Science - Part 3 Flashcards
mass per volume
but is constant for a substnace, so it is considered an intensive property
chemical properties
chemical reactivity of a substance
breaking/creation of bonds
have different intesnive properties
why are polar and nonpolar bonds important
they can create partial charges on molecules, making them attractive or repulsive
hydrogen bond
bond used in water to attract oxygen/hydrogen
makes the surface tension in water and high heat capacity
special properties of water
- surface tension
- universal solvent
- high heat capacity
- solid is less dense than liquid, solid takes up more volume
how do ions move in and out of cells
through ion channels with concentraion gradients
diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane
0 kelvin to celcius
aka absolute zero
-273 celcuus
heat vs temp measurements
heat- calories or jo0ules, think moelcules moving faster or slower
temp- degrees, think hot or cold
what does the phase of substance depend on
temp and pressure
triple point
the temp and pressure at which solid, liquid, and gas phases of a pure substance co exist
the transition of a substance from solid to gas without passing through a liquid state
the transition of a substance from gas to solid wihtout passing through the liquid state
critical point
point where the substance coexisits in both its liquid and gas state
phase diagram
graph of physical states insubstances under varying temperature and pressure
chemical reacton
process that exchanges one bonding arrangment among atoms for a different bonding arrangemnt
two or more atoms
any molecule that containts 2+ elements
compounds: H20, C02, NaCL
not compounds: O2
substances you start with in a chemical reaction, usually on the left side
things that are formed in a chemcial reaction, usually on the right side
things that affect chemical reactions
- the actual reactants
- concentration of reactants
- temp
- pressure
- ph
- catalysts
single replacement reactions
AB + C > A + CB
one element is substituted for another element in a compound
double replaement reactions
AB + CD > AD + CB
cations switch places forming two new ionic compounds
bond between metals and nonmetals
ionic bond
the tendenccy of an atom to attract electrons
synthesis reaction
two different substances combine to form a more complex product
decomposition reaction
the complex product is brown into its parts
oxidation-reduction reactions (redox)
transfer of electrons between two chemical species
basis for rust, combustion, and energy formation in cells
the thing that gains the electron becomes reduced
the thing that loses electrons becomes oxidized
number of electrons does not change in redox reactions
a type of redox reation in which O2 and a little bit of heat or energy convert a substance to CO2 and H20 while generating a lot of heat
this is how gas powers a car and how our bodies make ATP
a compound that has a tendency to transfer a proton to another molecule
a comound that has a tendency to accept a proton
acid-base reaction
a type of double displacement reaction in which a proton (H+) and hydroxide ion (OH-) combine to fomr H20
question for acid base
Acid + Base > Salt + Water
or HA + BOH > AB + H20
pH scale
the measure of the H+ concentration in an aqueous soltion
pH= -log[H+]
goes from 1 to 10, with a 10x increase everytime
acid pH scale
base pH scale
> 7
neutral pH scale
exactly 7
amount of space that an object occupies
volume formula
l x w x h
answer is cubed
liter to cm
1000 cm cubed
um= micrometer
one thousandth
mm= milimeter
one hundreth
cm= centimeter
dam = decameter
one hundred
km = kilometer
tools to measure mass
triple beam balance & electronic balance
what do you use to measure volume in a lab
flasks or cylinders
where do you look for accuracy in a pipette
meniscus, the bottom of the currve of the lliquid
formual for distance
distane = speed of soundxtime
what is the speed of sound
collection of information
empirical data
collected by observation through the senses rather than being theoretical or otheriwse not derived from experience
collected without controls
usually the starting point
systematic procedure used to test a hypothesis
aka controlled experiement
must be reproducible
end judgemens based on data
an informed, logical, and plausible explanation of observations made about the natural world, which serves as the basis for additional experimentation
what stimulates production of antibodies
what results from a defecit of thyrotropin-releasing hormone
the thyroid gland does not produce enough of its primary hormone
if mineral reabsroption is prevented and calcium is not removed from bone, what happens?
blood plasma is low on calcium
what does acetylcholine do at the neuromuscular joint
binds to receptor proteins on the sarcolemma, which results in opening the sodium channels
which hormone deals with osteoblasts and oseteoclasts
parathyroid hormone