science, ideology and religion Flashcards
how are ideologies defined
as a broad set of cohesive ideas and political beliefs such as marxism and feminsism
ex. marxists see ideology as justicifcation of privilege of the rulling class and therefore a source of manupluation and control
how is religion defined?
a set of ideas and beliefs about the world
substantive (weber) religion is defined by the belief in there being a higher supernatural power
functional (Durkheim) religion is defined by the social or physiological role that it performs in society
social construction- interprestist idea that religion cannot be defined as it means different things to different people
dixon on beleif systems
an open belief system is one that can be challenged
a closed one means it cannot be challenged
popper on religion being an open beleif system
whist religion can go un-challenged
science is open as it is open to scrutiny and criticism from the outside which can change scientific knowledge and understanding
science is falseafiable
mertons support to poppers view
supports the idea that science is an open beleif system becuase he beleives that science grew from the protestant reformation and the death of an interventionst god
kuhn criticism of popper
khun- scientists work within the pre-existing framework that doesnt enocurage freedom to falsify
for exmaple einsten was shunned by the scienfitic community for his findings
therefore religion is like religion in the way it denouces all different beleifs
scientists have to be socilaisted into belefing the paradigm blindly
mertons CUDOS norms
what makes science and open belief system;
shared with everyone, organised scepticism allowing info to be falsified its value free and universally judged by the same measures
khun- paradigms mean open belief system
a pradigm is the domaint theory in science at one time
when too many new pieces of infromation and knowledge get added a paragigm sfit happened where a new idea is dominant
but this doesnt happen much and takes a ‘scienfitic revolution’ to do so and overalls cience is closed
polyani on religion as a closed belif system
in order to protect religious ideas from challenges religions have self sustaining beleifs by:
- circular arguments. when people question why something is what is is and it is answered ‘becuase the lords works in mysterious ways’ preventing falsification
- subsidary explanations
what is a subsiduary explainations
trying to disprove religion will always be shot down as closed beelif systems have a series of ‘get out clauses’ if a religious leader is challenged
ex asking why when you fly in a plane why you dont see god is answered with well god is more mythical like that he cant just be seen
argument that religion is an open belief system
herberg aruges that some religions have to dilute some of theri beleifs to maintain their relevancy in the ‘real world’
called the process ‘internal seccularisation’
ex church of england allowing women bishops
azande evidence of closed beleif system
evans prichard studied the azande tribe and found that their view on witchcraft seemed to be irrational to non beleives however the memebers wre so heavily in- doctrianted that they didnt question it
marxist view on ideology
gramsci argues that ideology creates a hegemonic domination where rulling class ideology is so. embedded in society that we barley question it
gellner argues that nationalism creates a false conciousness that everyone is equal and provides people with a false common ground to come together which reduced people questioning the rulling class ideology
argues that religion is one of the insitutions that maintains ideological conditioning as part of the ISA
criticsm of the marixst view
neo marxists argue that the ideology described by marxists isnt the only one there are other competing ideas in society, some of which can be developed against the rulling classes
gramsci and counter hegamony
feminist view on ideology
- ideologies have alwyas promoted patriarchy
religion has done by blocking women from psoitions of power
okley argues that material deprivation is a good exmaple of science acting an an ideology. as its justified gender ineqalities in the workplace claiming that the development of young children in damaged by working mothers stengthening ghte idea that men should be the only breadwinners
mannheim on ideology
all ideologies are the product of intellectuals who cannot relate to the everydya individual so thier ideas reflect their own interests
arguing there are two types of world view:
- ideological though which justifies traditions because those who control the idoelogy personally benefit from the current state of society
- utopian thought- attempts to promote social change becuase the current state of soicety doenst suit those who are constructing the utopian beleifs
we need to detach subjectivity from these wrkd view and create an objective worldview that every indivudal can realte to
‘free-floating intelligencia’