Science Vocab Unit electricity Flashcards
Static electricity
The result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object.
positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom
Negatively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom
An object that has equal amounts of positive and negative charges.
Charge separation
When electrons get excited; When a charged object approaches, it turns these neutrons positively charged.
Electrical discharge
Sudden transfer of electrical charge from one object to another.
Van De Graff Generator
An electrostatic generator that uses friction to accumulate and create electricity.
Thin piece of metal that melts to break an electrical circuit when excess current flow occurs.
Circuit breakers
Special wire that heats up and turns off switch when excess current flows through an electrical circuit.
Electrical breakers
Electrical current steady flow of charged particles.
Complete path that charged particles flow through
Amperes (A)
A unit of electrical current
A material that electric charge can move through easily.
A device in a circuit that converts electrical energy to another form of energy.
voltage/potential difference
External work needed to bring a charge from one location in an electric field
volt (V)
The unit of voltage
Instrument for measuring electric potential in volts
substance that strongly resists the flow of electricity
Electrochemical cell
Package of chemicals designed to produce small amounts of electricity
Dry cell
Cell that has its electrolyte in the form of a paste, usually in a sealed case
Liquid or paste that conducts electricity because it contains ions.
Conductor through which electric current enters or leaves a device or material
Wet cells
Electrochemical primary cell having a liquid electrolyte
Primary cells
Cell that produces electricity by means of a chemical reaction that cannot be reversed
Secondary cell
Rechargeable cell
Set of cells connected together
Study of chemical reactions involving electricity
Decomposition of a substance by an electric current
Use of electricity to coat a thin layer of metal onto an object
Device having resistance to the passage of electrical current often used to control current on a circuit
Measure of how difficult it is for electrons to flow through a substance
The unit of resistance
Variable resistor/rheostat
Rheostat is a variable resistor which is used to control current
Ohms law
Law stating that as long as the temperature remains constant, the resistance of a conductor remains constant and the current is directly proportional to the voltage applied
Voltage drop
Voltage across resistor or other device in a circuit
Instrument used to measure small voltages
Meter used to measure electrical current in amperes
Device for detecting and measuring small electric currents
Meter that can measure voltage, current, or resistance in a circuit
Series circuit
Circuit which there is only a single pathway for the current so the same current passes through all the components
Parallel circuit
Circuit in which the current can flow in two or more paths
Device usually with 3 layers arranged such that a small voltage through the middle layer controls a current between the other layers, allowing the device to act as a switch or amplifier
Circuit made up of miniaturized components, especially an integrated circuit
Chemical energy
Energy stored in chemicals and released when chemicals react
Electrical energy
Energy of charged particles
Mechanical energy
Energy possessed by an object because if it’s motion or it’s potential to move
Thermal energy
Total kinetic energy of all the particles in a substance
Device consisting of two wires of different metals joined such that a voltage is produced between the ends in proportion to the difference in their temperatures
Device that changes electricity at one voltage into electricity at a different voltage
Coil of insulated wire that becomes a magnet when current flows through it
Electromagnetic induction
Generation of electric current in a conductor by changing magnetic field
Rate at which device converts energy
The unit of power, equal to one joule per second
Kilowatt hour
Commonly used unit of electrical energy, equal to a power consumption of 100w for one hour
Law conservation of matter
Fundamental principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed
Geothermal energy
Energy from the internal heat if the earth
Organic matter ex food scraps converted into energy source