpayers for Vincent (1984)
Issue: Gov removal of political signs from public property for purposes of “preventing visual clutter, minimizing traffic hazards, and preventing interference with the intended use of public property.” First amendment - freedom of speech
Outcome: City of LA won
1) The ordinance curtailed no more speech than was necessary to accomplish its purpose - “narrowly tailored”;
2) the harm wasn’t particularized
What is the name, date, and designator of the first US national park?
Yellowstone National Park
President Ulysses Grant
Describe Metes and Bounds Survey
- the legally-defined boundaries of a parcel of real estate, identified by its natural landmarks.
- drawing starts from a Point of Beginning (POB) and comes back to the same point (called either the POB or the POEnding) again to define a parcel
Describe Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
A flow chart with arrows linking project tasks. Includes scenario estimates for the time it takes to do each task, and identifies the quickest way to complete a project.
Federal Property Administration Act of 1949
The procurement, utilization, and disposal of Federal Property by the US Government
Define baseflow
the sustained flow in a stream that comes from groundwater seepage or discharge
Define “Node”
mixed use development, close to transit w/opportunities for active transit
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson
Ambient standards deal with which 2 things?
Air and Water quality
Buffalo Commons concept
tearing down the farm fences in the Great Plains and replanting native grass and restore the buffalo
Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform
Sir Ebenezer Howard
republished in 1902 as Garden Cities of Tomorrow, describes the Garden City model with collective land ownership
describe the EPA’s Environmental Indicators Initiative
identifies where additional research, data quality improvements, and information are needed for environmental public health
According to the ITE’s “Parking Generation”, based on the ranges of generation factors, restaurants have a peak space factor of..
5.0 - 25.0 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of GLA
When was the Clean Air Act of 1970 last amended?
who was Harland Bartholomew?
first full time planner hired by a municipality in America - Newark, NJ
His firm developed Hawaii’s state-wide land use zoning plan
He was an early advocate of slum clearance and city planning, and served on the national Slum Clearance Advisory Committee. His ideas helped shape the Housing Act of 1937 and the Housing Act of 1949.
Associated with discriminatory zoning and automobile development in St. Louis
How many acres are in 1 sq mile?
640 acres
What is the name of a method of reviewing project alternatives by weighing alternatives according to the citizen group’s goals?
Goals-Achievement Matrix
Date and place of first US skyscraper
Chicago, IL, 1885
Date and history of the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
Issued in 1924, revised version issued in 1926, by the US Department of Commerce under Herbert Hoover.
Purpose: granted power for the legislative body to divide the local government’s territory into districts and outlined procedures for establishing and amending the zoning regulations.
What are considered as the Standard Acts?
the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act (SZEA) and the Standard City Planning Enabling Act (SCPEA)
Date and content of the Standard City Planning Enabling Act
Released in 1927 and 1928,
- -the organization and power of the planning commission, which was directed to prepare and adopt a “master plan”
- -the content of the master plan for the physical development of the territory
- -provision for adoption of a master street plan by the governing body
- -provision for approval of all public improvements by the planning commission
- -control of private subdivision of land
- -provision for the establishment of a regional planning commission and a regional plan
Charles Mulford Robinson and George E. Kessler were involved in which city’s park and parkway system design in 1906 and 1907?
Denver, CO
Describe TIF
Tax Increment Financing
widely used public financing strategy; municipalities can use for large developments. The city uses bonds or asks the developer to cover the up-front money for infrastructure improvements and/or land assembly. It pays back using the tax increases the development generates.
Define artesian well
a vertical bore hole in which a pipe-like structure is inserted into the ground.
Formed from artesian aquifers - confined aquifers that hold groundwater underground using pressure
Date of first US department store
Elements of a mixed-use urban center, as set out by Victor Gruen’s “Centers for the Urban Environment” (1973)
1) Consistent with Market Trends
2) Reduced Travel
3) Housing opportunity
4) Urbanity and self-sufficiency
Top three US trading countries, in order
author, date, and description of “Image of the City”
Kevin Lynch, 1960
theorizes how people form mental maps of cities
What body considers requests for variances?
