Ultimate reality
- Monotheism
- Creator of the world in its entirely
- Transcendent and immanent
- Lawgiver and just and merciful
- there is one ultimate reality, God.
- unity/singularity/oneness of God
- God is the God of all humanity
- A universal God.
- He is the rally cry and cornerstone of Jewish theology that there is only one
The Shema → “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one”
The opening declaration of the Shema prayer which is recited 3 times a day, asserts a statement of Jewish identity. This ritual is a declaration of faith in the existence of God as it expresses the belief in monotheism
Creator of the world in its entirely
- universe was not accidental.
- brought into existence by the will of an all powerful God.
- Is the cause and power behind the universe in its entirety.
“In the beginning God created heaven and earth” Genesis 1:1
- God pre-existed the world.
- Created it ex nihilo (from nothing), through divine fiat )
- His creation was intentional, through the power of speech and sheer will, made order from chaos, had purpose and meaning behind each part
Created something different on each day
Continues to sustain and animate the universe with a continued relationship with his creation → maintains constant presence
Humanity was created last → humanity is the pinnacle → God created universe for humanity → humanity has a special relationship with God “in his image” Genesis 1:27
Transcendent and immanent
God exists apart of the world but equally a part of the world. While these two beliefs may be paradoxical, they are not in isolation from each other but rather coexist.
- Exists apart from this universe (distant)
- Not subject to the physical world/laws
- Transcends the universe
- Beyond time and space
- Incomparable, unique, power, monotheism, righteous/holy, preexisted, eternal, incorporeal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient
“Master of the universe” Adon Olam
- A part of this world
- Involved / present in lives of his creation/humanity
- Intimate connection
- Approachable, caring, dwells, saviour, salvation, accessible, physical/spiritual, comfort, comapassote, nurturing, close and personal
“God is with me” Adon Olam
Lawgiver and just and merciful
God is the source and foundation of morality. He provides a single standard of morality for all of humanity.
- Provides the source and foundation of morality through his laws. Through these laws he judges human behaviour and dictates the standards of righteousness
- God establishes a covenant for humanity to uphold being the 7 Noahide laws and an extra responsibility for the Jews, Sinaitic covenant (Torah given to the Jews)
God wants Jews to practise mitzvot, ethical conduct through these laws
“Lord is our judge, the lord is our lawgiver” Isaiah 33:22
Just and Merciful
- God is a strict judge of human behaviour
- He is also compassionate and responsive
- God has mercy and looks at his creation showing his care
- He will judge justly and fairly, he will punish mercifully.
- God rewards the righteousness (those that follow the laws) yet punishes the wicked
- His justice is tempered with mercy
“Who is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness and truth” Exodus 34:6
Humanity was created batzelem elokim, in the image of God, meaning human life is of high value and importance. Like God, humanity is sacred, holy, unique, one yet, “just a little less than divine,” (Psalm 8), highlighting that humanity is equal and endowed with a divine spark and infinite value
“If you destroy one life it is as if you destroy the entire world” Talmud
Status / responsibility
- The belief that humanity was created in the image of God and is considered the apex and pinnacle of God’s creation.
- Therefore humanity has the privilege of dominion and power over nature, but with that comes the responsibility to protect it and improve on God’s creation
“For my sake the world was created” Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5
Potential ability
Humanity has the potential and ability to take on God’s attributes, traits, characteristics. Like God, humans can be kind, benevolent, love, lust, merciful and continue the work of creation.
“Whether he is righteous or wicked is not in the hand of God, but he has entrusted it in the hand of man” Rashi
Free will
- God chose to create the universe and from his free will, humanity also has free will to choose between good and evil. - Gift given to us from God therefore, humanity has the intellect and the potential to differentiate right from wrong.
- Humanity has a conscience and can made decisions based on rationality and awareness, not just instinct and impulse
- Dual nature - born with two inclinations. Yetzer tov (good) and yetzer ra (evil)
- Good inclination - moral conscience, uphold God’s laws. Is the active/dynamic part of the soul, without it humanity would be devoid of vitality
- Evil inclination - basic human drives for property, pleasure, power and survival (not inherently good or bad). They are called evil because they may harm others if not controlled
- Humanity is more inclined towards good
“Everything is foreseen yet free will was created” Piriser Auut 3:16
Physical / spiritual
Physical “The Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth” G2:7
- Body, made from dust and clay
- Body is mortal and mute and returns to the dust
Spiritual “He blew into his nostrils the breath of life” G2:7
- Soul, made from the breath of God
- Divine spark, God’s spirit
- Soul animates and gives life to the body
- Immortal - soul is eternal
- Soul returns to God
Natural for humanity to feel alone and need companionship - partnership, marriage, family
Human nature seeks connection
“It is not good for man to be alone” Genesis 2:18
Purpose of humanity
Imitate God, ethical monotheism, co-creator
Imitate God
- Through divine election, humanity has the role to emulate and imitate God (imitatio Dei - imitate God) and assume all his attributes and qualities
“To walk in all His ways” Deuteronomy 10:12
“refine the image of god within us” Theologyn David Ariel
- Provide an ongoing responsibility to uphold divine revelation (God’s wills and laws) to provide a moral order and purpose.
Example: against adultery, robbering, eating live fish
Ethical monotheism
- The recognition of one powerful God as the source of all ethics.
- Humanity is required to uphold all of His laws and ethical principles. Jews were given the added responsibility of the Sinaitic covenant. By acting in a Godly manner, humanity moves closer to achieving Tikkun Olam and Tikkun Adam (spiritual reparations/transformations of the self and the world).
- By applying the values of an ethical God to create a just and compassionate world, humanity is readying the world for messianic redemption and tikkun olam by creating a perfect, peaceful, harmony, utopia world.
- Jews must live up to this gift of divine revelation by ensuring the universal convent is kept and the extra responsibility of keeping the commandments.
The acts of mitzvot bring the spiritual and physical world together
Transmit a universal message of morality and justice to the world by influencing mankind
“I made for you a people’s covenant, for a light to the nations” Isaiah 42:6
Co creator
- God created humankind in his image - the universe was created with moral flaws. God is partners with humanity and humanity needs to continue the creation process.
- For Jews, this means that partnership exists through Torah - must finish what God did not. This will lead to Tikkun Olam, spiritual/physical transformation of the world
“Gods partners in the work of creation” Rashi
- Humanity has the ability to continue the work of creation. Not only nature but also through science and technology.
Dominion over the world - “Fill the earth and master it… rule over living things” Genesis 1:28
To utilise the world
Responsibility - stewardship “garden of eden to till it and tend it” Genesis 2:15
Look after land and cultivate it → work and guard it
Care and work the land, don’t abuse power over it or exploit it
- “Be fruitful and multiply” Genesis 1:28
Have a family, partnership