Se Coucher Flashcards
I go to bed
Je me couche
You go to bed
Tu te couches
He/she goes to bed
Il/Elle se couche
We go to bed
Nous nous couchons
You (plural) go to bed
Vous vous couchez
They go to bed
ils/ elles se couchent
I went to bed
Je me suis couché(e)
You went to bed
Tu t’es couché(e)
He/she went to bed
Il/Elle s’est couché(e)
We went to bed
Nous nous sommes couché(e)s
You (plural) went to bed
Vous vous êtes couché(e)(s)
They went to bed
Ils/ elles Se sont couché(e)s
I was going to bed
Je me couchais
You were going to bed
Tu te couchais
He/she was going to bed
Il/Elle Se couchait
We were going to bed
Nous nous couchions
You (plural) were going to bed
Vous vous couchiez
They were going to bed
Ils/ elles Se couchaient
I will go to bed
Je me coucherai
You will go to bed
Tu te coucheras
He/she will go to bed
Il/elle Se couchera
We will go to bed
Nous nous coucherons
You (plural) will go to bed
Vous vous coucherez
They will go to bed
Ils/elles se coucheront
I would go to bed
Je me coucherais
You would go to bed
Tu te coucherais
He/she would go to bed
Il/elle se coucherait
We would go to bed
Nous nous coucherions
You (plural) would go to bed
Vous vous coucheriez
They would go to bed
Ils / elles se coucheraient