Board of Adjustment
Date and significance of the elevator
1850s, allowed buildings to be built higher
Primary purpose of planning
to serve the public interest
Three key features of the NY 1901 Tenement House Law
1) The legislative basis for the revision of city codes that outlawed tenements such as the “Dumbbell Tenement.”
2) Lawrence Veiller was the leading reformer.
3) Improved ventilation and light.
Trend and percentage of US population that is foreign born
~14%, growing
The Key principles of the APA Code of Ethics
- Responsibility to the public
- Responsibility to employers and clients
- Responsibility to the profession and to colleagues
- Self-responsibility
Describe the 1969 National Environmental Policy Act
requires an environmental impact statement for every federal or federally aided state or local major action that might significantly harm the environment
Define bedrock
rock usually underlying unconsolidated geologic materials
How many feet should the water storage be above the point of use in a gravity feed water system?
70 feet
What kind of road serves longer trips, carries the highest traffic volumes, and a large percentage of the VMT on a minimum amount of mileage while providing minimal land access
principal arterials
3 Principles of Randall Arendt’s 2015 “Rural By Design”
A) “downtown” centers with street-edge buildings
B) civic open spaces within, and rural open spaces at the edge
C) medium density (somewhere in-between that of cities and sprawling suburbs)
Which planner is associated with “greenways”?
William H. Whyte
Describe the H-axis washing machine
front loading, common in Europe, and uses less energy and water
Between 1990 and 2000, which region’s urban industrial centers declined in population?
Define lagoon
a shallow pond where sunlight, bacterial action, and oxygen work to purify wastewater
Define linear programming
a technique to find the optimum design solution for a project
Environmental Impact Statements analyze the environmental impact of each of the Proposed Actions and Range of Alternatives for which five areas?
1) Impacts to threatened or endangered species
2) Air and water quality impacts
3) Impacts to historical and cultural sites, particularly sites of significance for indigenous peoples
4) Social and economical impacts to local communities, including housing stock, businesses, property values, and considerations of aesthetics and noise expected
5) Cost and schedule analysis for all of the actions and alternatives presented
Describe RLUIPA
- -Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
- -released in 2000
- -protects individuals, houses of worship, and other religious institutions from discrimination in zoning and landmarking laws
- -controversial
What is unique about Cincinnati, OH?
the first American city to officially endorse a comprehensive plan, 1925
Describe the Confluence Greenway,
- -formed in 1997; the nation’s first bi-state park and recreation districts.
- -non-profit partnership
- -a system of interconnected riverbank parks and trails stretching from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis to the Illinois River
- -was used as a demonstration of important regional efforts
- -Won the Current Topic Award from APA in March 02
When and where was the first national conference on city planning…
and what other planning “first” happened in the same year?
Washington DC
First urban plan created, by Burnham for Chicago
Berman v. Parker
issue: Washington DC eminent domain of a large area of “blighted” land. Some landowners (of a department store) objected.
outcome: gov
precedent: The goal of blight elimination is constitutionally justified. The means (of eminent domain) parcel size and character for blight elimination purposes is up to the legislature, not the courts.
It is NOT a violation of the Fifth Amendment for a private business not contributing to the public health concerns of a community to be taken by eminent domain for a community redevelopment project, even when the area will still be privately owned.
Author, Date, Premise of “The Intelligence of Democracy”
Charles E. Lindblom
disjointed incrementalism; decision making
Describe Transect Planning
Associated planning movement.
Who came up with the idea?
Who applied the idea to modern planning?
new approach to New Urbanism and smart growth principals that is based on the creation of a set of human habitats that vary by their intensity of urban makeup. The range of urban makeup, from rural to urban, is the basis for organizing developments (e.g.: buildings, lot lines, land use, roads)
first developed by Alexander Von Humboldt for geological uses in the 1800s
Late 20th cent., 6-zone, rural to urban modern application of transect planning developed by Andrés Duany
Define effluent
discharge of pollutants into the environment
Define a mathematical variance
a measure of dispersion around the mean
According to a 2001 Study by USA Today, what was the densest MSA in the United States?
