Pouvoir Flashcards
I can
Je peux
You can
Tu peux
He/she can
Il/Elle peut
We can
Nous pouvons
You (plural) can
Vous pouvez
They can
Ils/elles peuvent
I could
J’ai pu
You could
Tu as pu
He/she could
Il/Elle a pu
We could
Nous avons pu
You (plural) could
Vous avez pu
They could
Ils/elles ont pu
I was able to
Je pouvais
You were able to
Tu pouvais
He/she was able to
Il/Elle pouvait
We were able to
Nous pouvions
You (plural) were able to
Vous pouviez
They were able to
Ils/elles pouvaient
I will be able to
Je pourrai
You will be able to
Tu pourras
He/she will be able to
Il/Elle pourra
We will be able to
Nous pourrons
You (plural) will be able to
Vous pourrez
They will be able to
Ils/elles pourront
I would be able to
Je pourrais
You would be able to
Tu pourrais
He/she would be able to
Il/Elle pourra
We would be able to
Nous pourrions
You (plural) would be able to
Vous pourriez
They would be able to
Ils/elles pourraient