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is the process of precisely defining ideas and turning them into variables.
researcher specifies how a concept will be measured
It takes qualitative values representing different categories, and there is no intrinsic ordering of these categories.
Ex. Eye color, race, gender
falls into categories
ex. agree or disagree
ranked and ordered
A spurious relationship
arises because two things are both affected by a third factor and thus appear to be related
Kuhns scientific paradigms
normal science, crisis, scientific revolution
normal science
paradigms of science that are rarely questioned
accumulation of anomalies
scientific revolution
the replacement of an old paradigm with a new one
what are the 11 elements of Empiricism
verifiable, falsifiable, tentative, knowledge, transmissible, cumulative, generalizable, explanatory, shows causality, predictive, parsimonious
major components of empirical research
-Development of idea to investigate
-Hypothesis formation
-“Data” collection (must consider reliability and validity)
-interpretation & Decision
-Modification & Extension
body of statements that organize, explain and predict phenomena
-conceptualize social facts
Critical Theory
the belief that the proper goal of science is to critique and improve society (by making it more just & humane) rather than merely understand or explain what is going on
Conducting a Literature Review
Start broad, gradually move to the specific
-Only include what is relevant to your research
-Seminal work that started everything is essential
-Find articles using the same variables
-Show how past research has utilized variables that you will utilize
6 Steps of Scientific Method
. Question
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiment
4. Observation
5. Analysis
6. Conclusion
Antecedent Variable
a variable that comes before both an independent variable and a dependent variable
Intervening Variable
variable that occurs closer in time to the dependent variable and is itself affected by other independent variables
Plausibility Probe
qualitative case study that is not expected to provide a definitive test of the connection between a cause and an outcome, but is expected to contribute to conducting such a test in the future
qualitative version of dependent variable
qualitative version of independent variable