Los Angeles
Who designed Riverside, Illinois?
Frederick Law Olmsted and his partner Calvert Vaux
according to the APA, you cannot accept an assignment from a client to publicly advocate a position on a planning issue that is adverse to a position you publicly advocated for a previous client within the past _____________ years
Court cases related to impact fees
Nollan vs. California Coastal Commission (1987) - rational nexus
Dolan vs. City of Tigard (1994) - rough proportionality
Nollan vs. California Coastal Commission (1987)
Issue: Owner of beach house applied for redevelopment from cottage to 3-story house. Gov conditioned the development on a public easement for beach access due to the new large house presenting a visual barrier to beach access.
Outcome: Nollan houseowner won
Precedent: RATIONAL NEXUS: conditioning development approval on dedication of land constitutes an unconstitutional “taking” of property unless the dedication is reasonably related to the impacts of development on the community.
Two tests for a taking to be legal
rational nexus and rough proportionality
Define workforce housing
Rental/homeownership opportunities affordable for middle-income (between 60 – 120% AMI) households whose incomes are too high for subsidized housing but are priced out by market rents.
Define transit-oriented development
development method in which a rail line is built out to a less populated area, then dense, walkable, mixed-use residences and businesses are constructed in close proximity to that rail stop.
Define teardown
One-to-one housing stock replacement – tearing down an existing house and building a bigger one in its place.
Describe maximum parking standards
limit parking supply for purposes of stormwater management, decreasing heat island effects, improving pedestrian safety and built environment, and increasing tax revenue via redevelopment of parking lots. Can be imposed at district or neighborhood level as “parking caps”. Can include transferable parking entitlements to provide flexibility while keeping overall parking constrained.
Describe Growing Smart(sm)
2002 legislative guidebook modeling a new generation of zoning and planning legislation; published by APA; principles of smart growth
Define and provide examples for green infrastructure
range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer systems or to surface waters. filters and absorbs stormwater where it falls. Protects, restores, or mimics natural water cycles. E.g., planting trees and restoring wetlands vs. building water treatment plant.
Define and describe tradeoffs of form-based coding
Related to Smart Growth and new urbanism; fosters predictable built results and a high-quality public realm by using physical form (rather than separation of uses) as the organizing principle for the code. Helpful for adaptive reuse of buildings, flexibility for housing and businesses, promotes walkable neighborhoods, streamlines development. Criticisms: difficult to enforce, may reduce public participation
Inventor and 5 defining components of “Edge City”
coined by Washington Post journalist and author Joel Garreau.
- The area must have more than five million square feet of office space (about the space of a good-sized downtown)
- The place must include over 600,000 square feet of retail space (the size of a large regional shopping mall)
- The population must rise every morning and drop every afternoon (i.e., there are more jobs than homes)
- The place is known as a single end destination (the place “has it all;” entertainment, shopping, recreation, etc.)
- The area must not have been anything like a “city” 30 years ago (cow pastures would have been nice)
define daylighting
the controlled admission of natural light, direct sunlight, and diffused-skylight into a building coupled with a daylight responsive lighting control system to 1) reduce electric lighting, 2)save energy, and 3) create productive work environments.
Big box urbanism
A design style in which five ecotones create a development transect: public street, outer ring parking, inner ring parking, building frontage, a store “decompression” zone, and checkouts.
describe adequate public facilities ordinance
Other name
Early Adopters
> > Also called a Concurrency Regulation
US policy tying public infrastructure to regional growth.
Condition: APFOs can only be applied with an associated funding source to address the limited infrastructure.
Early adopters were Ramapo, NY; Petaluma, CA; and Boulder, CO.
Design with Nature author, date, significance
1969 Ian McHarg
(A) Became a model for environmental planning.
(B) Influenced a whole generation of local, regional and state planners.
(C) Foreshadowed the institutionalization of environmental policy.
Define Charette
An intensive, interactive problem solving process with meetings convened around the development of specific topics
Who was Clarence Perry?
