Science Study Guide 4-11-23 Flashcards
A fever is a ___________ __________.
Nonspecific Defense
Antibodies attacking bacteria is not an _______________ ____________.
Inflammatory Response
______________ recognize foreign substances by their antigens.
What cells produce antibodies?
B Cells
Does a vaccine produce active or passive immunity?
Active Immunity
Signals from your brain and spinal cord go to different parts of your body through _______ neurons.
A gap between an axon and dendrites.
What is the pathway of a reflex arc?
Sensory Neuron, InterNeuron, Motor Neuron, and Response.
Which structure of the eye bends light and focuses it?
The lens
An infection in your semicircular canals can affect your ________.
Sound waves can vibrate your _________.
______ ____ are not the only structures responsible for your sense of taste.
Taste Buds
Skin and Mucus are ___________ __________.
Nonspecific Defenses
A fever is a ________ ________.
Nonspecific Defense
Which are longer dendrites or axons?
Which lasts longer active or passive immunity?
Active Immunity
Cerebrum is often called _____ ______.
Gray Matter
A reflex is an _____________ _________.
Involuntary Response
__________ should be put in place to prevent concussions in sports.
_______ receptors in the skin are sensitive to many types of stimuli.
Brain Stem
Simplified: It looks like a stalk at the bottom part of your brain that connects the rest of your brain to your spinal cord. Your brainstem sends signals from your brain to the rest of your body. It controls many subconscious body functions, like breathing and maintaining your heart rate along with consciousness, awareness, and movement.
Simplified: The portion of the brain in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem. The cerebellum controls balance for walking and standing, and other complex motor functions and Posture.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain. It controls conscious activities. It also receives signals coming from the ears and eyes. It also helps with reading, speaking, understanding language, and storing memories.
Spinal Cord
It relays impulses between your brain and the rest of the body. Between the vertebrae are spinal nerves that branch off the spinal cord.
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