Scotts Flashcards
The probability above which diagnosis is sufficiently likely to warrant treatment.
a. diagnostic threshold
b. treatment threshold
c. test threshold
d. probability threshold
Likelihood ratio is largely and often conclusive with:
a. LR 1-2 and 0.5-1
b. LR 2-5 and 0.2-0.5
c. LR 5-10 and 0.1-0.2
d. LR > 10 and
Which of the following is a diagnostic test?
a. test in a laboratory
b. clinical information derived from history and PE
c. constellation of symptoms
d. all of the above
The following ae gold standards except:
a. histopathology
b. autopsy
c. radiological findings
d. endoscopy and biopsy
A positive test is most helpful when the test result is:
a. positive
b. negative
c. equivocal
d. none of the above
If false positive findings causes physical, emotional and financial problems to the patient, you should have a test which is highly:
a. specific
b. sensitive
c. PPV
d. NPV
Chances that patient does not have the disease given a negative test value
a. Specificity
b. Sensitivity
c. PPV
d. NPV
Chances that patient has disease given a positive test value
a. Specificity
b. Sensitivity
c. PPV
d. NPV
Prevalence rate is:
a. (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
b. (a+c)/(a+b+c+d)
c. a/a+c * 100%
d. d/d+b * 100%
Sensitivity =
a. (a+c)/(a+b+c+d)
b. (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
c. [a/(a+c)] * 100
d. [c/(b+d)] * 100
Good agreement in Kappa statistics:
A. K>0.80
B. 0.60
- (Case 2, not complete) 25 students had a positive skin test. They repeated chest x-ray and sputum examination. 10 students confirmed to have active pulmonary tuberculosis. They were treated accordingly. In 2011, one student presented with nausea and vomiting, severe headaches and diplopia. On cranial CT and lumbar tap, he was shown to have TB meningitis. What is the incidence of TB meningitis in 2011 among UPCM class of 2014?
a) 1/25
b) 1/100
c) 1/160
d) None of the above
A study was conducted in Class 2014 (composed of 160 students) on the incidence of Syndrome X. At 2009, none had the syndrome. On 2010, 10 students had the syndrome. On 2011, 20 students (10 old, 10 new) now had the syndrome. On 2012, 40 students (20 old, 20 new) had syndrome X. On 2013, 80 students (40 old, 40 new) had the syndrome. Finally, on 2014, ALL students hahd syndrome X.
- What type of population is described in the case?
a. dynamic population
b. fixed population
B There are no drop-outs or new additions/recruits.
What type of incidence is described in the case?
a. cumulative incidence
b. incidence density
A. CI is used for fixed populations. ID is for dyanimic ones. Also, the denominator used is number of participants which is the appropriate denominator for CI. ID uses person years.
Gold standard for the clinical evaluation of treatment effect
A. Case report / case series B. Cohort study C. Clinical trial (non-randomized) D. Randomized control trial E. None of the above
Study design to report treatment effects for rare cases
A. Case report / case series B. Cohort study C. Clinical trial (non-randomized) D. Randomized control trial E. None of the above
Study design used to evaluate new (but available) therapies using population of patients already on the intervention
A. Case report / case series B. Cohort study C. Clinical trial (non-randomized) D. Randomized control trial E. None of the above