Flood Insurance Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Flood Disaster Protection Act (FDPA)?
regulate banks from making, increasing, extending, or renewing a loan secured by improved real estate or a mobile home located in the SFHA, unless the property is covered by flood insurance.
What structures are eligible for flood insurance under NFIP? (6)
Improved real property or mobile homes located in an area identified by FEMA as having special flood hazards. Each insurable structure requires a separate insurance policy.
-Residential, industrial, commercial, and ag buildings that are walled, roofed, and above ground.
-Buildings under construction with a development loan
-Mobile homes affixed to a permanent site
-Co-operative buildings
-personal property and other insurable contents contained in real property insured under the reg
What types of structures are not eligible for flood insurance? (6)
-Unimproved land, bridges, dams, and roads
-Mobile homes not affixed to a permanent site
-Travel trailers and campers
-Converted buses or vans
-Buildings entirely on or over water
-Buildings newly constructed or improved in an area designated as an Undeveloped Costal Barrier.
What is the basic lending requirements regarding flood insurance? (3)
Insurance is required for the term of the loan on buildings or mobile homes in an SFHA when a bank Makes, Increases, Renews, or Extends credit. Meaning the loans meets all three factors:
-Loan is secured by improved RE/mobile home
-Property is in a SFHA designated by FEMA
-location participates in NFIP.
What are the lender requirements if the property is located in an area not covered by NFIP?
The lender is required to determine if the property is in a SFHA and if so, notify the borrower. Also, notify the borrower is NFIP insurance is not available.
A lender should evaluate the risk of making the loan, and determine if they wish to require private flood insurance.
Are table funded loans subject to Flood insurance requirements?
If so, who is subject to fulfilling the requirements?
Yes, table funded loans are considered to be “made” rather than purchased for the purpose of the FDPA.
The funding entity may require the broker or dealer to fulfil flood requirements or may otherwise divide the responsibilities. There is no need for duplication.
What three loan situations are exempt from the flood insurance purchase requirement even if the loan is in a flood zone?
-Loan on state owned property covered under a self-insurance policy approved by FEMA
-loans with an original balance of $5K or less and have a repayment of 1yr or less.
-Structure part of residential property (used for personal, family or household purposes) but is detached from the primary residence and does not serve as a residence.
How to determine the amount of required flood insurance?
Lesser of:
-outstanding principal balance
-Replacement cost value/insurable value of property
What are the coverage limits for residential property structures and personal contents?
Structure: $250,000
Contents: $100,000
What are the coverage limits for non-residential structures and contents?
Structure: $500,000
Contents: $500,000
What are the coverage limits for non-condominium residential buildings with 5+ units, and for personal contents?
Structure: $500,000
Contents: $100,000
Are institutions required to accept private flood insurance policies? and in what situations?
Yes, as long as the policy meets the definition of “private flood insurance” as defined by the reg.
If it doesn’t meet the definition the bank is not required to accept, but may choose to accept. (discretionary acceptance)
What is required of a private flood policy, in order to meet the requirements for mandatory acceptance? (3)
-policy is issued by an agency that is licensed and approved to engage in insurance by the state or other jurisdiction where the property is located
-insurer is recognized, or not disapproved as a surplus lines insurer by the state or jurisdiction where the property is located in the case of a policy difference in conditions, multiple peril, all risk or other blanket coverage insuring nonresidential commercial property.
-Policy provides coverage that is as broad as NFIP coverage, and must include
–insurer will give written notice 45 days before cancellation to insured and servicer
–includes info about NFIP availability
–includes mortgage interest clause: insured files suit no later than 1yr after written denial of claim under policy
–contains cancellation provisions that are as restrictive as the SFIP.
What must a private flood policy include regarding coverage for mandatory acceptance? (6)
-Policy provides coverage that is as broad as NFIP coverage, and must include:
–define the term flood as in an SFIP
–contain coverage specified in SFIP
–deductibles less than max, with non-applicability provisions for any total policy coverage amount up to NFIP max
–provide coverage for direct physical loss caused by flood. Without exclusions other than those in SFIP.
–not contain conditions that narrow coverage
When can a bank accept a private flood insurance policy without further review under mandatory acceptance guidelines?
If the policy contains the statement “This policy meets the definition of private flood insurance contained in 42 U.S.C 4012a(b)(7) and the corresponding regulation”
What conditions must a private policy meet for discretionary acceptance? (4)
Policy must:
-Provide coverage in amount required
-Provided by licensed insurer in jurisdiction of property.
-covers both mortgagor and mortgagee as loss payees
-plan provides sufficient protection of designated loan consistent w/ S&S guidelines, and bank documents the protection in writing.
What should a bank consider when determining if a private flood policy provides sufficient protection for discretionary acceptance? (5)
-if deductibles are reasonable
-if insurer provides adequate notice of cancellation
-if terms and conditions for payment per occurrence, per loss, and aggregate limits are adequate to protect collateral
-if policy complies with state insurance laws
-Financial condition of insurance company.
What is a mutual aid society? (3)
Organization that:
-shares common religious, charitable, educational, or fraternal bond
-covers losses caused by damage to members’ property pursuant to an agreement including flooding
-has demonstrated a history of fulfilling the terms and agreements to cover losses caused by flooding.
Can a bank accept a flood policy from a mutual aid society?
Yes, at their discretion if the following conditions are met:
-if regulator has qualified the plan as flood insurance
-plan provides required coverage
-covers both mortgagor and mortgagee as loss payee
-provides sufficient protection of the designated loan.
What requirements must a mutual aid society plan meet to be considered qualified by the FDIC?
It must be:
-Licensed, admitted or approved by state or jurisdiction where property is located.
-The plan must be considered and regulated as insurance by the state where the property is located.
What is the waiting period for NFIP flood insurance policies not purchased during a MIRE event?
What about for Flood map changes?
30 days unless its within 13 months of a flood map change, then it is 1 day.
What is the waiting period for NFIP insurance in MIRE events for second mortgages, home equity loans, or refinances?
There is none.
What should a borrower do when MIRE event for a second lien on a property that requires/already has flood insurance? (3)
Because only one NFIP policy can be issued on a building:
-contact agent and inform them of intent to obtain a second lien
-verify current policy
-verify insurance covers all loan amounts.
Or obtain a private policy in appropriate amount.
How should a bank determined the required amount of insurance for subordinate lines of credit?
-Review records periodically to ensure as draws or repayments are made against the line that the appropriate amount of insurance coverage is maintained
-Upon origination, require insurance to cover total value of line, value of property, or max NFIP insurance available.