Science and Religion Flashcards
What is the Big Bang?
The Scientific theory that the Universe was created from a point of singularity with the collision of two atoms
What is Evolution?
The Scientific theory that species adapt over time to suit their environment through natural selection
What do Fundamental Christians believe about scientific theories on the origins of the universe?
They would reject scientific evidence as it seemingly contradicts the Bible which they believe to be inerrant. They would argue that any evidence is a test of Faith sent by God.
What do Liberal Christians believe about scientific theories on the origins of the universe?
They would accept scientific evidence but would say that God was the cause of them. They do not believe it to be contradictory of the Bible and may, for example, say “let there be light” was referring to the moment of the Big Bang.
How may Catholics argue that Genesis is compatible with Evolution especially?
They may see the order in which God created to illustrate simple life forms developing over time until the dawn of humans.
Pope Francis - “God is not…
… a magician with a wand”
Pope Francis - “There cannot and must not be any…
… opposition between science and faith”
Stephen Hawking - “Because there is such a …
law as gravity the universe can and will create itself from nothing”
State a quote from Pope Pius XII about Evolution
“There is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith”
State a quote from Saint Pope John Paul II about Evolution
“some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis”
In which book does St Augustine write about the origins of the universe?
The Confessions
St Augustine believed that God was…
(4 adjs and a noun)
The creator
Quote St Augustine in support of creation ex nihilo and his transcendence
“You were and besides you nothing was”
Quote St Augustine in support of belief in God as creator
“You O Lord, created heaven and the Earth”
Quote St Augustine in support of creation ex nihilo due to his omnipotence
“You created this thing out of nothing. There is nothing that you cannot do.”
Quote St Augustine in support of God’s omnibenevolence
“You are good and all that you make must be good”
Where is it stated that God created humans imago dei?
Genesis 1
What does creation imago dei mean for humans?
We reflect God in some way and therefore have the ability to determine right from wrong. This gives us a dignity which should be respected as brings made sacred by God.
Quote the CCC in support of the respect and protection of human life
“from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death”
What is sanctity of life?
The idea of protecting and respecting human life