Seann Truibhas Flashcards
“Four shuffle break” feet
Bar 4 1st shuffle spring/hop LF
Bar 8 1st shuffle spring/hop RF
Whistle ower the Lave o’t’”
Linking - 2nd step (side travel) may follow…
Must always follow 1st step
Linking - slow step ending w/shuffle followed by any step OTHER THAN 2nd step or ones starting w/leap (6th/6th alt) or side heel & toe (8th)
Ext last shuffle to 4th int aerial
Linking - slow step ending w/shuffle followed by step started w/leap
Last inward RF brush finishes on 8 w/assemble RF 3rd/5th
Linking - slow step ending w/shuffle followed by 8th step (side heel and toe)
Last shuffle stops w/RF brushed inward to 3rd on 8; during elevation to start step RF extended toward 2nd aerial
Linking - slow step ending w/shuffle followed by quick step
Last inward brush finishes in 3rd on 8, except if followed by 12th (pointing & back-stepping) in which case last shuffle to mid-4th aerial low
Linking - slow step ending w/pivot turn followed by step starting w/hop
Sub disassemble for the hop
Linking - slow step ending w/pivot turn followed by 5th step (traveling balance)
RF extended to 4th int aerial in preparation for starting spring
Linking - 5th step (traveling balance) followed by step starting w/leap
Finishing ext omitted thus finishing LF in 3rd/5th rear on 8
Linking - 5th step (traveling balance) followed by 8th (side heel and toe) or any quick step
Finishing ext omitted thus finishing LF in 3rd/5th rear on 8
Linking - step ending w/shake-shake-down followed by leap step or any quick step
Last count 8 finishes w/assemble
Linking - which steps cannot be followed by step starting w/leap?
7th(hc in front & balance) & 9th (dbl hc)
But 7th alt ok
4 count bow (bars 3-4)
Step LF to 2nd or pivot 1/8 turn R (5)
Step RF to 4th rear to finish LF in 4th (6)
Arms to 5th & raise up to 4th & out to 3rd (7-8)
After 8 slight rise on ball of RF
1st step
Circle is forward & around
Arms : circular action 5th on 1, thru 4th & 3rd (2-4)
Basic step is 4RF, 4 alternating, 4 LF - “May be varied”
2nd half begins w/hop, not spring
Linking - 1st step to 2nd step
2nd step following: last shuffle finishes w/inward brush to 3rd
Brushes - springs vs hops
Hop: must begin taking working foot through 3rd aerial very low during elevation
Spring: above OR brush straight through 1st
1st step - alt
Bars 1-4: same but finish ext of LF on last shuffle to 2nd aerial low
Bars 5-7: 6 pdbs
Bar 8: hop RF to start 4 shuffles
Arms: 1st bars 5-8
2nd step
Side travel
Shake is to 2nd aerial high (and and a 1)
Arms: circular as in step 1
Last shuffle on bar 4 finishes w/inward brush
3rd step
Diagonal travel
Hop brush beat beat facing on diagonal, travel forward springing to execute 2 brushes (arms 2nd, 1st/3rd)
Hop brush beat beat, finish w/ or w/o ext, pivot turn to L (arms 2nd, 1st/4th - if 4th for turn, arm coming up from 1st goes thru 3rd)
Repeat L R L, finishing facing front
Linking - 3rd step (Diagonal travel) - must be followed by….
