Devoir Flashcards
I must
Je dois
You must
Tu dois
He/she must
Il/Elle doit
We must
Nous devons
You (plural) must
Vous devez
They must
Ils /elles doivent
I had to
J’ai dû
You had to
Tu as dû
He/she had to
Il/Elle a dû
We had to
Nous avons dû
You (plural) had to
Vous avez dû
They had to
Ils/elles ont dû
I was having to
Je devais
You were having to
Tu devais
He/she was having to
Il/Elle devait
We were having to
Nous devions
You (plural) were having to
Vous deviez
They were having to
Ils/elles devaient
I will have to
Je devrai
You will have to
Tu devras
He/she will have to
Il/Elle devra
We will have to
Nous devrons
You (plural) will have to
Vous devrez
They will have to
Ils /elles devront
I would have to
Je devrais
You would have to
Tu devrais
He/she would have to
Il/Elle devrait
We would have to
Nous devrions
You (plural) would have to
Vous devriez
They would have to
Ils/elles devraient