Consumer Leasing Flashcards
What is a lease?
Contract between lessor (property owner) and a lessee (property user) for the use of property subject to stated terms and limitations for a specified period and specified payment.
What does the Consumer Leasing Act apply to?
To consumer leases of personal property.
What is a lessee?
Person who enters in or is offered a consumer lease
What is a lessor?
Person or organization who regularly leases, offers to lease, or arranges for the lease of personal property under a consumer lease. (A person who leases/offers to lease 5+ times in preceding or current calendar year)
What criteria must a lease meet to be considered a Consumer Lease under CLA/Reg M? (4)
Contract between lessor and lessee:
-for use of personal property by individual
-to be used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes
-for more than 4 months (week to week and month to month leases excluded)
-with total contractual cost no more than $58,300 as of January 2021.
What types of leases are specifically excluded from coverage? (4)
Leases for:
-businesses, agriculture, or made to org/gov
-real property
-personal property that is incidental to real property
-for credit sales (bail money)
What are the two categories of consumer leases?
What is Realized value? (3 options)
-The price received by the lessor of the leased property at disposition
-the highest offer for disposition of the leased property, or
-the fair market value of the leased property at the end of the lease term.
What is Residual Value?
The value of the leased property at the end of the lease, as estimated or assigned at consummation of the lease by the lessor.
What is an open-end lease?
Lease where the amount owed at end of lease term is based on:
residual value-realized value
And the consumer may pay all or part or may get a refund depending on the difference being positive or negative.
RV greater-RV less= Pay
RV less-RV greater= refund
What is a closed-end lease?
Lease other than an open-end. Allows the consumer to walk away at end of contract with no payment obligation - unless property was damaged.
What is the gross capitalized cost?
Amount agreed upon by lessor and lessee as value of the leased property, plus any items capitalized or amortized during lease term. Like taxes, insurance, service agreements, outstanding prior credit balance.
What is a capitalized cost reduction?
Total amount of rebate, cash payment, net trade-in allowance, and noncash credit that reduced the gross capitalized cost. (down-payment)
What is the adjusted capitalized cost?
Gross capitalized cost - capitalized cost + amt base periodic payment.
When are applicable consumer disclosures required to be provided under CLA? (3)
Before lease signing
Renegotiation of Lease
Extension of Lease
What are the trigger terms for advertising disclosures? (4)
Payment amount
statement of capitalized cost reduction (down-payment)
Payment required prior to lease signing
no payment required
What must ads disclose if trigger terms are present? (6)
-Transaction is for a lease
-Total amount due prior to or at lease signing/delivery
-number, amts, due dates, periods of scheduled payments
-if security deposit is required
-statement that extra charge may be imposed at end of lease term where the lessee’s liability is based on difference between residual value and realized value
-any rates cannot be more prominent than other disclosures and include statement that “this percentage does not measure the overall cost of financing this lease”
What terms cannot be used if a rate is disclosed? (2)
Annual percentage rate
Annual Lease rate
What are the record retention requirements of CLA?
Maintain evidence of compliance (other than ads) for no less than 2 years after date of disclosures.
How are disclosures required to be provided?
Clear and conspicuous and provided in writing in a form the consumer can keep
Can be electronic as long as E-sign requirements are met
During what phases of a lease should examiners review lease estimates for unreasonable balloon payments? (4)
At early termination
At end of lease term for wear and use
At end of lease term for open ended leases
in delinquency, default, or late payment
In which types of documents can disclosures be provided? (3)
In a dated statement:
-separate statement that identifies the lease transaction
-in the lease contract
-other document evidencing the lease
What information is required to be segregated on the model form? (in their own boxes) (10)
-Amount due at Lease signing or delivery
-Payment schedule and total amount of periodic payments
-Other charges
-Total of Payments
-Payment Calculation (Gross capitalized cost, Capitalized Cost reduction, adjusted capitalized cost, residual value, Depreciation/Amortization, Rent charge, Total of base periodic payments)
-early termination notice
- Maintenance responsibilities notice of wear and use standard
-purchase option at end of lease term
-Statement referencing nonsegregation disclosures
-Liability at end of lease term based on residual value (rent and other charges)
If there is more than one lessor who receives disclosures?
Lessors may provide the disclosures to any lessee who is primarily liable on the lease