Séance 2 : Prison may not be the perfect solution, but it's all we have Flashcards
Measure implemented in prison in order to help a criminal reintegrate society after imprisonment.
Politique pénale
Penal policy
The principles of action adopted by the government concerning crimes and their punishment.
A person found guilty of a criminal offense and serving a sentence of imprisonment (a prisoner).
A formal declaration by a jury or a judge in a court of law that someone is guilty of a criminal offense.
To be found guilty again.
To be convicted of murder
To be found guilty of murder
Crime domestique
Household crime
A crime that is committed within the family.
The major crime of forcing a person to have sexual intercourse without their consent / against their will.
A physical attack (general meaning)
An act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm was done (law)
A person who commits an illegal act
Une infraction
An offence
An illegal act
To offend
To commit an illegal act
To commit a further offence / to commit an offence again
Un réciviste
a repeat offender
Someone who re-offend, a re-offender, a recidivis
Pour prouver qu’incarcérer autant de gens n’est pas nécessaire, ce rapport présente deux faits :
To prove the idea that incarcerating so many people is not necessary, the report presents 2 facts :
- household crime and violent crime have fallen by 46% and 43% respectively since 1995.
- the prison population has more than doubled since 1992.
Le message implicite ici est : pourquoi doit on continuer à mettre autant de gens en prison alors que la société est de moins en moins violente ?
The implicit message here is why should we continue to put so many people in prison when our society is less and less violent ?
Pour le journaliste, le taux de criminalité baisse parce que, précisément, plus de gens sont en prison !
For the journalist, the crime rate is falling down because, precisely, more people are sent in jail !
C’est une corrélation entre deux réalités : quelqu’un d’enfermé ne peu récidiver
Les pays qui envoient le plus leur criminels en prison ont des taux de criminalité pus bas.
There is a correlation between these two realities :
someone locked up cannot re-offend
countries that send many of their convicted criminals to jail have lower crime rates.
La journaliste pense que les programmes de réhabilitation ne marchent pas et que l’on devrait reconnaître les avantages de la prison, du point de vue de la sécurité publique.
The journalist thinks that rehabilitation programmes do not work and that we should recognise the advantages of prison in terms of public safety.
Ils sont accusés d’incompétence
They are accused of incompeence
Plus important, ils sont aussi accusés de ne pas prendre en considération la politique pénale que le public voudrait mettre en oeuvre dans le pays.
More importantly, they are also accused of not talking into consideration the penal policy the public would like to be implemented in their country.
Les mps dans le comité de justice sont même accusés d’être antidémocratique
MPs in the Justice Committee are even accused of being undemocratic.