Must be followed by backward travel
3rd step - alt
Bar 1: same Bar 2: hbbb finish w/or w/o ext, shake shake down RF making gradual turn to L (7&8) or 1/4 turn L (8) Arms 2nd, changing on 8 Bars 3-4: repeat contra Bars 5-8: execute 5-8 of 3rd step
4th step
Backward travel
Hbbb finish w/o ext, hop LF taking RF to 3rd rear aerial, hop LF executing around the leg RF to 3rd aerial ; hbbb, shake-shake-down* finishing LF ext to 4th int aerial
*gradually move backwards to regain orig position; if not preceded by 3rd step, may be done on the spot
Arms: 2nd, changing on 8
4th step - alt
Hbbb, shake-shake-down 3x, 4 shuffles
Repeat contra
During shake-shake-down move gradually backwards
Arms: 2nd 1-3, 1st bar 4
5th step
Traveling balance
Around the leg: &4 or & 4
6th step
Leap and high cut
Leap RF front, disassemble hc RF (2&), hop hc front RF (3 and [and]), RF in 5th beat LF extending RF to mid-4th aerial low
3 shuffles springing RF LF RF, then starting LF elevate as if for shuffle but assemble RF 5th
Arms: (1) out & up thru 3rd to 4th during leap, 2nd for rest of bar 1, then 1st OR (2) 1st for leap, circle up & out thru 3rd to 4th counts 2-4, circle out & down to 1st 5-8
Repeat L R L, finish 3rd shuffle last time w/inward brush RF to 3rd (7), then RF on 1/2 pt to 4th int & close LF in 5th rear (extend RF if needed for next step) (& 8)
6th step: Leap and high cut - linking - what comes before?
Should follow step that can end in 3rd or 5th
6th step - alt
Leap and shedding
Bar 1: Leap landing LF front (1), disassemble RF to 3rd rear aerial (2), hop around the leg RF to 3rd aerial (3), RF on 1/2 pt to 4th int & close ball LF to 5th rear extending RF to mid-4th aerial low (& 4)
Bar 2: as in 6th but travel slightly back to regain the line
Finish as 6th step, arms as 6th step
Arms: as 6th
7th step
High cut in front & balance
In place
Hc down out - finish w/ext to 4th int aerial
7th step - alt
HC in front & balance bars 1-3, bar 4 shuffles
Option: With travel to 4th int (1/2 pt) rather than WF 5th after hc; to regain line, travel back on shuffles
8th step
Side heel-and-toe
Hop LF extend RF to 2nd aerial during elev & bring inward to 3rd aerial or 3rd rear aerial on landing (1); heel close toe close heel close - all to 2nd, closing in 5th rear
Hbbb, shake-shake-down finishing in 2nd aerial
Repeat L
Repeat R L w/optional pivot turn rather than shake-shake-down
9th step
Double high cutting
Ext to 2nd aerial of WF incorporated into hc may be simultaneous w/beating rear foot (2) or during elev for hop following that count
Ext for front hcs is to 2nd aerial
10th step
Shedding w/back step (Quick step) Out behind front back step Repeat L R, fling turn LF Repeat contra Arms 2nd, change on 4
11th step
Toe-and-heel, rock (quick step)
Toe-and-heel RF 2nd& 5th, 4 rocks (spring R L R L)
Repeat L R L
12th step:
Pointing & back stepping (quick step)
RF Point, up (3rd aerial), point, LF 3rd rear aerial
Repeat L R, 4 back steps (begun from 3rd rear aerial)
Points to mid 4th
Arms 2nd until bar 4, then 3rd
Repeat contra
13th step:
Heel-and-toe shedding (quick step)
Out behind, heel (2nd) toe (WF in 3rd/5th), shed (same foot)
Repeat L R L
14th step:
Heel-and-toe, shedding, & back-stepping (quick step)
Bars 1-2 of 13th step, 4 back steps, fling turn LF
Repeat contra
If last step, bars 7-8 option to do 2 fling turns RF
15th step:
Back-stepping (quick step)
Out behind, 2 back steps
Repeat L R (starts w/spring rather then hop), fling turn LF
Repeat contra
3 Finishing methods
(1) On last bar of final step assemble LF front (no ext) count 5, leap RF front counts 6-7, pause count 8
(2) On 4th count of bar 7 of final step assemble LF front (no ext), bar 8 leap LF or RF counts 5-6, leap RF counts 7-8
(3) Two fling turns RF