1920s, his writing appeared in one of the editions of “Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs”, the “neighborhood unit concept”: a ¼ mile area of pedestrian-friendly streets bounded by major roads, centered around a school/other institutions, with shopping districts at the edges
What books did photojournalist Jacob Riis author? titles and dates
How the Other Half Lives (1890)
The Children of the Poor (1892)
Date, author, significance of “Cities in Evolution”
1915, Patrick Geddes, foundational US regional planning theory
Describe the Ordinance of 1875
established a system of rectangular survey coordinates for virtually all of the country west of the Appalachians
Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo (1972)
Issue: Growth management - Developer wants to create a subdivision. Town of Ramapo NY has zoned phased development tied to adequate public facilities. Developer is challenging that this is unconstitutional overstep of the town’s enabling legislation.
Outcome: Rampao gov won
Precedent: ?
Describe Planned Unit Development (PUD)
Developer works with municipality to develop a community that may not conform with landuse zoning laws. a community of single-family homes, and sometimes condos or townhomes, where every homeowner belongs to a homeowners association (HOA). Also may include mixed-use commercial and light industrial.
What are R ratings?
Building insulation ratings measured in R-rating per inch of thickness. Higher number = more insulating.
Types of insulation in order of R-rating lowest to highest:
- Blown-in (or loose-fill) insulation
- Insulation blankets (batts and rolls)
- Spray foam insulation
- Foam board insulation
The R-rating you need depends on your local climate zone. MA is zone 5.
What’s another name for a concurrency resolution?
Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance
Difference between urban redevelopment and urban renewal?
Urban redevelopment - the rebuilding of slums with houses, pre-1954 Housing Act
Urban renewal - the rebuilding of slums with commercial and industrial uses, allowed post-1954 Housing Act
When is HUD established? Dep. of Housing and Urban Development
Federal Communications Commission v. Florida Power Corporation (1987)
Issue: TAKINGS: A public utilities (Florida Power Corporation) challenged a federal statute that authorized the FCC to regulate rents charged by utilities to cable TV operators for the use of utility poles.
Winner: No one - the court invalidated the unconstitutionality claim, and so the case was dismissed.
Precedent: ?
Welch v. Swasey 1909
Municipalities have the right to regulate building heights
Eubank v. City of Richmond 1912
Setback regulations approved (though the setback regs in this case were overturned)
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon 1922
Issue: Mahon purchases land that Penn Coal has rights to mine underneath land. Mahon then sues Penn Coal to stop mining to protect the integrity of the land.
Winner: Penn Coal
Precedent: if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the first takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th Amendment.
Nectow v. City of Cambridge 1928
The Court used a rational basis test to strike down a zoning ordinance because it had no valid public purpose (e.g., to promote the health, safety, morals, or welfare of the public).
Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Act
provides funds to low income urban communities to rehabilitate rec facilities. Only fed program supporting local parks.
Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act
Superfund site cleanup program and liability regs.
passed in response to Love Canal NY contamination disaster
Superfund site vs. Brownfield site
Superfunds are more toxic and involve EPA; brownfields are less toxic and do not involve EPA
Farmland Protection Act
Directs fed agencies to avoid redevelopment of prime farmland.
Additional farmland protection regs and programs passed in 1985, 1990, 1996, and 2002 Farm Bills
Mt. Laurel Doctrine
1975 and 1983 NJ (supreme) court cases outlawing exclusionary zoning and other tools to prohibit affordable housing. Spurred by organizing of the Black community in Mt. Laurel, NJ
first time a state prohibits economic discrimination
New Jersey Fair Housing Act
spurred by the Mt. Laurel Doctrine - set a national standard for a statewide approach aimed at combating exclusionary zoning and promoting regional fair share affordable housing.
Tax Reform Act
changed fed income tax structure; created the Low Income Housing Tax Credit
Community Reinvestment Act
Incentivizes banks to serve low income communities. Helps prevent redlining.
Americans with Disabilities Act
required sweeping new accommodations for differently abled people. Majorly effects the built environment and building codes across the US.
