Search And Surveillance 2012 Flashcards
What is a surveillance device
- An interception device
- A tracking device
- A visual surveillance device
Section 7
Entry without warrant to arrest person unlawfully at large
Suspect person unlawfully at large
Believe they are there
Section 8
Entry without warrant to avoid loss of offender or evidential material
Suspect committed offence
Believe they are there or CADD
** No power to search for evidential material
Section 9
Stopping a vehicle to find persons unlawfully at large or who have committed imprisonable offence
Suspect person unlawfully at large or committed imprisonable offence
Believe they are in or on vehicle
Section 10
Powers and duties after vehicle stopped
Require details from person suspected at large or committed offence
Search vehicle for person
Search vehicle for evidential material it was stopped for if arrested or seen fleeing
Section 15
Entry without warrant to find and avoid loss of evidential material relating to 14+ year offences
Suspect offence committed or being or about to be
Believe evidential material in place and CADD
Section 16
Searching people in public place for evidential material 14+ year offence
Believe person in possession of evidential material
Section 17
Search of vehicle in public place for evidential material to 14+ year offence
Believe that evidential material is in or on vehicle
Section 18
Searches associated with arms
Section 20
Search of places and vehicle in relation to MODA 75
Suspect offence committed
Believe evidential material will be CADD
Section 21
Search of people found in or on places or vehicles
Section 22
Search of people in public place for MODA 75
Suspect offence committed
Believe evidential material is on person
Section 27
Search people in public for offensive weapon
Suspect person has committed offence
Section 28
Search vehicles for offensive weapon
Suspect vehicle may have weapon
Section 83
Entry with warrant after arrest
Believe evidential material is in place
Section 84
Entry of vehicle after arrest
Believe evidential material in vehicle
Section 112
Seize items of uncertain status
Section 117
Holding powers while search warrant pending
6 hour expiry
Warrant is granted
Warrant is refused
Section 121
Stopping vehicle for search under warrant or another power
Section 123
Seizure of items in plain view
Section 45
Restrictions on some trespass surveillance and interception device
Except evidential material for 7+ year offence or arms act
Section 46
Surveillance device required
Observing private activity without use of a surveillance device from public areas
Observe private activity in cartilage of private premise by means of surveillance device for
3 hours in 24 hour period
8 hours total in investigation
Section 47
Activities do not require warrant
Lawfully on private premises recording what you observe or hear without surveillance device
Conduct audio recording if 1 has consented
Section 48
Emergency surveillance
48 hour restriction