Scientific Inquiry Flashcards
What is OSHA and what does it do?
Occupational Safety and Health Administration and it provides a safe workplace, safety training, discovers and corrects problems. It applies to private and federal sector
What is an SDS sheet?
It is a sheet for every chemical that issues uses, properties and warnings. It has 16 sections
What are the sections of an SDS sheet?
Section 1-8: General Information
Section 9-11: Technical Information
Section 12-16: Non-mandatory information
How do you dispose of hazardous material?
You should limit the amount of hazardous waste, know the correct disposal or have authorities dispose of it.
What are accuracy and precision?
Accuracy is how close you are to a true value
Precision is how close your measurements are
How do you know if a number is significant?
Any non zero is significant
Zeros between integers are significant
Zero after an integer with a decimal point is significant
Leading zeros are not significant
What is a primary source of information?
Firsthand source
What is a secondary source of information?
Interprets, analyzes or publishes a primary source
What should a scientific source be like?
Accurate, reliable and valid
How should science be communicated?
Transparent, organized, clear and understandable
What is a pie graph?
Parts of a whole or percentages
What is a line graph?
X vs Y. Trends change over time
What are the steps of scientific inquiry?
Question. Hypothesis. Experiment. Collection. Analysis. Conclusion.
What is a control group?
Group with no changes to the variable
How many variables should you manipulate with each test?
Just one
What is peer-review?
It’s a review of your data and seeing if it holds up
What are inquiry-based activities?
Scientific inquiry activities with little help from teacher
How can you increase reliability in an experiment?
By repeating it.
What are the prefixes of the metric system?
Milli: 1/1000
Centi: 1/100
Kilo: 1000x
What is a preventable death?
Death that can be prevented with technology and medical advances. Tobacco is a leading cause of preventable deaths
What is negative feedback?
Process where body reacts to reverse a change. Sweat to lower temperature
What is a flow chart?
Chart with steps to follow. Algorithm
What is a beaker?
Used to measure liquid
What is a graduated cylinder
Used to measure liquid
What did Copernicus do?
Heliocentricity theory
What did Einstein do?
Theory of Relativity
What did Newton do?
Law of Gravity, laws of motion.
What did Galileo do?
Validation of heliocentricity. All objects fall at the same rate. Discovered Jupiter’s moons
What is a theory?
Explanation backed up by research. Proven
What is a multisensory learning environment?
Use five senses to learn. Beneficial to all
What is evidence based instruction?
Using proven methods for learning. Gathered from multiple experiments.
What is a formative assessment?
Used to know when and how to adjust instruction.
What is a formal assessment?
Used to see how much a student has learned. Standardized tests
What is an informal assessment?
Used to see if a student is learning. Portfolio, projects.
What is explicit teaching?
Teacher guided learning and discussions
What is didactic questioning?
Asking who, what, when, where and why
What is the mean, median and mode and what are they good for?
Mean: Average of data
Median: Middle value
Mode: Most common value
They are used to summarize data
What is range?
Difference between largest and smallest values
What is variance?
Distribution of data
What is standard deviation?
Measures variability of data, describes amount of confidence.
What is the carrying capacity?
Max number of organisms that can survive
What is overpopulation?
Too many organisms and inadequate resources to sustain
What is migration?
Physical moving from one area to another
What is emigration?
Leaving the birthplace for another country
What is Gemeinschaft?
Intimate community. Together
What is Gesellschaft?
Society. Individualism
What is gentrification?
Displacement of lower income residents by higher income ones
What is the formula for Population Growth Rate?
PGR= (Births-Deaths) + (Inmigrants-Emigrants)
What is the Malthusian Theory?
Earth will eventually reach carrying capacity.
What is fertility?
No. of children a woman bears
What is fecundity?
No. of children a woman can bear
What is the crude birth rate
No. of births for every 1000 people
What are biotic resources?
What is anemometer
Measures wind speed
What is a psychrometer
Measures humidity
What is a closed system?
Nothing enters or leaves
What is the 5E Model of Instruction?
Engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate
How should you prepare slides?
A drop of water is added and a cover is placed on top, place the cover slip at 45º angle to avoid air bubbles
What is chromatography?
A technique used to separate and analyze mixtures.
The mixture is dissolved in its mobile phase and the desired component is separated in the stationary phase.
What is centrifugation?
Process to separate a heterogeneous mixture by spinning
What is spectrophotometry?
Measuring the amount of light absorbed by a colored solution
What is electrophoresis?
Method to separate molecules by the use of an electrical charge
What is calorimetry?
Used to determine the heat released or absorbed by a reaction
What is titration?
Determine the specific endpoint of a reaction
What is the greenhouse effect?
Greenhouse gases trap infrared radiation, this is beneficial. The problem happens when human activity generates more gases than necessary, this causes more infrared radiation and a spike in temperature.
What did Anton van Leewenhoek do?
He observed single-celled organisms for the first time
What did Linnaeus do?
Developed a method for classifying plants and animals
What did Barbara McClintock do?
Developed the first genetic map for maize
Who was Mendel?
Father of genetics
Watson and Crick
Double helix of DNA
Bloom’s Taxonomy
In order from lowest level of cognition to highest
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation
What is knowledge?
Recall of information. Memorization
What is comprehension?
Appreciate the context of data. Associate, describe, discuss
What is application?
Use of information by solving new problems or proposing new queries.
What is analysis?
Recognition of patterns. Determine root causes, infer, troubleshooting
What is synthesis?
Creation of new ideas based upon previous knowledge. Build, make, create.
What is evaluation?
Reasoning and judging. Decide, select, defend.
Piaget’s stages of development
Preoperational stage
2-7 years. They need to see how things work to understand them. Difficult to think outside the box. Hands-on activities
Concrete stage
First grade to tweens. Begin to think abstractly, they consider and empathise. Cooperative learning and teams
Formal stage
12+ years. they understand through abstract thinking.
What is a law?
Explanation of events with the same outcome
What is a random error?
Not consistent across the data set, it does not affect the average, considered to be noise
What is a systematic error?
Will show up consistently and may be the result of a flaw in design, known as bias.