SCRA Flashcards
Who does SCRA protect/apply to?
Members of the military that are on active duty, Officers of the Public Health Service, and NOAA in active service. And some spouses, dependents.
What does SCRA apply to?
Individual servicemember debt or joint debt with a spouse.
What is the purpose of SCRA?
To protect active service members by requiring creditors to apply maximum interest rates on loans when service member provides proof of service.
What is considered proof of service?
-Written notice and copy of servicemember’s military orders or certified letter from commanding officer
-Independent verification by creditor
What must creditors do upon receiving proof of service?
Before entering into service, reduce the interest rate of debts for the servicemember or spouse to no more than 6% annually for the duration of the military service.
How is interest defined under SCRA?
Interest rate to include service and renewal charges and any other fees or charges.
Except charges for bona fide insurance.
True or false: Creditors can schedule benefits to terminate automatically prior to end of service and can require servicemembers to periodically reapply/recertify eligibility.
True or false: Creditors can accepts borrowers’ request for any form of military deferment or forbearance as written notice of eligibility
When must creditors reduce the interest rate?
Prior to start of service. This includes retroactively back to the day the servicemember received their orders, if applicable.
What are the rate reduction requirements for mortgages?
Creditors must extend the rate reduction for one year after the end of the borrowers service.
What happens to the interest in excess of 6 percent after it is reduced? What happens to the payment?
Creditors must forgive interest in excess of 6% and recalculate the amortization of the remaining monthly payments to reflect the interest rate change.
What are the termination requirements for vehicle leases under SCRA?
Leases my be terminated at the request of the service member if the servicemember enters service for a period of 180 days or more or receives a permanent change of station. Automobiles must be returned within 15 days after delivery of notice of termination.
RV leases may be terminated upon request from the servicemember.
What are the termination benefits for pre-service residential, professional, or agricultural leases?
Termination is permitted where servicemember receives orders for a PCS or deployment for 90 days or more.
Can a creditor foreclose on real or personal property owned by a servicemember?
NO! Real or personal property owned by a servicemember before the servicemember’s military service that secures a mortgage, trust deed, or similar security interest cannot be sold, foreclosed upon, or seized based on a breach of such a secured
obligation during the period of military service or one year thereafter without a court order.
What protections are offered to servicemembers from their landlords (bank owned property)?
A landlord may not evict a servicemember or dependents from primary residences with rents of $3,991.90 (2020) during a period of military service except through court order.
What benefits are afforded to servicemembers when they apply for a loan?
For servicemembers who receives stay, postponement, or suspension of obligations under SCRA and apply for a loan/insurance, a creditor cannot:
-Determine the servicemember is unable to pay
-Deny or revoke credit, change terms, refuse to grant credit based on terms requested
-adversely report on credit report
-refuse to insure
-annotate the servicemembers military status in a file
-change terms or conditions requires for issuance of insurance.
When should a creditor make the interest rate reduction effective?
As of the date the servicemember was called to military service.
What should examiners verify regarding the interest rate reduction?
-interest calculation includes all service and renewal charges, bona fide fees
-Effective date is day borrower received orders
-Monthly payments were corrected to reflect reduced interest rate
-For mortgages, reduction
maintained for 1 yr after service.
Who is considered a dependent under SCRA?
Spouse, Child, individual who servicemember provided more than one-half support for 180 days preceding application for relief.
When can a bank pursue foreclosure, sale or seizure of property under SCRA?
If they receive a court order or if they pursue 1 year after the period of military service ends.
What protections are afforded in cases where insurance is assigned as security for a loan?
Bank cannot exercise any rights or options for Life insurance policy assigned before military service as security for loan, until 1 year after military service ends.
-consent from the insured service member
-when premiums are due and unpaid
-upon death of insured.
What two methods can a bank use to recalculate the monthly payment after rate reduction?
Standard amortization method and payments
Interest subsidy Amortization method and Payments
How are payments calculated using the interest subsidy Amortization method?
Outstanding Principal balance prior to applicable due date (UPB) x .06/period = monthly interest + original amort schedule principal payment
Are safe deposit box rentals covered under SCRA?
Yes, this rental is generally considered a lease of property that is covered by the regulation.
Under this provision, the bank cannot rescind or terminate the lease of the box while the member is covered under SCRA, even if a payment is missed.