scientific transformation (9) Flashcards
Johannes Muller
university of berlin- wanted to separate anatomy and physiology - early person tied to scientific transformation
students of muller called for what?
physiology based on chemistry and physics
Rudolf Virchow
conceived cell as center of pathologic process
who wrote “Die Cellularpatholgie”? and what was significance?
Rudolf Virchow – ended hippocratic humoral physiology (4 humors)
Ignaz Semmelweiss
obstetrician- noted puerperal fever and had doctors wash hands in chlorine solution which reduced outbreaks -died of sepsis
Louis Pasteur
researcher- did much to prove microorganisms are responsible for disease, putrification, fermentation
germ theory of disease
louis pasteur- microorganisms responsible for diseases
Joseph Lister
understood pasteur’s research-antiseptic surgery- planned for patient to be exposed to infection so used things to kill infections (carbolic acid)
Robert Koch
made bacteriology a real science “Koch’s postulates” - led to discovery of many microorganisms- cholera, tuberculosis -won nobel prize for his work (working off pasteur and lister)
early anesthesia
mid 19th century- ethyl ether, chloroform, NO
Crawford Long
MD-first to use ether in public demonstration- no credit
Horace Wells
DDS- first to use NO- did not work
William TG Morton
Wells’ partner- wrongly credited with first ether demonstration (was really Long)
James Simpson
MD- first use of chloroform and discovered it!- used in childbirth
“Century of Surgery”
~1870 now had anesthesia and surgery became “heroic” specialty with increased optimism
Theodor Billroth
many firsts in surgery- refined Listerian antiseptics -new abdominal surgeries -took daily temps of patients after surgery
William Halsted
student of Billroth- first to use rubber gloves in surgery -teacher of many 20th century physicians (SL Still)
Karl Roentgen
discovered x-ray using Crooke’s tube 1895
Marie and Pierre Curie
discovered Polonium and Radium- Radium used against cancer Nobel Prize
Willem Einthoven
EKG inventor- Nobel prize
Original cardiographs used…
saline solution to get electric signal