Clean Air Act Amendments
- Initiation and Final Amendment Dates
- Content
1963, 1990
authorizes EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
1990 amendment established conformity process formally linking air quality and transportation planning
What kind of emission sources does the 1990 amendment of the Clean Air Act regulate?
stationary source / group of stationary sources that emit either 10 tons/year of one hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons/year of a combination of hazardous air pollutants.
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act
established HUD’s homeownership and affordable housing programs: HOPE and HOME
strengthened support for homelessness assistance programs
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
revolutionized federal transportation policy with support for local transportation planning and support for transit (non-Highway transportation planning)
- administered by the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration
Which Act established the Transportation Enhancements Program?
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (1991)
Which Act empowered transportation planning at the LOCAL level?
Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (1991)
Which Act replaced the Transportation Enhancements program of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (1991)?
the Transportation Alternatives program of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (2012)
Which Act authorized funding for the Recreational Trails Program?
The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (2012)
Which Act pre-dated Smart Growth and mandated detailed state planning of urban growth areas?
Washington Growth Management Act (1991)
Describe the Enterprise Zone and Empowerment Community program
1993, program of HUD, designated specific “distressed” neighborhoods with a package of tax incentives to support opportunities and growth
Which Act formally established and funded HUD’s Enterprise Zone and Empowerment Community program?
Omnibus Budget Reconciliations Act (1993)
Which Act marked the first authorization of tax increment financing?
California Community Redevelopment Law Reform Act (1993)
state known for strong regional planning
Which Act trail blazed regional planning efforts by promoting alternative dispute resolution processes, growth boundaries, and state funding for planning?
Minnesota Metropolitan Reorganization Act (1994)
a comprehensive program to assist in the planning, development and implementation of strategies that integrate transportation, land use, and community and systems preservation.
- established by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (1995)
Which Act established the Transportation, Community, and Systems Preservation Program?
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (1995)
Which state was a national leader in brownfield redevelopment in the mid-1990s?
Which Act was the first to provide a state framework for voluntary brownfield remediation and liability regulations?
Pennsylvania Land recycling Act (1995)
Which Act coined “smart growth”?
Maryland Smart Growth Act (1997)
Describe the Maryland Smart Growth Act
coined Smart Growth
used an incentives-based system linking state funding to identification of priority growth areas
Describe HUD’s HOPE program
Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere
helps low-income people buy public housing units by providing funds to nonprofits and resident groups can use for homeownership programs (HOPE I)
1993 - 1995 provides support for building quality and stability for families making up to 80% AMI in multi family buildings. Aspired to support homeownership opportunities. (HOPE II)
Stopped in 1993: Introduces section 8 vouchers and subsidized supportive services for low income older adults (HOPE IV)
revitalization of severely deteriorated public housing (HOPE VI)
Describe HUD’s HOME program
1990, created federal block grant program to support local housing efforts
Describe HUD’s HOPE I program
HOPE I: fed funding via nonprofits, resident groups, and public housing authorities for homeownership programs. 1990 - 1993/4
Describe HUD’s HOPE II program
1993 - 1995
Provides support for families with incomes up to 80% AMI. Aims to improve stability and quality of homes in multi family buildings.
which Act formally established the HOPE VI program?
Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act (1998)
Describe HUD’s HOPE VI program
1998, demolished blighted public housing and replaced them with mixed-income neighborhoods
Describe the Disaster Mitigation Act
overhauled federal disaster relief and prevention. Incentivizes communities to adopt a formal hazard mitigation plan.
When was the first US Census done, and by whom?
Thomas Jefferson
When and from whom did the US buy the Louisiana Territory?
When was the first “model tenement” built, and where?
Morrill Act
Federal land grants from the Public Domain are transferred to the states. States sell land, and use profits to found land grant colleges.
Father of environmentalism
George Perkins Marsh
“Man in Nature”
Who inaugurated the model tenement movement, and when?
Alfred White
Reclamation Act
Sold public land to fund water infrastructure and supply for arid states
From what text, when, and whom do we get the “highest and best use” principle from?
Principles of City Land Values
Richard Hurd
When was the Panama Canal completed, and by which president?
Woodrow Wilson
What is the name of the planning movement that was the successor/second chapter of Garden Cities?
New Town Movement