Science and Religion Flashcards
Open belief system
One open to questioning, testing and falsifying by others and may change as a result of these processes- Popper
Closed belief system
One that cannot be disproved, because relies on faith of belief rather than empirical evidence
Period of application of rational principles and logic to the understanding, development & organization of human societies
Alridges 3 stages on how transition to modernity changed human understanding from more religious to more scientific
- Theological stage
- Metaphysical stage
- Positive/scientific stage
Who saw modern science as a product of rationalisation?
Science part of one of many belief systems
Impact of science
Distinguishing force on its own making it different and has cognitive power because can predict world
Mertons Cudos norms
If Popper correct why has science only grown rapidly in last few centuries
=Support from other institutions
What 4 ethos did Merton argue science needs to serve as a goal?
- Communism
- Universalism
- Disinterestedness
- Organised Scepticism
What does Horton say?
Agrees is an open belief system open to criticism and testing and being disproved whereas religion and magic is closed belief system.
Religion just based on faith but in science has to be proven
Self-sustaining beliefs
Polyani argues belief systems have 3 devices to sustain themselves
- Circularity
- Subsidiary explanations
- Denial of legitimacy
Each in belief system explained by another idea in belief system
Subsidiary explanations
Wasn’t done properly
Denial of legitimacy
Reject other views
Science as closed belief system
-Kuhn argues scientists refusal to consider challenges- mature sciences based on paradigms and ridiculed if outside these
Argue scientific knowledge socially constructed rather than being objective truth and created by social groups.
Scientific knowledge as far from pure truth. Serves interest of ruling class and capitalism.
Serving interests of males such as biological ideas justify male dominance
Post-modern view
Lyotard- one of many metanarrative , could just be another belief system