religious organisations members (religiosity Flashcards
why are the working class religious
- theology of disprivillege (weber)
- compensatory promises
- financial support
- sense of belonging
why are the middle classes religious
- spiritual deprivation
- relative deprivation
- social desirability
- family tradition
why more MC people go to church
2015 survey found that 62% of churchgoers are middle class
argument for this is that the middle classes aren’t neccecarily more religious. but are more likley to to use the church for personal gain
ex. penman bogus baptism to get children into better schools
what churches attract the middle classes
- established churches such as the anglical church is more MC due to its close links with conservatism
why do NRMs attract manual workers
people who feel status frustration deprivation from their jobs
Glock and stark- argue that world rejecting NRMs Jehovah witnesses compensate for lack of status and power or satisfaction in workplace
what chruches attract working classes
roman catholic church due to its predominancein countreis such as ireland
why are middle classes attracted in NAMs
bruce- spiritual thrust that come form not having to worry about material needs (spiritual relative deprivation)
eat pray love generation believe that investment in therapies can lead to an inner- spiritual perfection
heelas also argues that rich and university educated have more of aninterest in human potential and has economic resources to accses thereputic NAMs
why are old more likley to be religious
- disengagement: as older people move from the public sphere (leaving workplace and schools with children) into the more lonely private sphere religion provides community and belonging
- religious socialisation was more important in the past. primary socialisation was very prominent in religious moral values in the past (bruce)
similarly in the past over 50% children went to sunday school
why are young people less likley to be religious
voas and crockett; lifestyle is too busy for religion postmodernity
decline in religious eduction. 1 in 25 at sunday school in 2000
heelas; the period effect. young are more intersted in spiruality and undersadings that re alternative for mainstream religion
why does bruce argue that ethnic minorities are more religious than white people
CULTURAL TRANSITION initally upon immigration to a new country a cu;tural trasntion wehre immigrants keep stong religion to find a community
CULTRUAL DEFENSE long term cultural defense, rleigion acts as a defence to racism in society
haadad example of cultrual defence
after 9/11 young teenage muslims were wearing hijab more oftne in defence
why did joel bird argue that those of ethnic minoritys are more likley to be religious?
- immigrating from coutnries with higher religosity means more religius socialsiation and values that immigrants will have
ex 74% muslims said that relgion was a key part of their life compared to 11% white chirstians
why are women more likley to religious according to bruce
- women are less goal orientated and more collaberative which are attributes what make spritiaulisty and religion accsessable
- seccularisation is seeing worship move from the public to private sphere. as women spend the most time in that sphere they are more likely to have the time to immerse themselves in NAMS
why are women more likely to be religious acccording to simone debeuaviour
compensatory promises
raising newxt gen or worshippers while at hoem is lonely and therefore leads to religion for a communitr
criticism of debeauviour
aune et al-
womens changing position in society means womena re no longer oppressed so much by religon
norris and ingelhart on why women are more religous
they are more likley to suffer from insecurites such as poverty and things that religion provides a comfot to this suffering
HOWEVER doesnt explain the high volumes of middel class women attending church