Origins and Meaning Flashcards
Define Stewardship
(2 marks)
The God given duty for all humans to protect the Earth to “cultivate” it not just for ourselves but for future generations
Define Omnipotence
(2 marks)
God’s all-powerful nature which Catholics believe gives him the ability to create the universe ex nihilo.
Define Creation Ex Nihilo
(2 marks)
The creation of the world out of nothing
possible by God through his omnipotence
Define Transcendence
(2 marks)
The quality of existing outside of space and time
This is how God can be the creator of the universe
Define Revelation
(2 marks)
The ways God makes himself known to humans
He does this through the Bible and the person of Jesus
Define Inspiration
(2 marks)
Guidence, influence or motivation
The Holy Spirit inspired the writers of the Bible to write what is good and true
Define Imago Dei
(2 marks)
Latin phrase meaning “in the image of God”
All humans are created in God’s likeness as stated in Genesis 1:
“we will make them in our image”
Define Evolution
(2 marks)
The process of species’ adaptation over time to suit their environment
It was proposed by Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species” and opposes the fundamentalist belief in a fixity of species.
“God is not a…
…magician with a wand”
~ Pope Francis
“There cannot and must not be…
…any opposition between science and faith”
~ Pope Francis
“The universe can…
…and will create itself from nothing”
~ Stephen Hawking
“There is no conflict between evolution…
…and the doctrine of faith”
~ Pope Pius XII
Pope Pius 12
“some new findings lead us…
…toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis”
~ Pope John Paul II
Quote Augustine to support creation ex nihilo
“You were…
…and besides you nothing was”
In which book did Augustine write about the origins of the universe and creation?
The Confessions
Quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the belief of life beginning at conception
Human life should be respected “from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death”
How should human life be treated in response to our creation imago dei?
With dignity and respect as all life is a sacred gift from God
What is the Sanctity of Life?
The belief that all human life should be respected and protected
State the name of the idea that human life is to be protected
The Sanctity of Life
State the basic principle of Catholic Social Teaching
Catholics are called to promote human dignity, care for the planet and participate in politics to work for justice
Found in Matthew, state Jesus’ two greatest commandments
Love God
Love your neighbour
How many principles are there in Catholic Social Teaching?
(And state the abbreviation)
What is Gaudium et Spes?
And what does it discuss?
A key Catholic text discussing how Catholics should care for the planet, each other and work for peace and justice.
Name 2 Catholic charities which work for justice and equality