Scope and Methods Final Flashcards
a group of people who all experience a significant event in roughly the same time frame
randomized experimental designs
posttest design, repeated-measurement design, multiple- group design
non-randomized experiment designs
quasi- experimental design
cross-sectional design
a research design in which measurements of independent and dependent variables are taken at the same time
field experiments
experimental designs applied in a natural setting
intervention analysis
a non-experimental time series design in which measurements of a dependent variable are taken both before and after the introduction of an independent variable
multiple group design
experimental design with more than one control and experimental group
natural experiment
a study in which there is random assignment or as if random assignment of units to experimental and control groups but the researcher does not control the randomization process or the manipulation of the treatment factor
observational study
a non-experimental research design in which the researcher simply observes differences in the dependent variable for naturally acquiring treatment control groups
period effect
an indicator or measure of history effect on a dependent variable during a specified time
posttest design
a research design in whihc the dependent variable is measured after, but not before, manipulation of the independent variable
quasi experimental design
a research design that includes treatment and control gorups to which individuals are no assigned randomly
repeated measurement design
a plan that calls for making more than one measure or observation on a dependent variable at different times over the course of the study
time series design
a research design (sometimes called a longitudinal design) featuring multiple measurements of the dependent variable before and after experimental treatment
trend analysis
a research design that measures a dependent variable a different times and attempts to determine whether the level of the bariable is changing and if it why
branching question
a question that sorts respondents into subgroups and directs these subgroups to different parts of the questionnaire
closed ended question
a question with response alternative provided
content analysis
a systematic procedure by which records are transformed into quantitative data
double barreled question
a question that really two questions in one
filter question
a question used to screen respondents so that subsequent questions will be asked only of certain respondents for whom the questions are appropriate
leading question
a question that encourages the respondent to choose a particular response
open ended question
a question with no response alternative provided for the respondent
question order effect
the effect on responses of question placement within a questionnaire
questionnaire design
the physical layout and packaging of a questionnaire
response rate
the proportion of respondents selected for participation in a survey who actually participate
response set
the pattern of responding to a series of questions in a similar fashion without careful reading of each question
sample population congruence
the degree to which sample subjects represent the population from which they are drawn
single sided question
A question in which the respondent is asked to agree or disagree with a single substantive statement
two sided question
a question with two substantive alternatives provided for the respondent
central tendency
the most frequent, middle, or central value in a frequency distribution
cummulative percentage
the total percentage of observations at or below a value in a frequency distribution