Sec Fo History Flashcards
Sec Fo History
Who is Sergeant Lous H. Fischer?
1/4 men who died during the Tet offensive in Bunker 051. Holding back over 2500 troops long enough for backup forces to arrive and respond.
What year does USAF SF trace it’s heritage?
It’s heritage goes back to 1943 with General Henry H. Hap Arnold
What major milestones did General Henry H. Hap Arnold create for the SF careerfield?
He established the Air Provost Marshall(APM). He also brought together Army AF MP(AAF MP) companies to be renamed the AAF Base Security Battalions.
When is the AF SF birthday?
March 29, 1943
When did President Harry Truman sign the National Security Act of 1947 into law?
July 26, 1947
What date did all of the Army Air Corps officially transfer into the AF?
Sep 26, 1947
When is the Air Force Birthday
Sep 18, 1947
When did General Order No. 1 designate the Air Police and establish the APM?
Jan 2, 1948
What was a AF SF lesson from the Korean War?
SF needed to develop a more extensive base defense capability by concentrating on the training of Air Police who then would train others.
When and where was the first Air Police School established?
Sep 1, 1950 at Tyndall AFB, FL
When and where did Air Police training move to?
Oct 13, 1956 it was transferred to Lackland AFB, TX.
Who was the first Air Policeman KIA in Vietnam?
SSgt Terrance Jensen
What year did the name of the career field change from Air Police to Security Police?
Describe Operation SAFE SIDE
In 1967, an effort to bolster protection of air bases by training Security Police in light infantry tactics and special weapons.
What was the biggest test of Security Police Combat Effectiveness?
The Battle of Tan Son Nhut or Tet Offensive on Jan 31, 1968
What are the names of the five man team on Bunker 051?
Sergeants Louis Fisher, William Cyr, Charles Hebron, Roger Mills, and Alonzo Coggins.
Who was the only survivor at Bunker 051
Alonzo Coggins
When was the first time Security Police were tasked with a high priority rescue mission?
May 1975 in response to the Cambodian Communists’ forces seizing the S.S. Mayaguez.
What year did URGENT FURY kick off?
What year was Operation JUST CAUSE?
Dec 1989
When did Operation DESERT SHIELD begin? Why?
Aug 1990. In defense of Saudi Arabia
What was Operation DESERT STORM?
Operation DESERT STORM began with the objective to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.
What was the Khobar Towers incident?
SSgt Alfredo Guerrero, SRA Corey Grice, A1C Christopher Wagner attempted to evacuate the Khobar Towers after noticing a suspicious vehicle that exploded. 19 Airmen were killed and more than 260 injured in its wake.
When was the 820th SFG activated?
Mar 17, 1997
When did Operation ENDURING FREEDOM?
Oct 7, 2001
When did Operation IRAQI FREEDOM begin?
Mar 19, 2003
Operation Desert Safeside
Began Jan 1, 2005, with TF 1041 around the 820th SFG. a 60 day kill or capture for insurgents that had bombarded Balad.
What was the peak detainee count at the Camp Bucca internment facility?
Over 20,000
What are the Fallen Defenders during the GWOT?
A1C Elizabeth Jacobson Sergent Brian McElroy TSgt Jason L. Norton A1C Leebernard E. Chavis SSgt John Self A1C Jason D. Nathan SSgt Travis Griffin 1LT Nathan Sartain TSgt Joseph G. Lemm SSgt Louis Bonacasa
Who are the only AF Cross recipients for SF?
Capt Reginald Maisey for Tet Offensive
Capt Garth Wright 35 SPS Weapons Sys Sec Officer